Activity for Alain Reymond

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Dear Juan, If I am not mistaken, both the binaries of Gnucobol for Windows provided from Superbol or Arnold Trembley include ncurses. So it should not be a problem for the screen section. Regards

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    You could try a much more up-to-date environment. I assume that you work under windows (you notice dll). Try Gnucobol + VSCode + Superbol. You have a nice code editor (VScode) with a nice extension to compile, edit, debug cobol code (Superbol). PS : I am just a convinced user of this environment ;-))

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Did you have a look at : Might be useful

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    You are absolutely right. No warning issued. I was just confused because we are porting (or trying to!) an app from MF to Gnucobol and it works without any problem under MF. Now, we know!

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    As follow-up, the solution is ti use the numval function : move numval(wss-test) to mydouble But the difference of behaviour of the two compilers is still astonishing.

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hello, here is a small program : 1 mydouble usage float-long. 1 wss-test pic -99.99. procedure division. move -21.42 to mydouble display "double : " mydouble move -21.42 to wss-test move wss-test to mydouble display "wss-test: " wss-test display "double : " mydouble Here is the result using Gnucobol: double : -21.42 wss-test: -21.42 double : 13224.42 and using MF: double : -.214200000000000015E 002 wss-test: -21.42 double : -.214200000000000015E 002 The result of the move from a pic -99.99 is "correct"...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Perhaps this contribution is a little late... We have a project of roughly the same size, divided into two applications, one with 150 programmes, the other with 750 programmes. It's not RM/Cpbol but MF. We're running on Linux and use VSCode + Superbol (thanks to them!) for the write/compile/debug cycle and Codeium to make writing the code easier. We were able to port the first part, which is in 'standard' Cobol, fairly easily. The characteristics of the code include * free format, * structured programming...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    As ever, the devil is in the detail. The DBNAME sould be MOVE "pgsql://localhost:5432/testsql" TO DBNAMEwhen working with postgresql. But it might be confusing because ocesql asks only for the dbname...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hello, we use some C routines called from different cobol programs (curl, regex, etc.). Is it possible to create a new runtime from cobcrun by adding and linking the C code so that programs can be called from this new runtime? Regards.

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    The 2 modified programs work under Linux: pgm1 starts pgm2, pgm2 displays the clock. When pgm1 stops, it kills pgm2 because the pid of pgm2 has been saved. But, control of the data displayed on the console display remains in pgm2. pgm1 accepts data but does not display anything. Only the clock runs! I do not know how to make 2 programs share the same console for display.

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Dear Eugenio, you could try to start a program in the background that updates the time every nnn seconds. You'll have to catch it's process id to kill it at the end. identification division. program-id. test_pgm1. data division. working-storage section. 1 my-command pic x(80) value z"./test_pgm2 &". procedure division. call "system" using my-command display "Hello from pgm1" goback . end program test_pgm1. and identification division. program-id. test_pgm2. data division. working-storage section....

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hello, Gnucobol does not handle occurs item in JSON GENERATE. As occurs is not implemented, a code like this : 1 person. 3 firstName pic x(50). 3 lastName pic x(50). 3 children. 5 child pic x(50) occurs 10. 3 pets pic x(10) occurs 5 . 1 num-of-children pic 9(4) comp-5 value 0. 1 num-of-pets pic 9(4) comp-5 value 0. 1 json-doc pic x(400). 1 c1 pic 9(4) comp-5. 1 c1-display pic 999999999. procedure division. move 'Mark' to firstName move 'Jones' to lastName move 3 to num-of-pets move 'cat' to pets(1)...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    OK, found : DB_HOME has to be set to the directory where the files are positioned. Not very intuitive, but it works. Regards

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    That is correct! When you close the file an reopen it, the records are there. More astonishing : I added testio4.cbl Run testio4 and wait. In another console run testio3 to add records 10, 11, 12. Now try to read key 10 from program testio4 : it is not found. Works well when compiled from MF. Very strange!

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    I notice something strange with an indexed file: Here a a small program called testio: $set sourceformat"free" *> cobc -x -free testio.cbl identification division. program-id. testio. environment division. configuration section. input-output section. file-control. select fdmyfile assign to "myfile" organization indexed access dynamic lock mode automatic with lock on record record key fdmyfile-key file status myfile-status. data division. file section. fd fdmyfile. 1 fdmyfile-key pic 9(8). working-storage...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Yes of course. But a compilation error or at least a warning should be raised. No error is reported, so you think the generated executable is correct although its behaviour does not match the program specification concerning the duplicates in the split key. Anyway, it is good to know what happens!

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Ok, so I was not the only one! This should raise an error during compilation. @sf-mensch : is it a problem that should be reported as a bug ? Regards, Alain

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    I think that I found the problem! A file is declared so : select bilans assign to "bilans" organization indexed access dynamic record key b-clefbil9 alternate record key b-idp with duplicates alternate record key b-med with duplicates alternate record key split-facture = b-aaaa b-numfacture with duplicates file status bilans-status. When the program is compiled so: cobc -x convertfiles.cbl no compilation error is returned although the line " alternate record key split-facture = b-aaaa b-numfacture...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    The Linux versions were not built from the tarball but come from the EPEL repo : EPEL 9 for x86_64, EPEL 8 for x86_64 and EPEL 7 for x86_64. They were install from the rpm files : gnucobol-3.2-1.el9.x86_64.rpm (el8, e7 respectively) and worked out of the box ... or almost!

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Hello, I want to create a file containing a split key defined as alternate record key split-invoice = invoice-year invoice-number with duplicates Under Windows Gnucobol 3.3, there is no problem. Under Redhat Linux 9.4 or Centos 7 and Gnucobol 3.2.0, the program compiles but returns a file status error 22 each time the program tries to write a record in the file. For information , our configuration under Centos 7: cobc (GnuCOBOL) 3.2.0 Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Licence GPLv3+รก:...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond modified a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Chuck, the MF runtime is version 5.0 (version 8.0 on the backup server). We use ODBC (UnixODBC) to access the Postgresql database. The code is compiled with the $set sql(dbman=odbc) directive. We have been using this for years without any problem. The odbc for Postresql driver is psqlODBC, the standard odbc driver installed via the postgresqlXX-odbc rpm. Nothing special, then!

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Chuck, the MF runtime is version 5.0 (version 8.0 on the backup server). We use ODBC (UnixODBC) to access the Postgresql database. The code is compiled with the $set sql(dbman=odbc) directive. We have been using this for years without any problem.

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Thank you Simon for your experience feedback. Regards

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Hello, we have an application running with MF Cobol under RHEL7 (and RHEL8) that relies entirely on a Postgresql database and thus embedded sql for cobol. Under the MF development environment, we can debug the code with the "exec sql" statements. According to your experience, what would you advise as precompiler for Gnucobol : gixsql or ocsql ? Any return on stability, debug at source level , etc? Best regards, Alain

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    VSCode has different cobol extensions. This makes it a very versatile editor. The Superbol extension for gnucobol is very promising :

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on ticket #297

    Hello, Is there a plan to include the 'CBL_EXEC_RUN_UNIT' to create synchronous or asynchronous run unit ? I wish the project a fantastic 2024! Alain

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Dear Simon, Thank you for the very useful information. I'll try that. I investigate and this is not a problem due to split keys but to alternate keys and to be more precise, to the number of different values in an alternate key. I found that in one of our alternate keys, all values where the same. Here is a graphic of the time it takes to create the file for 10.000 records depending on how many different values there are in the alternate key. If the alternate key is all the same, it takes 33s to...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    I thank you for the information. I assume that there is no problem with the split keys because there isn't any error message. points to a 5.3 version. I downloaded the latest version 18.1.40 and ran a configure and make. I must confess that I hesitate to install it on my system which is stable so... I'll make test without the split key. Regards Alain

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL

    Dear all, I am testing Gnucobol under Centos 7.9 64bits. Gnucobol was installed using yum and the version is (GnuCOBOL) The file manager is BDB. I tried to transform a line sequential to an ISAM file. The file has 450000 records of 180 chars length - not that big!. The ISAM has a primary key and 4 alternate keys with duplicates ; one of the alternate keys is a split key. All key are numbers defined as pic 9(7). The program is minimalist ! perform until eof read txtfile NEXT at END set eof...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help

    You might have a look at the sourceforge Gnuplot/C project Also, you may pass gnuplot commands using popen in C.

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, Is it possible to have a color gradient between filledcurves ? In the followinf exeample, I would like to have a gradient from green to red starting at the central green line and stoping at the upper red line ; and the same starting from the green line and stopping at the lower red line. That instead of the unique cyan color. $data1 << EOD 1 "1" 3.12 9.47 22.17 2 "2" 5.52 13.19 29.7 3 "3" 2.79 10.6 25.82 4 "4" 2.29 6.44 15.85 5 "5" 2.04 4.14 9.7 6 "8" 1.53 3.2 8.67 7 "12" 0.87 2.26 8.89 EOD...

  • Alain Reymond Alain Reymond posted a comment on ticket #71

    Same with OpenNX- under Windows 7 - 64bits. It crashes during connecti...