Activity for John Caster

  • John Caster John Caster posted a comment on discussion Help

    Based on the exception message you provided, it appears that you are working with a system that uses routers, and the exception is indicating that a specific router named 'BaseRouter157234' does not exist. The number in the router name may be different each time you encounter the exception. There can be several reasons why this exception occurs: Misconfiguration: The router might not be properly configured or initialized, causing it to be missing when it is being accessed. Double-check the configuration...

  • John Caster John Caster modified a comment on discussion Help

    t's great to hear that you have successfully embedded CLIPS within your C++ program and are able to build, store, and modify facts. If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to receive feedback or notifications within your C++ program when a certain rule is executed in CLIPS. To achieve this, you can utilize CLIPS' callback mechanism and create custom functions or callbacks in your C++ program that can be triggered when a specific rule fires. Here's a general outline of how you can approach...

  • John Caster John Caster posted a comment on discussion Help

    t's great to hear that you have successfully embedded CLIPS within your C++ program and are able to build, store, and modify facts. If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to receive feedback or notifications within your C++ program when a certain rule is executed in CLIPS. To achieve this, you can utilize CLIPS' callback mechanism and create custom functions or callbacks in your C++ program that can be triggered when a specific rule fires. Here's a general outline of how you can approach...

  • John Caster John Caster posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Leonor, Implementing a Rule Based Engine over data stored in Google Cloud is definitely possible. While I'm not familiar with the specific capabilities of Cloud Functions, I can provide some general guidance. Regarding CLIPS and the .NET environment provided by Cloud Functions, it may require some adaptation and consideration. CLIPS is traditionally used as a standalone rule engine, and integrating it directly with Cloud Functions might not be straightforward. However, you can explore alternative...

  • John Caster John Caster posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To begin with, I want to express my appreciation for your great product that I use on a daily basis. Secondly, I am wondering if there is any possibility of migrating from WordPress to Magento? The reason for proposing a shift to Maven is due to its exceptional versioning system and user-friendly nature. As a Java developer, I believe that transitioning from Ant to Maven is one of those tasks that should have been done earlier. Maven is highly customizable and solves many issues regarding versions...