User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2 on MSP2MGF

    Splitting the input is the fastest and easiest way. I don't have bandwidth to change the code to do it programatically, even though that would be the nicest way to do it. If you are not already using Notepad++ (or something similar) then download it and use this to edit the file. Make a copy of the initial msp file (in case you mess up!). Open it in the your favourite text editor that isn't Word (it has to be a text format file and Word just messes it up). Grab as much...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2 on MSP2MGF

    Crickey. A 2Gb MSP! That's quite a bit larger than anything I ever considered. You are correct in your thinking that more RAM is probably the wrong way to do it and splitting into smaller chunks is probably the right way to do it. Give me a bit of time to have a think about it.

  • Committed [520cfe] on Code

    11 July

  • Modified a comment on ticket #9 on Lipid Reporter

    This is a bug. It is a quirk of the installer and file priviledges. See here for a workaround.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #9 on Lipid Reporter

    This is a bug. It is a quirk of the installer and file priviledges.

  • Created ticket #9 on Lipid Reporter

    Filters Not Remembered

  • Renamed a wiki page on Lipid Reporter

    Filters Not Remembered

  • Committed [8fb5b0] on Code

    Ticket #8

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Personal Data

2013-05-15 20:34:59


This is a list of open source software projects that clochardM33 is associated with:

  • Project Logo DDA Auto Exclude Exclude list generator for Masslynx DDA data Last Updated:
  • Project Logo Lipid Reporter Modifies csv files with a range of user defined filters. Last Updated:
  • Project Logo MGF 2 FOR-JSON Conversion of MGF files to JSON format Last Updated:
  • Project Logo MGF2MGF CH Convert mgf mass values to their nearest elemental formula Last Updated:
  • Project Logo MSP Builder 2 Converts text files (such as csv, tsv, txt) to MSP files Last Updated:


This is a list of skills that clochardM33 possesses:

  • .NET/Mono
  • Visual Basic .NET

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