Activity for Claudio Degioanni

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Christopher, We are using the versione 2.14 on that server, after the update from 0.9. regs

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Christopher, We are using the 0.9 version of openas2. Regs

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    You can help us ?

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, I need help about keys store, we add key using the command line command import cert. But the certificate imported it's not visibile from key explorer gui. There is some options to enable of command to comver file s ? Regs

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Works correctly tanks

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Works correctly tanks

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thank you very much for support @ Christopher Any idea when was released ? regs On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:52 AM Christopher Broderick wrote: Thanks - I will pply that to the next release. Error on resend module Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit -- Claudio Degioanni Skype: claudiodegio

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thank you very much for support @ Christopher Any idea when was released ? regs

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Any suggestions ? regs

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Help

    With openas versione 2.13 we have an errore when a message comes on retry i report it [18112021105232+0100-1268d7ac-c6d1-4037-ad1f-be9916765fa1@02529870103_B$3071206604] 2021-11-18 10:52:33.633 ERROR OpenAS2Exception: Error occurred:: MIC not matched. Forcing Resend Sources: {message=Message From:{as2_id=TESIEINT2020, name=TESIEINT2020, email=,}To:{as2_id=SEXLKAD963MAW6, name=SEXLKAD963MAW6, email=, x509_alias=amazon_almonature_prod} Headers:{Message-Id=18112021105232+0100-1268d7ac-c6d1-4037-ad1f-be9916765fa1@02529870103_B$3071206604,...

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Thank you Christopher Broderick the new version solve the problems

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Thank you very much for support the configuration of my opens2 it was very old

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Hi Christopher, I have checked the configuration it have more times declared the same certificate as certificate and certificate and key, so it's wrong. How work the connection from certificate with the alias of key store? Why the problems comes now after add a new certificate ? The duplicare are presente from 1 year, Regs

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    The kestore files contains the private key, the application it's used on production enviroment from many year. We add just a new certificare on partner. Any ideas ? Regas

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    After add a new certificate on send e recive message we got the error below 2021-10-06 11:30:42.202 FINE DefaultProcessor: DirectoryResenderModule started. 2021-10-06 11:30:42.218 FINE DefaultProcessor: 456 active module(s) started. 2021-10-06 11:30:42.218 FINE OpenAS2Server: OpenAS2 Server v2.4.3 started. 2021-10-06 11:30:45.937 FINE AS2ReceiverHandler: incoming connection 47337 2021-10-06 11:30:53.140 FINE AS2ReceiverHandler: received 22781 bytes in 0.16 seconds at 1.366 MBps

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Any news Christopher Broderick ? regs Claudio

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Thank you for response The error comes only with 2.11 version we already on production openas2 without error with versione 2.9.

  • Claudio Degioanni Claudio Degioanni posted a comment on discussion Compatibility

    Hi all I recive this error in send file using openas2 (2.11 and java 11) to our customer 021-07-13 09:09:38.566 ERROR AS2SenderModule: Error sending message. URL: http://hidden/::: Response Code: 412 Erro Interno - REC13 - Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. ::: Response Message: [B@7300fd3c [13072021090938+0200-4df49228-c6cc-4934-8d54-4141b56eff1a@8437012640016_D$3032179852] What can be the cause of the problem? Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow Regs Claudio