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  • Posted a comment on ticket #2979 on PhpGedView

    Please check the public_html directory where PhpGedView is installed. Sometimes the "new and improved" PHP records errors that it encounters in a text file that you may find in the PhpGedView root directory. The name of this file varies, but usually contains "error".

  • Modified ticket #2979 on PhpGedView

    Reordering of children fails

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2979 on PhpGedView

    Please try the attached file edit_quickupdate.php. I don't think this will resolve your problem, but it's the version I am currently working on. Please don't bother with all that debug stuff you posted. Just reproduce a screen shot of the result of your test (if it fails). I'm interested in the actual error messages, including the line numbers. Please confirm: Does the family in question have both a Father and a Mother?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PhpGedView

    Nope. No plans, unless somebody other than me volunteers.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Translations on PhpGedView

    If the Family Search works when you're logged in as admin, then you're trying to find living people. By default, details about living people are not shown to anonymous (not logged in) users.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Translations on PhpGedView

    What version of PhpGedView are you using? You should be using the most recent version that you can download by following the "SVN" link at the top of this page. When you have installed the most recent version, you need to: 1. Log in with Admin rights and click on the "Manage GEDCOMs" link in the top menu of the page 2. Export the database to a GEDCOM file. You don't need to download that file. 3. Import the GEDCOM file you have just exported. Let the program replace the existing database contents....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PhpGedView

    You're using the WRONG version of PhpGedView. Install the latest-and-greatest version that you have downloaded from the SVN repository. Follow the "SVN" link at the top of this page. The have been lots of posts (and replies). No need to say it all again.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on PhpGedView

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> Hello, David: I don't understand how this works either, so I can't help. Sorry, I only support the stuff I can understand. There hasn't been any recent work done on Google Maps. The most recent updates were done on July 17, 2022; I don't know what they were supposed to resolve. Before that, updates occurred in 2019 and 2016; again, no information. I wish Google would stop "fixing" things so that the old stuff, which used to work,...

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2005-01-16 20:28:34


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