Activity for swish

  • swish swish renamed a blog post

    [IMPORTANT] QDAC 3.0 SVN and GiT Moved

  • swish swish created a blog post

    QDAC 3.0 SVN and GiT Moved

  • swish swish modified ticket #1

    QAMF3 error SBadStreamFormat

  • swish swish posted a comment on ticket #1

    New fixed file attached.

  • swish swish modified ticket #1

    QAMF3 error SBadStreamFormat

  • swish swish posted a comment on ticket #1

    Thanks.I have fixed it.You are right,I change it to if IntPtr(p) + ALen <= IntPtr(pe) then for fix.

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QDAC]New release for QDAC 3.0

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QAMF]Powerful AMF format parser for Delphi

  • swish swish created a blog post

    Virtual Keyboard Helper for Android Updated

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QString]Fixed:PosW's AStartPos parameter not used or has not effect

  • swish swish modified a blog post

    [QString] Fixed:MemScan maybe dead loop in special condition

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QString] Fixed:MemScan maybe dead loop in special condition

  • swish swish modified a blog post

    [QDB] Fix CopyFrom function not work if source database has blob field

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QDB] Fix CopyFrom function not work if source database has blob field

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QString]New functions added for chinese

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QLang] Editor add support for simple chinese <-> traditional chinese auto convert

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QWorker] QWorker fix a bug in ClearJobState

  • swish swish modified a blog post

    [QLang] New! Version 3.0.2 released!

  • swish swish modified a blog post

    [QLang] New! Version 3.0.2 released!

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QLang] New! Version 3.0.2 released!

  • swish swish modified a blog post

    [QLang]Only $24 needed for users if you buy it before 2015-11-1.

  • swish swish modified a blog post

    [QLang]Only $24 needed for users if you buy it before 2015-11-1.

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QDB] SQLite support for QDB is working by 不得闲

  • swish swish modified a blog post

    [QLang]New compiler tool powered by 麦子仲肥 use qlang as multi language solution

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QLang]New compiler tool powered by 麦子仲肥 use qlang as multi language solution

  • swish swish created a blog post

    [QLang]Only $24 needed for users if you buy it before 2015-11-1.

  • swish swish created a blog post

    2015-7-22 SVN Changed to svn://

  • swish swish committed [r498]

    * 修正了FireDAC 转换器与新的TQConverter格式声明不兼容的问题

  • swish swish committed [r497]

  • swish swish committed [r496]

  • swish swish committed [r495]

    * QString的哈希函数变更

  • swish swish committed [r494]

    * 加入每天使用新日志的模式

  • swish swish committed [r493]

    + 新增使用 OnMasterChanged 和 AddDataSet 特性实现缓存明细数据的效果

  • swish swish committed [r492]

    * 修改GetAsVariant的行为,时间类型字符串按时间类型返回

  • swish swish committed [r491]

    * MasterFields 支持不同名称字段关联

  • swish swish committed [r490]

    * 加入选项控制是否延迟更新

  • swish swish committed [r489]

    * 主从表连接数据的例子

  • swish swish committed [r488]

  • swish swish committed [r487]

  • swish swish committed [r486]

    + 增加了在数据集未激活或设置关联字段时,通过 OnMasterChanged 事件来获取明细...

  • swish swish committed [r485]

    + 主从表示例

  • swish swish committed [r484]

    * 增加了OnMasterChanged 事件以便在主表变更时,从表能用其它方式来动态生成明细记录

  • swish swish committed [r483]

    * QDB 加入主从表支持

  • swish swish committed [r482]

  • swish swish committed [r481]

  • swish swish committed [r480]

  • swish swish committed [r479]

  • swish swish committed [r478]

    * 修正了几处内存泄露的问题

  • swish swish committed [r477]

  • swish swish committed [r476]

    * 修改了InternalApplyChanges和DoQueryReady的过程

  • swish swish committed [r475]

    + QDataset.CancelChanges 来取消变更内容

  • swish swish committed [r474]

  • swish swish committed [r473]

  • swish swish committed [r472]

  • swish swish committed [r471]

    * 修正了LoadTextW在检测为UTF8编码时如果出错无法加载的问题(改为出错时自动使用A...

  • swish swish committed [r470]

    * 增加了JSON 转换器的支持

  • swish swish committed [r469]

    * FireDAC <-> QDB 转换器JSON格式支持完成

  • swish swish committed [r468]

    + 加入更新日志

  • swish swish committed [r467]

  • swish swish committed [r466]

    * 修改计划任务掩码支持 */n 格式

  • swish swish committed [r465]

    * 修正了计划任务星期几的计算数值错误

  • swish swish committed [r464]

    * 修正了枚举作业状态时,没有返回计划任务作业执行次数的问题

  • swish swish committed [r463]

  • swish swish committed [r462]

    * 修正了QWorker Plan 作业没有初始分钟对齐的问题

  • swish swish committed [r461]

    * QDB 加入对 Interval 类型的支持

  • swish swish committed [r460]

  • swish swish committed [r459]

    * 修正了变更信息无法由 FireDAC 更新的问题

  • swish swish committed [r458]

  • swish swish committed [r457]

  • swish swish committed [r456]

  • swish swish committed [r455]

    * CopyFrom 函数字段列表加入默认参数

  • swish swish committed [r454]

  • swish swish committed [r453]

    * 重构的新版本

  • swish swish committed [r452]

  • swish swish committed [r451]

  • swish swish committed [r450]

    * 修改 QDB.pas 以支持 2007 以上平台编译

  • swish swish committed [r449]

    * 修正了 QDB 在 XE 上无法编译的问题

  • swish swish committed [r448]

    * QString.pas 中移除对 TBytes 的定义(2007自带)

  • swish swish committed [r447]

    * 修正了2007下无法编译的问题

  • swish swish committed [r446]

    + QDB 到 FireDAC 的数据集转换基本工作完成

  • swish swish committed [r445]

  • swish swish committed [r444]

    + HTMLUnescape 函数增加对&#xAABB格式的支持

  • swish swish committed [r443]

  • swish swish committed [r442]

    + 计划任务作业加入了持续时间范围的选项

  • swish swish committed [r441]

    * TQPlanMask.OnAcceptTime 类型加上了 of object 声明

  • swish swish committed [r440]

    * TPlanMask 新增通过回调函数对自定义时间点的支持

  • swish swish committed [r439]


  • swish swish committed [r438]

    + 增加 XE8 的 Package 安装包

  • swish swish committed [r437]

  • swish swish committed [r436]

  • swish swish committed [r435]

    + 新增 TQJsonStreamHelper 用于直接向流中写入 JSON 格式的数据,优点...

  • swish swish committed [r434]

  • swish swish committed [r433]

  • swish swish committed [r432]


  • swish swish committed [r431]

  • swish swish committed [r430]


  • swish swish committed [r429]

    * 修正了在 XE3 以前版本编译的问题

  • swish swish committed [r428]

    * 修正了 IOS64 下无法编译的问题

  • swish swish committed [r427]

    * QString 修改代码移除了几处编译警告信息

  • swish swish committed [r426]

    * 修正了 Utf8Decode 时对0x10000+范围的字符解码时移位错误(感谢qsl)

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