User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2890 on FlightGear - Flight Simulator

    This change is non-trivial. Between version 5 and version 7, the API has changed and most of the 200 lines of code will be affected. Mongoose has adopted an event model as its core and that changes error handling, the reference of items inside an http or web socket request. That's just about everything. Understanding this change by someone not well versed in C++ practice, will require a fairly complete documentation of the existing code, so that's where I''m starting.

  • Modified ticket #2850 on FlightGear - Flight Simulator

    MirrorPropertyTreeWebsocket - Add commands addListener, set, get, and exec

  • Created merge request #46 on FGMeta on FlightGear - Flight Simulator

    Tickets/289t enable worktree symlinks in build directory

  • Committed [dc1fcf] on FlightGear - Flight Simulator - FGMeta

    ticket 2895 - allow symlink to git worktrees

  • Modified a comment on merge request #45 on FlightGear - Flight Simulator

    The commit for this was on a fork that was deleted and later recreated. Sourceforge reports an error when you do that. The commit was recreated on a new fork callahanp-fgmeta. A new merge reque3st will follow - Status: open --> rejected

  • Updated merge request #45 on FlightGear - Flight Simulator

    enable worktree symlinks in build directory

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2895 on FlightGear - Flight Simulator

    Final testing of this change is in progress. Test that downloading simgear works if the clone or worktree link is not present. Test that a previously cloned simgear does not result in an attempt to re-clone Test that an established link to a valid worktree for simgear does not result in an attempt to re-clone Estimated Delivery Early June Merge request 45 will be used if it can be updated to the right commit. If that can't be done, 45 will be rejected and a new merge request will replace it.

  • Created ticket #2895 on FlightGear - Flight Simulator compatiblity with git worktrees

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Personal Data

2000-05-09 10:31:10
Framingham, Ma / United States / EDT


This is a list of open source software projects that Pat Callahan is associated with:


This is a list of skills that Pat Callahan possesses:

  • Operating System
  • C++
  • Python
  • JavaScript