Hello, is there any news on this feature? Could not find any mention of this local port in changelogs. My use case is just like original poster: the ability to send messages to an user (or broadcast) from monitoring applications (Prometheus Alertmanager, Zabbix, …) for moments where there is no Internet access.
Hello, I want to add Adminer to ISPConfig, but not the way the [existing plugin](https://github.com/natanfelles/adminer-ispconfig has done it. It uses the ISPConfig remote API where I simply want to check if browser is already logged in on ISPConfig (to decide whether to display Adminer or deny) and don't want to auto-fill/connect to SQL database. The adminer.php file would be served from the same host, port and path as ISPConfig (http://ispconfig.example.com:8080/adminer.php) The way to check for...
Hello, I want to add Adminer to ISPConfig, but not the way the [existing plugin](https://github.com/natanfelles/adminer-ispconfig has done it. It uses the ISPConfig remote API where I simply want to check if browser is already logged in on ISPConfig (to decide whether to display Adminer or deny) and don't want to auto-fill/connect to SQL database. The adminer.php file would be served from the same host, port and path as ISPConfig (http://ispconfig.example.com:8080/adminer.php) The way to check for...
The compile.php file you get with the source code builds/generates the "compiled" adminer.php. Just execute it: php compile.php. Note: When doing this in order to debug, I comment the $file = php_shrink($file); line to avoid getting a un-human-readable file ;)
The compile.php you get from the source code builds/generates the "compiled" adminer.php. Note: When doing this in order to debug, I comment the $file = php_shrink($file); line to avoid getting a un-human-readable file ;)
I have the exact same issue with v4.5.5.5-1~getdeb1 (on a Ubuntu 14.04): I get disconnected...