Activity for clueless

  • clueless clueless posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I have an XPS 15 running Ubuntu 20.04. I can't seem to get the audio working despite fidgeting between the JACK and Intel audio card options, and the various audio frequencies. This is apparent when I try to play the sample sounds and nothing plays. Can anyone provide some advice on how to properly set up JACK audio for even getting some sound from the app?

  • clueless clueless posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I have an XPS 15 running Ubuntu 20.04. I can't seem to get the audio working despite fidgeting between the JACK and Intel audio card options, and the various audio frequencies. This is apparent when I try to play the sample sounds and nothing plays. Can anyone provide some advice on how to properly set up JACK audio for even getting some sound from the app?