Changed the function to generate a directory tree on the disk. The previous one had bad conditions.
Added copyright notice and licens notices;Removed some traces.
Fixed some bugs concerning adding and deleting verifications in the edit dialogof events; fixed som bugs concerning deleting and removing transaction in the dialog of events; enable for canging the text in old events; disable for removing events that are not the last in a series; corrected the date check of events.
Improved default value for the end date when transfering waiting events.
Fixed problems: The selection of the date limit of the 'waiting events' to be transfered didn't always include the ones with the last date; time_at_end_of_date converted to time_at_end_of_day
Fixed bug:Error when indexing array.
Improved handling of discarded invoices: Added a userdefined string telling the raeson why the invoice was discarded; Printing in the pdf file that the invoice is discaded and the reason for that.
Fixed bug:Allegro fails on assertion when asking for a bitmap with a width of 0.
Added old changees.
Added content.
Added new branch.
Added new branch.
Fixed problem that additional items in the item list of invoices will be clipped when the list is full.
Merged reopening.
Fixed bug: Didn't store the accumulated depreciations of the current year when the booking of the event was confirmed.
Added a new verifications tab for credit invoices.
Added some guards. Added indentation of account rows. Added handling of tax return. All of it concerning finishing the current year.
Problem that updating of the customer list efter adding a new customer has been fixed.
Added quantity for generated events in order to maintain the stock properly. In addition made som clearifications.
Fixed bug that caused memory error when deleting verifications from business events.
Added quards to avoid memory error and reference mismash when editing or removing series.
Fixed bugs that computed depreciations incorrectly.
Added the possibility to re-open a closed year.
Merged trunk
Merged trunk
Merged from trunk.
Merged from trunk.
Merged from trunk.
Added new error texts:
Completed and tested the 'finish year' function. Added the possibility to keep more than the last year open at the same time.
Fixed bugs in error handling in the re-written read-events-from-file function. Fixed a couple of imperfections in guards found by gcc.
A few cosmetic fixes.
Removed unused file.
Made a temporary patch to avoid memory error when changing language.
Changed country code to language code in language files. - some more changes needed.
Changed country code to language code in language files.
Canged country code to languge code.
Updated CB files.
Fixed texts
Added funcion for automatic generation of depreciations.
Added funcion for automatic generation of depreciations.
Added functions for generating account recievable records. Fixed bugs when correcting events. Introduced check of dates when recording 'hold events'. Fixed a couple of more bugs.
Fixed a couple of bugs related to the updated function for generating events from file names.
Fixed bugs in the changes committed to revision 119
Re-constructed generation of events from filenames
Added display of quantity in the ledger.
Fixed bug in floting point printing.
Added the (optional) possibility to state a quantity in the file name when business events are specified by verification file names.
Added functionality to support stock handling at the end of the year.
Changed sorting by invoice key to put unconfirmed invoces as the ones with the biggest keys.
Fixed alignement in sold items list.
Added preliminar handling of stock transfering.
Improved VAT claim tables.
Fixed a bug that crashed when modifying an already existing transaction of a business event. Cleaned the transaction dialog a bit.
Hello Joseph. That was good news. Well done! What kind of warnings were there? gcc version 4.8.4 gives no warnings on Linux. You can see the version number by command "gcc --version". Strange with the startup delay. A difference to the Linux system is the handling of dynamic libraries. Have you tried the static linked version? One can do that by running "make clean" and then "make STATICLINK=1". Alternatively you could test to change to a different initialization function in one of the examples,...
Hi OK, you can remove that line, but that will not solve the problem. There is a text file cgui/lib/mingw32/cgui.def. Line 114 should look like this: InsertIntoWinClip @112 Remove that line. There is another text file cgui/misc/dllsyms.lst which has a line 112 that looks like: InsertIntoWinClip Remove the text from that line but keep the empty line. In the best case this will solve the problem, but I doubt it will. It might seem strange that I haven't discovered these problems myself, but I am working...
Thank you for the bug report. I have downloaded the 2.1 packages (both zip and tar) and made a global text search through the entire source code, and get no matches for the text "InsertIntoWinClip" and get no matches. However, I looked into the revision history on sourceforge and found that there exists a reference to InsertIntoWinClip in the file obedbox.c in the src directory. Can you check if this is the case also in your code? If so, I guess that you have got an older version ov CGUI, not 2.1....
Extended the list view of items.
Added the possibility for the user to supply verification files for account receivable and account payable for generation of records in the day book.
Making the view of verifications (in the verifications tab) more useful by adding more columns in the lists and adding two more sub-tabs for other selections of verifications.
Fixed bug that the series number sequence get a hole if deleting a record from the day book.
Added version marking of the data base files.
Added missed update when a new event has been booked. + Toggled name and semantics of the flag 'ready' (to 'todo'), to make its meaning more clear for the user.
Improved error handling in case the loading of the text label file failes. Instead of a silent dead it will type an ugly message right over the graphical screen (because the GUI cant't be used since there are no labels available).
Constified som files.
Added code to make it possible for developer to activate cleaning of dead verifications.
Added the possibility for the user to enter a specific date when recording a paid invoice in the day book.
Added resources content to storage branch.
Added resources to storage branch.
Modified usages of english language tag in language files to conform with the parsing tool.^C
Completed first version of data storing concerning item's storage
Added files with code for storage handling.
Added some code for storage handling
Adding new bransch
Added new branch
Fixed NULL-pointer access that occurred when parsed filename contained non-existing account number.
FIxed bug that crashed when marking an invoice as payed with date.
Fixed bug that didn't cancel the 'confirm at' dialog for invoices when the user selects 'Cancel'
The user's selected settings for the invoice and receipt lists are now stored in the configuration file in a proper way.
Fixed bug that crashed the program when the user selects sorting the invoice list.
Added button for generating pdf printout of the general ledger.
Fixed bug that crashed the program if removing an unconfirmed invoice.
Committed the files.
Project for making it possible to remove and add verifications in existing event records.
Modified build files
Adding new files.
Just too many changes - this is however the first working revision.
Replaced english language code from en to gb. Corrected the percentage handling in mktext to follow the intentions.
Removed traces.
Extended e-mail sending with check for errors in the msmtp log file.
Fixed bug in handling of time in the edit box.
Bugfixed handling of references between events and invoices. Bugfixed handling of dates. Added filtering in the daybook.
Adjusted code to work with recently changed file names.
Renamed some files. Added missing files.
Moved 'Incoming' and 'Dialog invoices' to tabs in the main window. Bugfixes.
Fixed problem that invoices intended to link to events in the current year can link also to previous years events with the same series and number. Fixed problem that warning for date disorder occured also for buffered events not yet recorded, which are allowed to be in arbitrary date order. Added display of the name of of the entered account number in the transaction dialog. Fixed some layout issues.
Added dialog for easy recording of business events from properly named bank transaction files concerning registered invoices.
Improved the previous changes of invoce numbers; Improved the printout of daybooks;
Added function to control the speed of the mouse wheel.