Activity for Vincent @ Combodo

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2260

    Error when linked object creation fails

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2260

    Hi Kamil, If you want the creation of the Ticket to fail if a sub-object such as a WorkOrder fails, then you must perform the Check of the WorkOrder dates also within the Ticket::CheckToWrite

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2280

    Errors after 3.2 upgrade (from 3.1.1)

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2278

    @molkobain This is weird as the class "ResourceDesignerConnectorMenu" does not exist in the iTop Community package

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    You are right, the zip file is not very good, the dependencies are missing... I will give it a look to create a new zip version using itop-design version="3.2" Thanks for reporting this...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    The error you report is related to a missing dependency "itop-config-mgmt" defined the server class and "sample-add-attribute" modifies in XML the Server class which does not exist (yet) When you create an extension modifying XML classes, then in the file you must change the "dependencies" array to list the itop standard modules which brings those classes, because they must be loaded before yours.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Yes, you can The ref is just a textual information, not used in any relationships It might even be possible to update them in iTop CSV import using the id as reconciliation key

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Yes, you can The ref is just a textual information, not used in any relationships

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2276

    Deactivate summary cards

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2276

    No, there is no mean to remove it globally for all Users. In fact this applies to all User preferences, there is no bulk modification option. With an XML iTop extension, it's possible on all classes which do have a summary card to remove it class by class, but then no User will be able to reactivate it.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hi, There are probably already 10 discussions here mentioning this topic. It's normal, it's due to the fact that the Ref reservation occurs before the true creation, by incrementing a counter (and it's no more using a mutex which would prevent or slow down parallel creations). If the creation fails for any reason, the ref number is used and not free-up, but the ID was not increased, that's how we end-up with a de-correlation between ID and Ref.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    According to the incompatibility wiki, the compatible version of combodo-approval-process-automation is 2.3.2 which is not yet available on iTop Hub, but will be next week (tuesday in theory)

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Third-party extensions

    Hi Cyril, The documentation of Configurator for automatic object creation - (code: itop-stencils) is ambiguous on the topic The change history says that this is fixed: *2021-12-21 1.2.0 - Fix clone/copy of Caselog and direct Linkset attributes * But the limitations still mentions it, as an Object-Copier limitation. Object-Copier is a different extension which is included in "Configurator for automatic object creation". Object-Copier extension is also known as User action configurator. It does not...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    You should also set a condition on the item_class, otherwise your test might be pretty false, item_id is only unique within a given class...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    You are not very precise about which filter you want, but it should be possible to follow the links, and if your logic is to say that Object1 can be linked to Object2 only if there is an Object3 which link them already, then this should do the work: Filter of <field id="object2_id" xsi:type="AttributeExternalKey"></field> SELECT Object2 AS O2 JOIN lnkObject3ToObject2 AS L32 ON JOIN Object3 AS O3 ON JOIN lnkObject1ToObject3 AS L13 ON WHERE...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    How can I customize iTop's interface and workflows through web development to better suit the needs of a large IT service management agency handling complex infrastructures?

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    $this->url()$ The url to access the current object in iTop console

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Raphaël, The widget used to search for an external Key, only searches through the friendlyname of the object. That one can be configured to include the organization code, in which case if the user enters an organization code the corresponding organization would be retrieved. That widget can also display other information, such as the code and the country of an organization, but those additional fields aren't used to search for organizations matching what the user has typed in the widget. Maybe...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on ticket #2271

    Hi, This is a well known datamodel issue, the ServiceSubcategory class do not have any field named "org_id", as a result, no limitation on what is visible to users. With an iTop extension, you can rename the "service_org_id" field into "org_id" which is an iTop reserved name for access rights restriction based on the User's "Allowed Organizations" <class id="ServiceSubcategory" _delta="must_exist"> <fields> <field id="org_id" xsi:type="AttributeExternalField" _rename_from="service_org_id"/> </fields>...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2271

    User Interface Sub-Categories of Service, too many displayed

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2271

    Hi, This is a well known datamodel issue, the ServiceSubcategory class do not have any field named "org_id", as a result, no limitation on what is visible to users. With an iTop extension, you can rename the "service_org_id" field into "org_id" which is a iTop reserved name for access rights restriction based on the User's "Allowed Organizations" <class id="ServiceSubcategory" _delta="must_exist"> <fields> <field id="org_id" xsi:type="AttributeExternalField" _rename_from="service_org_id"/> </fields>...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    No it is not possible, but you can configure the "From (label)" and the "Reply to (email)" email address on the various Email Notifications, so it looks like coming from 2 different sources and for sure the replies will go to 2 different addresses

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    This might be achieved with this Combodo customer restricted extension Also it only allow read access, it won't let your A2 guys modify Google assets. Another strategy is to use the field "org_id" to modelize the Silo (because this is the way iTop is designed) and create another field "owner_org_id" on Functional CI to represent a different organization notion, which would not be used to control access rights.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Arnaud, You might get more replies, if you were using english in this forum. Your filter is totally wrong because as soon as the Ticket has moved one day to the priority three, the filter will always matches. The filter to apply on a TriggerOnUpdate ( Déclencheur sur la modification d'un objet ) is much simpler, just do: SELECT Incident WHERE priority='3' The filter is applied in database after the object has been modified. And choose "priority" in the fields ( Attributs cibles ) so you are sure...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi RubenS You may obtain what you are looking for without writing any iTop extension. Just put all shared CIs under a "GoogleCloudPlatform" organization, separated from the others. And for each people in a different organization, but needing to access the shared CIs, give them the org "GoogleCloudPlatform" in their "Allowed Organizations" as well as their own organization.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi RubenS You may obtains what you are looking for without writing any iTop extension. Just put all shared CIs under a "GoogleCloudPlatform" organization, separated from the others. And for each people in a different organization, but needing to access the shared CIs, give them the org "GoogleCloudPlatform" in their "Allowed Organizations" as well as their own organization.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Arnaud, You might get more replies, if you were using english in this forum. Your filter is totally wrong because as soon as the Ticket has moved one day to the priority three, the filter will always matches. The filter to apply on a TriggerOnUpdate ( Déclencheur sur la modification d'un objet ) is much simpler, just do: SELECT Incident WHERE priority='3' The filter is applied in database after the object has been modified. And choose "priority" in the fields ( Attributs cibles )

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When you write "portal", do you mean the User Portal? If this is the case, it is not designed to display a very large number of objects. On my iTop portal, the "Closed Requests" brick brings 1500 objects in 2 to 3 seconds. The managed brick parameter for performance is set to "auto" or "lazy", avoid "full" as this is not efficient with your cardinality. <data_loading>auto</data_loading> In "auto" mode if object count is less than "lazy_loading_threshold" parameter, then "full" is used else "lazy"...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hi, thanks for the suggestion, I logged it as an enhancement in our iTop under N°7711

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    May I suggest to move the delta="redefine" from the "field" xml tag to the "states" xml tag <field id="ttr" xsi:type="AttributeStopWatch"> <states _delta="redefine"> Because this is the only thing that you want to change... It may help if out of the box this ttr stopwatch has other tags defined, for eg. if you use "Enhanced SLA with coverage window" then your XML would breaks it.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    I suspect that this disabling of script included in document is just a security requirement. So I doubt that this can be disabled...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hi Stefan, Have you checked this example to see if it does not give some answer... When you count TTO and TTR, with coverage windows (and holidays), it's done real time, stored in a stopwatch and cannot be recomputed with any simple logic based on other fields. If your SLA is based on a 24x7 logic, without any holidays, then maybe your computation is correct.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    This objective is achieved with this Combodo customer restricted extension, but you can write your own extension doing the same thing.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The internal behavior of iTop when a User has "Allowed organizations" and the object class has a field "org_id" is to execute this query "SELECT Class WHERE Class.orgid IN currentuser.allowed_orgs", which never returns those where Class.org_id=0 Should we switch the global behavior, so it adds automatically 0 to the user AllowedOrgs ? It might be a good idea. Also it won't solve your issue that attachment on object without org_id, get the org_id of the User (assuming that user has an Org_id, which...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Neither one solution, nor the other. I was more thinking that you could add an org_id to the FAQ class.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Jeffrey, Sorry for the delay. The change of behavior was made for security reason, so we are not really in favor of a rollback. Our recommendation in your case would be to define a "Public" organization, visible by everybody and hosting those objects with public attachments. Regards Vincent

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Here is the way to check when looking for recipients, if they have access only to the portal or also to the console:

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is no "universal" link available in iTop yet. You have to use the placeholder that works for the recipients, either by creating 2 different notifications, or by providing both links in your unique email.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Have you looked at this or that ?

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Can you set a trigger or more when you edit an Action? The 2 links use the same feature by which an n:n relation is no more displayed in a tab but within the details tab using a widget similar to the TagSet attributes (There is one in the FAQ class) I have never heard about such issue. In order to troubleshoot, you could try to replace "property" by "tab" in the "display_style" property of this line of code

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi, You should upgrade this extension to version 3.7.2, that might help. It was it working before. But before what, an upgrade of iTop (which version was it), an upgrade of PHP, a change in the mailbox configuration ?

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi, You should upgrade this extension to version 3.7.2, that might help

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Allowing any portal user to be able to modify the priority, is quite simple with an iTop extension by modifying the form with id "ticket-edit" and remove the read_only flag on the impact and/or urgency. "priority" being a computed field it can not be edited. <div class="form_field" data-field-id="impact" data-field-flags="read_only"/> <div class="form_field" data-field-id="urgency" data-field-flags="read_only"/> There is no way in a given iTop Portal, to allow field edition based on profile. So it...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Allowing any portal user to be able to modify the priority, is quite simple with an iTop extension by modifying the form with id "ticket-edit" and remove the read_only flag on the impact and/or urgency. "priority" being a computed field it can not be edited. <div class="form_field" data-field-id="impact" data-field-flags="read_only"/> <div class="form_field" data-field-id="urgency" data-field-flags="read_only"/> There is no way in a given iTop Portal, to allow field edition based on profile. So it...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2258

    Not able to raise the new request on portal

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2258

    Sorry but this has nothing to do with an iTop bug, this is just a very common misconfiguration of your data. This problem being one of the most discussed in the discussion part, give a look at them, please.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The documentation for importing documents is here For exporting, I don't have an easy way out of the box, you probably will need to script it. We have developed some private extension which does export as zip a set of iTop documents, there are probably other means to do this.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Documents can also be CSV imported assuming you have can access them with a URL

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2257

    Portal user not able to see tickets with in same organization

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2257

    Hi Sunilkumar, Tickets are to be used for reporting real iTop bugs. For such interrogation, start by using the discussion to see if someone has encounter the same issue and found the solution. In your case, the reason is most probably because your Portal user does not have the profile "Portal power user"

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2255

    Thanks for reporting this. For now, this might not be fixed very soon, if ever, because having Users which are not linked to a Person is expected to be used ONLY for technical users with no access to the iTop UIs. The Back-office as well as the Portal(s) assumes that Users are always linked to a Person, Otherwise a User has no "Organization", which prevents Users management delegation and access rights computation on iTop Portal. It also fails to display/edit person information in the Portal. For...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    "Virtualization Management Module" is part of the standard iTop. It's an installation choice, that you need to activate while running a new Setup.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2250

    Issue with Disabled contexts with Auto Dispatch ticket extension

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2251

    Try this XML, yours is invalid <field id="solution" xsi:type="AttributeText" _delta="if_exists"> <format _delta="define">html</format> </field>

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2251

    Error ticket resolved message in child ticket

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2251

    I suspect that the root cause is the same as in the display of the child UserRequest which also show an unnecessary text within the solution field. This is fixed in 3.2 (not yet published). The root cause is that this field is text only and the code, put some HTML in it. The fix is to change that field into an html enabled field

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    It's not recommended to have identical fields label within a single object class, as this prevent CSV import of those objects.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    I suspect that this extension should address your need.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2249

    ITOP Upgrade

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2249

    Ticket are restricted to reporting iTop bugs. For questions please use the Discussion section.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi, The answer is here

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Lucas, No currently there is no way in the iTop console to group fields into fieldsets in the transitions forms. This can only be done in Portals such as the User Portal, but this is not in the presentation, it's done in module-design[@id='itop-portal'] / forms / form Regards Vincent

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi, For now this is not possible with the current extension, but it's a good idea for a future enhancement... Thanks. I take note of it.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Unless you have made modification of the iTop code in PHP (which is really not recommended) or if you have written already complex iTop extensions, moving from an iTop Community to an Essential or a Professional, is rather easy, as those products are made of an iTop Community combined with a bunch of 20+ extensions (some public, some customers restricted).

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    I am sorry, but you did not provide enough information to help you. What itop version are you running with which extensions? Do you have some homemade extensions? I am unable to reproduce the issue, so I am afraid that I won't be able to help.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on ticket #2234

    This broken links exists on all Combodo's customers only since 3 or 4 years, and you are the first one to complain... So we will have a look at a mean to remove this link or display a nicer message... Thanks for this notice and sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2234

    missing extension download for itop-series ( recurring objects )

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2234

    This broken links exists on all Combodo's customers only since 3 or 4 years, and you are the first one to complain... So we will have a look at a mean to remove this link or display a nicer message...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2234

    This extension is restricted to Combodo's customer having a yearly subscription, as stated at the top of the wiki page, this is why the download link fails Combodo's customers only

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Thanks David, I have added your suggestion into the Q&A wiki of the 'Approval process automation'

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    How could we know? Ask the person who provided you those modules: osKernel:1.0.0, sample-add-class:1.0.0, hp-oa:1.0.0, hp-vc:1.0.0, ... Do a grep for "services_list" in *.xml files

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hi n1nj444, Carefully read the error message it's very clear on what is the error. It's an XML node that the file "itop-bridge-cmdb-services" is trying to set with a delta="define" And another module, one of the listed modules after "Loaded modules:" which was loaded before "itop-bridge-cmdb-services" has already created that node. Now how to fix it: find the faulty module, most probably it's not a Combodo provided one, so it's one of yours or a teamip (osKernel:1.0.0, sample-add-class:1.0.0, hp-oa:1.0.0,...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    "clone this request" is a configuration which rely on the extension "User action configurator" It is possible to request the approval from another state than "new", this means changing the default UserRequest lifecycle, adding or moving existing transitions. This requires either to write an iTop extension in XML or buy a subscription to Combodo and use the ITSM Designer which allow you to do it in a few drag and drop

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    The tooltip is not present in 3.0.2-1 , but the behavior is the same, the placeholder is supported, you can test it.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    In the "From" and/or "Reply to" fields of an Email Notification, as stated in the tooltip (tooltip added in iTop 3.1), you can use $this->caller_id->email$ to set the caller email in the From. Be cautious that if you put it in the "Reply to", then if your agent replies to the email, his answer won't be received by iTop so not added to the Ticket caselog, which does not look like a good practice.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    "display the same field twice but with a different title" Not possible to my knowledge. You need to have 2 different fields, but with some PHP code in ComputeValues method you can guarantee that they contains the same information.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    This is because the presentation details part cannot be inherited on children classes, you must do it on every single child class. <class id="NetworkDevice"> <presentation> <details> <items> <item id="account_list" _delta="define"> <rank>5</rank> </item> </items> </details> </presentation> </class> A class can have fields (directly or inherited) which are not displayed in the details (but can be used within PHP method, for eg.)

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    This is because the presentation details part cannot be inherited on children classes, you must do it on every single child class. <class id="NetworkDevice"> <presentation> <details> <items> <item id="account_list" _delta="define"> <rank>5</rank> </item> </items> </details> </presentation> </class>

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    This is because the presentation details part cannot be inherited on children classes, you must do it on every single child class.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    This is because the presentation part cannot be inherited and children classes, you must do it on every single child class.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    You can do it based on trigger, only if you have a lifecycle on the class, a stopwatch with a goal and thresholds which will trigger the trigger. Otherwise, you need a background task, which checks the expiration rules and when reached call the trigger. This extension exists for a good reason, you you can write your own doing about the same thing.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is no easy solution to be notified "after 2 days that a ticket hasn't been updated". No standard trigger can do that, as a trigger is triggered when something happen to an object, never when nothing happen. A threshold might do the job. You will need to create a new stopwatch with a 2 days goal and a Threshold at 100%. Then when the Ticket is updated while in that state, you should reset the stopwatch $this->ResetStopWatch('MyStopwatch'); Then use a trigger on threshold to generate the not...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Define no delta on line 3 (or use value "merge" or "force") and used "define" or "force" in line 5. Those tags do not exist by default. iTop and extensions, usually do not bring their dictionaries in XML, but in PHP.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It's a default OQL example Just replace FunctionalCI by PC

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It's a default OQL example

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    The order is not important, what is important is to have done all steps. The missing one, is most probably the Delivery Model with its list of teams and role, which must be set on each customer organization.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    No, this is not possible.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Nico, There are 2 dedicated events to set attribute flags, it cannot be done within the 2 events that you have listed. Check the wiki, I just updated it to explain where to find the available events and a description of their purpose

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified ticket #2225

    iTop Lifecycle Mandatory Fields Order

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2225

    Resolved in 3.1.0, the order in your example case will be field2 field3

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on ticket #2224

    Hi Ruben, Is the datasynchro updating this field? Because an "Update Policy" set to "Locked"on a field where "Update" is set to "No" has no effect. Are you sure that the object field you are looking at, was updated by the datasynchro. iTop created object are not lock, the locking does work per object not per class. You''re saying that only one particular data synchro does not lock. But you have not provided enough information for us to reproduce.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Within a workflow action you can execute one or multiple php method on the current object (In your case the Change, and this method itself can of course create or modify another object such as VM).

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Your question is pretty ambiguous, but I will try an answer. Itop can be used for those use cases: Usage 1: Used within one company by one department providing services internally, in general an IT department Usage 2: Used by a service provider providing external services, with multiple customers organization and users Usage 3: Used within one organization with multiple department providers providing services internally working in silos if required (usually an RH department willing to keep their...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    iTop is a unique product, identical on premise (Professional), on Community and on SaaS. What differ between those editions is the proposed extensions. Some extensions are only available on premise and/or on SaaS, not for the Community. 9> What do you mean by "type of use"? 10> Check Combodo's website for this. 11> All the listed functions are available within iTop, only 2 are limited to customers: Release Management & Sandbox (development and testing environment) 12> Supported versions do not depends...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Marlene, I don't remember that contact_id would be a field of the FunctionalCI class, unless you have added it to the datamodel with an extension. Maybe you can try to display the class lnkContactToFunctionalCI, or maybe multiple classes. I have never tried to display multiple classes within a ManagedBrick, but maybe this works... The other aspect, is that you need to define a scope for the FunctionalCI in the user portal, because the logic of the User portal is that whatever are your profiles,...

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    No, that 's not available.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    You cannot find that field "service-details" in iTop source code, as it's brought by the extension it-self. Check the file itop/data/datamodel-production.xml it contains the full aggregated XML with all your extensions and result of setup choices. You will see the form and twig to modify. This advice is valid for any XML changes you which to do.

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Yes, there is even a upgrade process, described step by step

  • Vincent @ Combodo Vincent @ Combodo modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Altering the source code of iTop is really not a good idea as it's not compatible with any future upgrade of iTop... Why do you want to do this rather than building an iTop extension? There is no specific tutorial for moving fields within a form, but this one is making a field mandatory in a form, so explains most of the work to do.

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