Activity for Chris Roper

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I also found this post that may solve your problems: Cheers Chris

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Now that I have a better understanding of your intent, I can see that you are on totally the wrong track. All you are doing is assigning a value to a variable called portpin. What you are attempting to do is assign a value, that is the address of a port, to a variable called portpin and then use that variable to indirectly address a bit within that port. In short It can't be done in GCBasic in the way that you thought, however, you can work around it in GCBasic by embedding assembler code into your...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is probably the fastest loop: Do neopin=!Neopin Wait 500 ms Loop

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    what about: IF Value = 1 THEN PortPin = 0 ELSE PortPin = 1 END IF

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sounds like a similar background but I skipped the VAX portion and started with 6800 chips and even developed and taught a post grad course based on them. but my favorite Chip was the 6809 and to this day I can still write in Hex Code for that device. I never had an Apple PC so skipped the 6502 entirely, but did get an Apple Lisa (pre Mac) and had to learn 68000 assembler. The 68000 code was a great asset later in life when the PC department I ran got merged into the Mainframe department. Determined...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sounds like a similar background but I skipped the VAX portion and started with 6800 chips and even developed and taught a post grad course based on them. but my favorite Chip was the 6809 and to this day I can still write in Hex Code for that device. I never had an Apple PC so skipped the 6502 entirely, but did get a Lise and had to learn 68000 assembler. The later was a great asset later in life when the PC department I ran got merged into the Mainframe department. Determined to show this PC rookie...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stop thinking in terms of GCB Synwrite IDE, it no longer exists. You are now using Microsoft Visual Studio Code renamed to GCStudio Code, and I am not sure how that affects the ELU on the Open Source agreement, but it completely changes the GCB user experience. Unfortunately installing GC Studio Code is the only way to update the compiler, that I know of, so I am sitting with a load of source code and an obsolete compiler because I refuse to use the renamed Microsoft code. It was fun whilst it lasted,...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    But GCStudio is still the Open source Microsoft code. It may be able to open synwrite as an external editor but it is still running in the background and is still the link provider for any compiler, or other, downloads. We need a stand alone compiler that works with any editor and not a forced IDE that is based in the social media generation and thrives on personal data acquisition. I am sure that is not what Hugh had in mind and certainly not what the early adopters wanted. GCBasic was not designed...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks ToniG, I have exactly the same issue. I still have files from other projects, not even related to GCBasic, which now say they Cannot find GCStudio when I try and open them. Thanks for the hint of extracting the compiler from the installer but I still see no reason why we can't just have a link to the latest compiler on the website, as before, and not have to jump through hoops to get it. Notepad++ is my editor of Choice, it also has file compare and it warns you if the code has unsaved edits....

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A: No, it isn’t illegal in any way; and again, nor Microsoft, nor me, nor any one collects any data with GCstudio, GCcode or GCB, please show any proof if you want to continue saying that. From "Telemetry extension authors guide Visual Studio Code collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft to help improve our products and services. Read our privacy statement and telemetry documentation to learn more. This topic has guidelines for extension authors so that their extensions...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A: No, it isn’t illegal in any way; and again, nor Microsoft, nor me, nor any one collects any data with GCstudio, GCcode or GCB, please show any proof if you want to continue saying that. From "Telemetry extension authors guide Visual Studio Code collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft to help improve our products and services. Read our privacy statement and telemetry documentation to learn more. This topic has guidelines for extension authors so that their extensions...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks ToniG, I have exactly the same issue. I still have files from other projects, not even related to GCBasic, which now say they Cannot find GCStudio when I try and open them. Thanks for the hint of extracting the compiler from the installer but I still see no reason why we can't just have a link to the latest compiler on the website, as before, and not have to jump through hoops to get it. Notepad++ is my editor of Choice, it also has file compare and it warns you if the code has unsaved edits....

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks ToniG, I have exactly the same issue. I still have files from other projects, not even related to GCBasic, which now say they Cannot find GCStudio when I try and open them. Thanks for the hint of extracting the compiler from the installer but I still see no reason why we can't just have a link to the latest compiler on the website, as before, and not have to jump through hoops to get it. Notepad++ is my editor of Choice, it also has file compare and it warns you if the code has unsaved edits....

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    But GCStudio is still the Open source Microsoft code. It may be able to open synwrite as an external editor but it is still running in the background and is still the link provider for any compiler, or other, downloads. We need a stand alone compiler that works with any editor and not a forced IDE that is based in the social media generation and thrives on personal data acquisition. I am sure that is not what Hugh had in mind and certainly not what the early adopters wanted. GCBasic was not designed...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stop thinking in terms of GCB Synwrite IDE, it no longer exists. You are now using Microsoft Visual Studio Code renamed to GCStudio Code, and I am not sure how that affects the ELU on the Open Source agreement, but it completely changes the GCB user experience. Unfortunately installing GC Studio Code is the only way to update the compiler, that I know of, so I am sitting with a load of source code and an obsolete compiler because I refuse to use the renamed Microsoft code. It was fun whilst it lasted,...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stop thinking in terms of GCB Synwrite IDE, it no longer exists. You are now using Microsoft Visual Studio Code renamed to GCStudio Code, and I am not sure how that affects the ELU on the Open Source code , but it completely changes the GCB user experience. Unfortunately installing GC Studio Code is the only way to update the compiler, that I know of, so I am sitting with a load of source code and an obsolete compiler because I refuse to use the renamed Microsoft code. It was fun whilst it lasted,...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Stop thinking in terms of GC Studio, it no longer exists. You are now using Microsoft Visual Studio Code renamed to GCStudio Code, and I am not sure how that affects the ELU on the Open Source code , but it completely changes the GCB user experience. Unfortunately installing GC Studio Code is the only way to update the compiler, that I know of, so I am sitting with a load of source code and an obsolete compiler because I refuse to use the renamed Microsoft code. It was fun whilst it lasted, but Microsoft...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I can probably help. Let me have a sketch and the dimensions and I con do 3D model for you. I use SketchUp but could probably export to whatever format you need.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    It depends on your hardware but most switches are connected via a Resistor to Vcc and the switch is open circuit. Then when the button or switch is activated it connects to ground this diverts the Vcc on the switch to ground, hence when you press the button the signal on the port pin goes from high to low, not low to high.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK, I was under the impression that GCBasic already claerd all ram as part of the initialisation process. I never questioned it as most of the code I wrote in ASM or C did its own initialization. I suggest you give goto 0x0000 a try and see what happens, I have used it before but not specifically to clear RAM so you would have to verify that though testing.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If any code is run the only way to guarantee a known state is a power on reset and that, whilst doable, would require an external hardware mod to be under software control.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Provided that GCBasic startup code initialises RAM then all you should need is a "GOTO 0x0000" i.e. a soft reset. You could also use the watchdog timer to force a reset but that would be a lot more complex than a single ASM Instruction. In both cases, however, RAM and SFR's may be preserved, hence depending on the GCBASIC initialisation to perform the erese when variables are declared. Cheers Chris

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    And, interestingly, Reuters used a photo of a PCB with TI chips, not Microchip with the release and it includes this sentence ... "The preliminary offer is non-binding and subject to a due diligence process."

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This post no longer appears to be stickied but is still well worth a read:

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you have a PICKit 2 you can use the Logic analyser mode to see your waveform, no need for an Oscilloscope for digital stuff.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The INT0 pin is an input by default, is your code specifically making it an output? The Code example above doesn't look like it.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi GC, I am out of town at the moment so don't have access to my lab but if you haven't managed to resolve it by the time I get back next week I will fire it up and see if I can help. Cheers Chris

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That is a good start, not sure why you are not receiving anything. Try starting a second instance of the terminal and set it to com4: and see if the terminals can talk to each other. If they can't then com<>com is not set up correctly. If they can, then try writing some simple code to send a single character rather than a string and see if that works. Cheers Chris

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    So China are not the only country censoring the internet. Very interesting.I wonder what threat it poses to the British Government.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    The MEGA platform is blocked from here. That is very strange, I use it often as it has very good transfer rates. I downloaded PWM2Laser in a couple of min with no problems. I was going to put it in our shared Google Drive but Fabrice got there first :)

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No need to wait for the adaptor. Use PicSimLab - It may look complex but that is only because it emulates so many different boards and Devices. Run it, Select GPBoard under the Board menu Select PIC18F1220 under the Micro controler Menu. Select File Load Hex to import the hex file generated by GCBasic Select Tools->Serial Terminal Now you have a PC terminal connected to your programed target device. Only one curve ball, you may need to create a virtual com port pairing. Download and install com0com...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No need to wait for the adaptor. Use PicSimLab - It may look complex but that is only because it emulates so many different boards and Devices. Run it, Select GPBoard under the Board menu Select PIC18F1220 under the Micro controler Menu. Select File Load Hex to import the hex file generated by GCBasic Now you have a PC terminal connected to your programed target device. Only one curve ball, you may need to create a virtual com port pairing. Download and install com0com from here:

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @GC - Any any others experimenting with GCBasic When starting out or experimenting with GCBasic it is a lot cheaper, faster and, I would argue, easier to debug when running an emulator. Whilst GCBasic has not got an official emulator I can personally recommend the following: PICSimLab PICSimLab emulates many PIC chips so you can experiment with devices from the PIC10, PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18 families. It also emulates several of the AVR Devices including atmega328P, atmega2560 and the attiny85, so...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The first thing I do when debugging communications of any kind is a loopback test. In this case start by disconnecting the receiving device and shorting out the TX and RX pins on the transmitter. Then send some data to see if the device can receive data from itself. Start with single characters then build up to strings but all on one device. When that is working fine move the code to the receiver and have it echo back whatever it receives. Then, and only then, when you know the communications work...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I thought you needed a capacitor before the output device. Yes and that is at a minimum to block the Microcontroller switching frequency. Here is the full circuit:

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I thought you needed a capacitor before the output device. Yes and that is at a minimum to block the Microcontroller switching frequency. Here is the full circuit:

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    Looking at your code are you not missing a GLCDDisplay On After the Do_Again Label?

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    . I'm a pensioner living in Darkest Africa (South Africa) where our wonderful currency is worth peanuts. That makes 2 of us Keith. I am not sure I have any 16F18324 devices, I havn't bother to get any samples for the past few years so am a bit out of touch, but I did create the Millis Library which uses Timer 0 and we tested it extensively across the supported devices. I don't recall if we tested the 16F18324 specifically though. Where are you based? I am in Cape Town. Cheers Chris

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    try this: #Option Explicit Syntax: #option explicit This option ensures that all variables are dimensioned in the user program. The scope is the user code only and no other code space like .h or include files. #option explicit requires all variables,including bytes, in the user program to be defined. Variables can be defined and not used within your user program. Unused variables will not allocate memory. Introduction: Example: 'Set chip model #chip 16f877a 'Example command #option explicit dim myuserflag...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    '18F4525 ILI9488 Loop Test 19May23a (1).gcb (35): Error: Cannot store 16776960 in the word ' That is logical as 16776960 = FFFF00 a Word is 16 Bit and you are trying to save a 24 Bit value. Maybe it is an incorrectly defined constant ?

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Whilst you are at it this also looks wrong: #DEFINE LCD_RS PORTA,2 shouldn't that , be a . ?

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not seeing the relevance of that code to the Chart or the Floating Point Section. we can chat in the morning.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't have illustrator but I do have other tools that could do the job. What format is the file in? (edit: I see it attached as PDF) I will certainly give it a go if you send the original and the changes you need. We are losing power here in a few minuets but I will have a go at it in the morning.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't have illustrator but I do have other tools that could do the job. What format is the file in? I will certainly give it a go if you send the original and the changes you need.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You may need a Microchip Voltage Manager device on your reset pin. It will hold the device in a reset state down to 1.2 volts but, as Jerry said, you need greater than 1.4 volts to avoid going into reset. The monitor chip only prevents premature wake up. Could you try using two solar cells in series , if it is solar powered, to increase the voltage, and maybe a super cap as a reservoir?

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    There could be the chance to make similar chance on the Notepad++. That would be great. I currently use a generic BASIC highlighter in Notepad++ but one tailored to GCBASIC would be a godsend. I removed GCStudio as soon as I realized that it was Microsoft "Visual Studio Code", But it still has hooks threwout my machine and wont even open a text document now without requesting that I reinstall Visual studio. Hopefully reinstalling Notepad++ will get rid off all the forced and unwanted file associations...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Despite the denial, GCstudio is based on the Microsoft Open Sourced Visual Studio Code with the Microsoft extension manager. It is in fact an excellent tool in the hands of competent programmers that have a degree in computer science. If you work in teams and have to use project automaton, versioning and archival functionality on projects with thousands of lines of code and 10's of programmers it is a god send. Unfortunately it misses the fact that GSBasic is a tool used by electronics hobbyists...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Good video but is gcstudio getting complicated? Yes, it is Microsoft Visual Studio with GCBASIC added on. We would have been better off porting GCBASIC to MPLABX if we wanted a blotted IDE as most PIC and AVR users already have it installed. But instead we have now ruled out all of the 3rd world users that work on hand me down PC's in townships or school shacks. GCBASIC still works on any PC but forcing Visual Studio 64bit as the only interface that gets updated is throwing the baby out with the...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just goes to show there is a mathematical proof for everything. :)

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    GC Code telemetry reporting can be disabled to meet specific user privacy concerns. That should have been an opt in from the start. That was not disclosed upfront - It should be a large red warning - Spyware. We now have a blotted IDE that is open source, contains Spyware code and performs Forced Updates and you now want to get a certification certificate, that is not needed, but will give credibility to a potential malicious package. I just uninstalled it and will reconsider when and if I can trust...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    NEW Installer: Thanks Angel, Testing it now and the download is a lot better. Two questions though. At the end of the install it asks: Open PICKitPlus Clone Tool But it gives no indication of what it is and why you should open it. Even as a PICKit Plus user of many years I am confused by that one. Secondly, thanks for allowing the choice of Editor but could that not also be an install option? I would love to still use Win7 but the Win10 interface was forced on me when I purchased a new computer....

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    After completing the install it just vanished. No indication of a successful install. No request to start the program. I at least expected it to ask if it should Run GCStudio. Now I have to try and find it to run it in the hope that the install did not fail silently and crash..

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Finding it was easier than I expected as it appered at the top of the satrt menu. Still not where I would have expected to look to see if an install had finished successfully, however it did run first time. But having installed and run it I still ca not find an option in Preferences or Settings to Select the SynWrite editor. Is it not an option on WIN10 or am I looking in the wrong place?

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Thanks Angel, First time I ran it after install I did not get that Screen it went straight into the Editor. Closing down and starting again brought up the Setting screen. Maybe that screen should be available on first start not second? And a way to access that via the menu in Preferences would be logical in my mind. Cheers Chris

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    I strongly disagree. The first start is part of setup. The second start can then open the Editor of choice and show code. But having first run Open the metro editor with no option to change it will not make old users look for a flash demo it will annoy them and encurage backlash. As for the rest of the start sequence: You have now reversed the entire start process and broken the work flow. The old IDE started with the editor open and any files you were working on in tabbed pages. Now it starts up...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    I strongly disagree. The first start is part of setup. The second start can then open the Editor of choice and show code. But having first run Open the metro editor with no option to change it will not make old users look for a flash demo it will annoy them and encurage backlash. As for the rest of the start sequence: You have now reversed the entire start process and broken the work flow. The old IDE started with the editor open and any files you were working on in tabbed pages. Now it starts up...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Thanks Angel, First time I ran it after install I did not get that Screen it went straight into the Editor. Closing down and starting again brought up the Setting screen. Maybe that screen should be available on first start not second? And a way to access that via the menu in Preferences would be logical in my mind. Cheers Chris

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    Finding it was easier than I expected as it appered at the top of the satrt menu. Still not where I would have expected to look to see if an install had finished successfully, however it did run first time. But having installed and run it I still ca not find an option in Preferences or Settings to Select the SynWrite editor. Is it not an option on WIN10 or am I looking in the wrong place?

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    After completing the install it just vanished. No indication of a successful install. No request to start the program. I at least expected it to ask if it should Run GCStudio. Now I have to try and find it to run it in the hope that the install did not fail silently and crash..

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    After completing the install it just vanished. No indication of a successful install. No request to start the program. I at least expected it to ask if it should Run GCStudio. Now I have to try and find it to run it.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Compiler Problems

    NEW Installer: Thanks Angel, Testing it now and the download is a lot better. Two questions though. At the end of the install it asks: Open PICKitPlus Clone Tool But it gives no indication of what it is and why you should open it. Even as a PICKit Plus user of many years I am confused by that one. Secondly, thanks for allowing the choice of Editor but could that not also be an install option? I would love to still use Win7 but the Win10 interface was forced on me when I purchased a new computer....

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Angel, Testing it now and the download is a lot better. Two questions though. At the end of the install it asks: Open PICKitPlus Clone Tool But it gives no indication of what it is and why you should open it. Even as a PICKit Plus user of many years I am confused by that one. Secondly, thanks for allowing the choice of Editor but could that not also be an install option? I would love to still use Win7 but the Win10 interface was forced on me when I purchased a new computer. Just because I...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I suspect that the backlash you are receiving is because many of us found GCBASIC whilst looking for an alternative to MPLABx. I was happy working in MASM and C++ but did not want to now learn a blotted IDE with far too many bells and whistles. Synwrite was an easy and intuitive environment and finding that it was bundled with a great compiler was a bonus. Now the old Dogs are even Older dogs and we find that a NEW Bloated IDE full of bells and whistles has replaced Synwrite and I will take longer...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The latest version of PICSIMLAB has the atmega328p available. It may prove useful for testing before committing your code to hardware.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This debate seems to be highly off topic but I felt I should add some clarity. I moved to GCBASIC from MMBASIC several years ago. At the time I was primarily using PIC32 and commercially involved, as a consultant, in a PIC32 based Project for a large NGO, Said project was being ported from an Arduino Prototype. When the project finished I had a range of PIC23 Devices that had been supplied for RND and so I built the Micro Mite Computer from SC Magazine and played with it. I went on to design and...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    I would also be inclined to include a main loop in the code even if it is empty, just good parctice and it seperates the Initialisaton code from the Subroutines.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    RA2 is the default for that chip? and, therefore PPS remapping is not needed. That was my first thought when I looked at the Datasheet but as I am a tad rusty I chose not to comment. I really do need to clean my work bench and get my dev tools out again. I have no excuses left and lots of new code to try out.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    If you wanted to use your number sequence Then use Anobiums code as above but to make your code readable you can additionally use #Define like this: #define PrintPort1 HSerPrint "usart1", 1 #define PrintPort2 HSerPrint "usart2", 2 #define PrintPort3 Ser1Print "sw usart1" #define PrintPort4 Ser2Print "sw usart2" #define PrintPort5 Ser3Print "sw usart3"

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    And a far more eloquent answer from Scientific American The mathematical zero and the philosophical notion of nothingness are related but are not the same.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    If GCBASIC used Floating Point Arithmetic you would be correct, but in this case you are performing Integer Arithmetic so Zero is the "Most" correct result.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    In this case you are dividing by a Zero Constant but even if you divided by a variable with a value of Zero how do you expect the compiler to know the contents of the variable? The compiler is doing what you told it to do and flagging it as an error in the compiler would only be detecting typing errors, it would do nothing to detect division by zero at runtime.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    Without consulting a map I would Imagine Nashville as it is a not only a major rail hub but also the holy grail of American Musicians.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    Another Monkees Fan :-)

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    Then be carful not to meet the The Large Hadron Collider that really would be the preverbal Train Smash. :)

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    I wouldn't trust any Trains in England at the moment :>)

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is great, thanks, I have been missing this capability since day one. For the edification of the user base, who may have used MASM, C or C++ when working with PIC or other controllers, they are all two pass compilers where as Great Cow Basic is a one pass compiler. What that means architecturally is a topic unto itself and it has some substantial advantages that GCBASIC makes good use of. But the disadvantage when trying to port code from other compilers is the handling of #Include files. In...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is great, thanks, I have been missing this capability since day one. For the edification of the user base, who may have used MASM, C or C++ when working with PIC or other controllers, they are all two pass compilers where as Great Cow Basic is a one pass compiler. What that means architecturally is a topic unto itself and it has some substantial advantages that GCBASIC makes good use of. But the disadvantage when trying to port code from other compilers is the handling of #Include files. In...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is great, thanks, I have been missing this capability since day one. For the edification of the user base who may have used MASM, C or C++ when working with PIC or other controllers they are all two pass compilers where as Great Cow Basic is a one pass compiler. What that means architecturally is a topic unto itself and it has some substantial advantages that GCBASIC makes good use of. But the disadvantage when trying to port code from other compilers is the handling of #Include files. In a...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    You may also find Bresenham's Algorithm useful. Here is a goods explanation and example code, but not in GCBASIC so you would need to adapt the algorithm. Cheers Chris

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Errare humanum est, sed ad rem turpia sunt opus una computatrum

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    ... to control my railroad layout ? Really ridiculous ! I disagree, try thinking out side of the box. If you use Kadee or similar couplers your operator's will be carrying a stylus anyway in order to manually uncouple the cars/wagons.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Resistive Touch requires a stylus not a finger. It is pressure sensitive and the stylus concentrates the force on a point whilst a finger will spread the force. Capacitive Touch is finger sensitive as the finger changes the capacitance not resistance. Try a stylus, even a toothpick or an old dry ballpoint pen.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Help

    50 thousand trillion years until someone could crack the password... Unless they had a Quantum Computer

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nice, certainly couldn't be optimized any more than that.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This may help:

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Brian, I was in a similar situation to you when I first tried GCBASIC. I was using the inline assembler in the mistaken belief that BASIC was an inefficient language and I was a good ASM coder. Anobium suggested that I try the basic out of the box and I was surprised to find that it did in fact generate tighter code than I was hard coding in ASM. I then took one of my older projects and re wrote it in GCBASIC with the result that the code was not only smaller, albeit only a word or two once compiled,...

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I mean seriously, how does a PCB fabrication company run out of capacitors? Lack of Capacity Planning ? :>)

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I was taught that Multiplication trumps Division in order of execution and as I have used HP calculators all the way through, School, Collage and my working life it is ingrained in me. I suppose the Americans had a different Math curriculum to England. I was taught that the equation in question should be written as: (6 / 2) * (2 + 1) That will give the same result in any calculator or programming language. Always use best practices, it helps cut down on debugging time later.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So I return to my original conclusion: Both results are correct because the equation is ambiguous - Always use Parentheses to force precedence when writing equations, Especially in a programing language. AS shown above one calculator can show two different results from the same equation depending on the chosen math library.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Solved - The HP Calculator has 3 modes that can be changed in the Settings Menu. Textbook, Algebraic and RPM. By default it is in Textbook Mode. Changing the Mode to Algebraic produces this result:

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Note also that in Windows you forced the Precedence by pressing the "Multiply" key. On the HP shown it was entered as written without the Multiply symbol the HP then arranged it as shown adding the Multiply itself.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    As an engineer would you trust the Math results from windows over an HP Scientific Calculator?

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try it on an HP Calculator:

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Final comment. HP Calculators say the * has presidency over /. TI Calculators treat them as equal precedence and calculate left to right. Both consider an implied * if a Number is adjacent to a Brace. So bottom line which software library are you using. It is up to the person writing the equation to specify the intent with correct notation and not make assumptions. That was a good couple of hours diversion, fun and educational though, now back to railway shunting problems :)

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Found this - Math Prof answers 6÷2(1+2) = ? once and for all Viral Math Problem He is a bit long winded but basically says it can go both ways because of the ambiguity.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Found this He is a bit long winded but basically says it can go both ways because of the ambiguity.

  • Chris Roper Chris Roper posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Found this He is a bit long winded but basically says it can go both ways because of the ambiguity.

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