Activity for Larry Gray

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #270

    Blue Coated Scouts

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #269

    Fortify all Units in conquired city.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #268

    Activity notes on Hover

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #267

    Long Turn

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on ticket #266

    time=tile in or on the same tile.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #266

    Grouping Units, Group Movement

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on ticket #265

    And for example number of professional cigar makers at the city. Grey button means not displayed, hit again and it shows total in or outside city. Hit again and it shows only inside city. Hit again and it shows only inside of city not idle and again only ones inside city idle. I know a bit complex but maybe not that bad to code. As to how to alter the icon each click. I don't know. Maybe I II III or IV in each image. Just a thought.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on ticket #265

    The idea here is to make switching view of stats as fast as possible.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on ticket #265

    You can start with any kind of workable icons for each stat then improve them over time to be more representative.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on ticket #265

    Another would be number of idle citizens outside city and number of citizens in work slots that are idle.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't see the bonus level in the new interface? Am I missing it?

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #265

    Display of stats at City location.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on ticket #256

    Sounds great. I would also like unit grouping. I could make a caravan then move them as a group.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #264

    Turn Report Filtering

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray modified a comment on ticket #3370

    I've never seen a ghost free citizen or other professional or any other unit that could wield a weapon as the ghost unit or as far as I recall or turn into a ghost blue coated soldier unit upon loss of rifle or death. You always get server can't do that on any action except end turn or build new settlement. Again build new settlement only had a long pause then I think went on as if you had hit end turn.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on ticket #3370

    I've never seen a ghost free citizen or other professional or any other unit that could wield a weapon as the ghost unit or as far as I recall turn into a ghost blue coated soldier unit upon loss of rifle or death. You always get server can't do that on any action except end turn or build new settlement. Again build new settlement only had a long pause then I think went on as if you had hit end turn.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #3370

    Worse bug is Ghost units or soldier bug

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm currently studying the code. I'd like to look at making a long turn mod for the game. 24 hour turns. It's the only real way to play human vs human for me anyway.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Have you looked at using JDeploy for making install files for Linux, Mac and Windows?

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray created ticket #3254

    .12.0 ui issues

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [728a51]

    Working on new project layout

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [d66926]

    Working on new project layout

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [eb07d1]

    added an unjar build task

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [2bb8fc]

    working on open/save

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [93f7c0]

    working on open/save

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [dbd0d4]

    implemented < << > >> record nav

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [a7595c]

    added fxml fields

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [31eb83]

    fxml update added stats

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [e3b5a2]

    working on record navigation

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [ebf3f1]

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [e02001]

    added open/save feature and two demo dat files

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [a63522]

    adding in add/update SurveyLines

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [db5e78]

    adding in add/update SurveyLines

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [13def2]

    Worked on FXML and updating station info

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [47a3be]

    idea config

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [752dec]

    idea config

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [64722f]

    idea config

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [5d76e3]

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [9dc541]

    working on controller

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [10a03c]

    Overhauled the whole thing. Rebuild from scratch. Now everything seems to work except running the class, but Only running jar is needed.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [bd6dae]


  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [5ac2a4]

    new file structure

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [9de06e]

    New UI work

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [b2e020]

    Latest fixes, runs from class or jar file but not from and run task

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [045af7]

    test commit

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    ok nice, never read that in the docs. thanks, I wondered why they randomly appreared sometimes. I thought they generally all had to be recruited from europe.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    ok nice, never read that in the docs. thanks

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Do units stationed in cities where it says outside colony consume any food? It might be a bug but I've had larger settlements consume 200 up to 200 food suddenly sometimes so I have to keep food level below 100 and it doesn't seem to use too much. I alway assumed units outside colony don't consume food. If they do it doesn't show in the -somenmber of food consumed.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Do unist stationed in cities where it says outside colony consume any food? It might be a bug but I've had larger settlements consume 200 up to 200 food suddenly sometimes so I have to keep food level below 100 and it doesn't seem to use too much. I alway assumed units outside colony don't consume food. If they do it doesn't show in the -somenmber of food consumed.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Do unit stationed in cities where it says outside colony consume any food? It might be a bug but I've had larger settlements consume 200 up to 200 food suddenly sometimes so I have to keep food level below 100 and it doesn't seem to use too much. I alway assumed units outside colony don't consume food. If they do it doesn't show in the -somenmber of food consumed.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help

    Another thing, you can spy with scouts, so you can calculate the combat strength of a fortified unit if you only knew the numbers. We know terrain and fort modifiers.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray modified a comment on discussion Help

    Ok, I guess I understand. So you see in the image there are no links to infantry, dragoons, calvary, etc. showing their strength or same with muskets or hourses, don't show how they add combat strength to units. Or is it that they don't? It's just number of attacks they can withstand?

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok, I guess I understand.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help There are many online uml modeling tools. I wonder if we could collaborate and get some charting done for free col. Are there any charts available already?

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think there may be something wrong with combat resolution when attacking any settlement with a stockade or higher fortification. I seem to expend way too many cannons to even kill a veteran soldier with rifles. I would like to se a dialog box that shows combat modifiers and resolution with any single attack/defence if option set in menu to do so. So that I could see what is really going on. Also your Colonpedia doesn't show Infantry or Calvalry info with attack defence. And nothing in there on...

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help

    so I gues I pulled up some build.xml viewer, I click run and it runs

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help

    never mind, the ant run file works fine lol

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help

    I run the ant build file. it completed fine, but nothing ran and I can't find any jar file it might have made

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help

    c:\dev2\java\jdk11\bin\java.exe -javaagent:C:\dev2\java\ide\idea\lib\idea_rt.jar=50547:C:\dev2\java\ide\idea\bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath C:\dev2\java\freecol\freecol-0.11.6-src\freecol\out\production\freecol;C:\dev2\java\freecol\freecol-0.11.6-src\freecol\jars\miglayout-core-4.2.jar;C:\dev2\java\freecol\freecol-0.11.6-src\freecol\jars\cortado-0.6.0.jar;C:\dev2\java\freecol\freecol-0.11.6-src\freecol\jars\jogg-0.0.17.jar;C:\dev2\java\freecol\freecol-0.11.6-src\freecol\jars\miglayout-swing-4.2.jar;C:\dev2\java\freecol\freecol-0.11.6-src\freecol\jars\jorbis-0.0.17.jar;C:\dev2\java\freecol\freecol-0.11.6-src\freecol\jars\commons-cli-1.1.jar...

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Help

    I attached a screen shot. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class cannot be cast to class ( and are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap') at net.sf.freecol.FreeCol.getJarURLConnection( at net.sf.freecol.FreeCol.main( I guess this is not the way to start it up when developing. I am on win 10, using idea...

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [3c3a7a]

    javaledger fixes, testing, I added javafx journal editor tool

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [b3c01f]

    rpg code

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Project Wanted

    I'm working on these open source projects today. These are open source projects all Java if you are interested

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Project Wanted

    I'm working on these open source projects today. These are open source projects I need help with. All Java

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [7ae350]


  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [80ebf2]

    New JavaRef build

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [4cd865]

    New JavaGG build

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [58d313]

    New JavaWhiteBoard build

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [07109c]

    New JavaHeatWave build

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [826ef8]

    New JavaCaveMaps build

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [68f1c8]

    New JavaQuiz build

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [069831]

    fixing accounts report

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [493722]

    very close on large report

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [68ddf6]

    Working on big balances report and ReportModel

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [07af04]

    Working on big balances report and ReportModel

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [933740]

    Working on big balances report

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [91ef82]

    Mostly working on reports

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [ba0293]

    Major refactoring. Edited Javadocs and comments.

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [bf8958]

    Finished balance report for showing single month

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [6b42a4]

    First big commit after report fix

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray committed [80fd2c]


  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yup black and white, so how do tell It I want folders in blue and executables in green?

  • Larry Gray Larry Gray posted a comment on discussion Programmers Wanted Im basically starting over on these. I just began a new Git repo on each... Under that each developer will make a folder uisng his user name and then subfolders for examples, casetest, demo etc. Basically I don't have much time for large project work. All I have time for is to work on testing possible features.. If...

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