User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on cppcheck

    Hi, I found a preprocessor error in working code that stops cppcheck to continue analysis: #define IS_ENABLED(config_macro) Z_IS_ENABLED1(config_macro) #define Z_IS_ENABLED1(config_macro) Z_IS_ENABLED2(_XXXX##config_macro) #define _XXXX1 _YYYY, #define Z_IS_ENABLED2(one_or_two_args) Z_IS_ENABLED3(one_or_two_args 1, 0) #define Z_IS_ENABLED3(ignore_this, val, ...) val #define FOO 1 int main() { return IS_ENABLED(FOO); } Cppcheck says: test.cpp:3:0: error: failed to expand 'IS_ENABLED', Wrong number...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Development on cppcheck

    Cppcheck 2.2 reports an error in this (working) code: #include <iostream> int main() { bool a = 0; bool b = not a; bool c = not 0; // <--- here // output is "0 1 1" std::cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << std::endl; return 0; } Error: test.cpp:5:11: error: There is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If not is a macro then please configure it. [unknownMacro] bool c = not 0; ^ Cppcheck reports an error with every constant, not only with "0". Best, Cristian

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on cppcheck


  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on cppcheck

    Hi, I found a false positive in cppcheck 2.0 (previous versions are fine) in the following code: #include <iostream> void do_something(const char ** test) { *test = "test"; } bool test(int a) { bool ok = false; const char * r = nullptr; do_something(&r); if (r != nullptr) { ok = a != 0; } if (ok) { std::cout << "TRUE" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "FALSE" << std::endl; } return ok; } int main() { int c; std::cin >> c; test(c); return 0; } The cppcheck output is: cdf@work:~/tmp/$ cppcheck test.cpp...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Project Wanted on SourceForge Support

    Hi, I do not feel involved enough to participate in these projects, sorry.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Project Wanted on SourceForge Support

    Dear Olzhas, your project is nice and interesting, but I would like to join a project for a software that can be somehow useful for me. Instead, I would have no idea of how using your software. Sorry.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Project Wanted on SourceForge Support

    Hello, I am a programmer and I have experience in C++/Java/Perl (but I known a lot of other languages) and using *nix systems (principally debian-like distros). I worked in bioinformatics data analysis (e.g., see and and now I moved to embedded systems (YOCTO). In my spare time I enjoy play drums, play video-games, take photos and (obviously) programming. I usually develop linux applications using Eclipse. I search...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Project Wanted on SourceForge Support

    Hello, I am a programmer and I have experience in C++/Java/Perl (but I known a lot of other languages) and using *nix systems (principally debian-like distros). I worked in bioinformatics data analysis (e.g., see and and now I moved to embedded systems (YOCTO). In my spare time I enjoy play drums, play video-games, take photos and (obviously) programming. I usually develop linux applications using Eclipse. I search...

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Personal Data

2011-05-08 09:44:22
Italy / CEST


This is a list of open source software projects that Cristian Del Fabbro is associated with:

  • ACLE   Last Updated:
  • erne ERNE - Extended Randomized Numerical alignEr Last Updated:
  • libbiocpp An object-oriented bioinformatics library in C++11! Last Updated:
  • libdrum C++11 Library for Drum Tablature Last Updated:
  • ngs-suite A set of NGS tools for DNA-seq and BS-seq Last Updated:

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