Activity for Jean-Charles Isner

  • Jean-Charles Isner Jean-Charles Isner posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I have tried to annotate a genome but it seems that the stars (del) are not recognised by snpeff. Is this a bug? As an example, snpeff and snfsift gives this following table. Thanks, Charlie 198 Super-Scaffold_1 12465 . G ,A Broad_SNP_filter 1,0 1,0 9 7.77 A upstream_gene_variant MODIFIER g1547.t1 1 1095 -1 -1 -1 -1 199 Super-Scaffold_1 12465 . G ,A Broad_SNP_filter 1,0 1,0 9 7.77 A upstream_gene_variant MODIFIER g1545.t1 1 3924 -1 -1 -1 -1 200 Super-Scaffold_1 12465 . G ,A Broad_SNP_filter...