User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2980 on PhpGedView

    Thank you, Douglas. I do not use the Research Assistant. It was a student project at Neumont University, under the guidance of John Finlay, quite a few years ago. As with most student projects that I have encountered, there are bound to be lots of coding errors and other unsanitary things. Please send me the updated scripts when you're done. Do NOT send diff files, please. They don't work very well in my environment. I have today posted a large set of updates to PGV. They have nothing to do with...

  • Committed [r7376] on SVN

    Change: Make selection of marriage types more logical

  • Modified ticket #2981 on PhpGedView

    ADDR field displays against bottom not top like others

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2981 on PhpGedView

    You need to consider answering the question, "Address of what?" Address doesn't describe a person or family. You're not born with an address. It's not something that is bestowed upon you by a Supreme Being. It's something that you acquire by virtue of having taken up residence somewhere. Address provides additional detail about an event. In this context, living somewhere is an event.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2981 on PhpGedView

    I think you're mistaken. I don't see a means of adding ADDR directly through a selection in the "Add new fact" drop-down list. ADDR should always appear as something subordinate to Level 1 Facts such as BIRT, DEAT, MARR, etc. and thus is something that you enter as part of your input of one of these Level 1 Facts. PhpGedView is showing you an existing ADDR Fact that's at Level 1, but it won't let you create a new one at that level. You can, of course, override this restriction when you edit your...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2981 on PhpGedView

    ADDR is NOT a valid Level 1 GEDCOM Fact. It is supposed to provide additional information to normal level 1 Facts such as RESI, so printing it at the bottom of whatever Fact box it is subordinate to is correct. Try editing your GEDCOM record to change the ADDR to Level 2 and putting a 1 RESI in front. You'll see what I mean. Example: 1 RESI 2 DATE something 2 PLAC somewhere 2 ADDR more info 3 CONT still more info

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2980 on PhpGedView

    I think the problem may be caused by your browser eating the "folder" input variable. Lines 230 and 231 of the script research_assistant.php are looking for an input variable called "folder", and that variable is missing from the URL that launches the Research Assistant. That input variable is used in many different locations throughout the RA code. You could try going through the Research Assistant code and changing the input variable to something other than "folder". "folder_name" would probably...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2981 on PhpGedView

    A screen shot would help. ADDR is a sub-field of a bunch of Level 1 GEDCOM Facts. Which Level 1 Fact are we dealing with here?

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2005-01-16 20:28:34


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