User Activity

  • Created ticket #187 on Yet Another Java Service Wrapper

    bat files fail on Windows if space in path name

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Yet Another Java Service Wrapper

    Found the bug. in setenv.bat, I had to add the double quotes around the set conf_file line. set conf_file="%wrapper_home%/conf/wrapper.conf"

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Yet Another Java Service Wrapper

    I used a good wrapper.conf file from the previous working setup, to see if I could use yajsw from a Program Files directory. Nope. When I run installService.bat, the command line ends up with a couple of errors: -Dwrapper.config=C:\Program -Dwrapperx.config=C:\Program,null Which results in: error during install 123 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. Service C:\Program Files\EFI\Metrix\JREX64\bin\javaw.exe NOT installed Looking through the environment settings, I see...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Yet Another Java Service Wrapper

    I've been experimenting with YAJSW 13.01 I was able to use the genConfig.bat to get a working configuration for our java application when YAJSW was installed in /Users/John/Downloads/YAJSW Since we will want to have it installed in the same directory as our application, I copied the YAJSW directory tree to "C:/Program Files/AppName/Service" When I run genConfig.bat from that directory, the console output looks correct until: creating java configuration file ----------------- Output file: C:\Program...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Launch4j Executable Wrapper

    I have a large java app built with Launch4J that works fine on every system I've tried - except for the German Win 7 x64 installation. (also fails on Spanish, haven't tried other non-English systems.) On that system it doesn't work. And that means running the .exe just immediately returns to the command line. No apparent java task in Task Manager. I tried adding --l4j-debug to the command line, but I didn't find any sign of a log file anywhere. (Just where is it supposed to be created?) Any suggestions...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Launch4j Executable Wrapper

    Our java app is installed 95% of the time on a 64 bit OS. So management wants us to imbed a 64 bit JVM. (so the user doesn't have to do the extra steps to download and install one.) I've found that Launch4J will try to use the imbedded VM - even on a 32 bit OS. I'm using xml: <bundledJre64bit>true</bundledJre64bit> <runtimeBits>32/64</runtimeBits> <jdkPreference>preferJre</jdkPreference> So, Is there any way to have it ignore the imbedded VM if it's running on a 32 bit OS?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    I'll pay $150 for a fully configured image. (or a working image with instructions/help...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on RasPBX - Asterisk for Raspberry Pi

    After downloading the RasPBX image, and finding it's missing the Admin module, then...

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2006-01-06 19:13:45


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  • SensibleEmail Email client based on the Eclipse RCP platform. Last Updated:

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