Activity for Giovanni Di Maria

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Help & Tips

    Ok, thank you very much Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Help & Tips

    Hi to All In SciDAVis, when i Normalize a column containing all NEGATIVE numbers, i get only 0, 0, 0, 0. Is it a Bug? Thank you very Much Giovanni Di Maria

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on ticket #338

    I understand. The problem is not in the creation of the spectrogram, but in the queuing of the WAV files. They are very long. What is a possible solution? Thank you. Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria created ticket #338

    Spectrogram of very BIG file

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have read this in the manual: Note: If the data points are modified, the fit is not re-calculated. Then, you need to remove the old fitted curve and to redo the fit with the same function and the new points. Regards. Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Fellype. True, the graph updates if I change the data in the table. But the "fitting formula" not. With right click on the fitted curve -> Edit Function, I can edit manually the formula, but the curve does not adapt to the new values. Thank you Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. I created a dataset in a table, then I created the graph and finally I created a curve fit on these data. Now, if I modify the data in the table, is it possible to update the graph and the fitting formula, without to create the graph and fitting curve again? Thank you all. Cheers Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ok. It works very very fine!!!! Thank you VERY MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards, Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi The version JAVA is: C:\Users\hp>java -version java version "1.8.0_241" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.241-b07, mixed mode, sharing) In attachment the LOG file. The program starts but instantly close Thank you very much. Regards Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Help

    Later i will send you the LOG file and the version of Java (i have downloaded it just yesterday). Thank you very much. Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. Thank you. The problem was at the execution. But now i have resolved..... During the installation i have unchecked "Jogamp JOGL 2.3.2" and now it works. Thank you Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. With a Windows 10 32-bit, "Art of Illusion" works very fine. It's fantastic. But with a computer with Windows 10 64 bit, it does not work. The message is "TEMP folder not found". What is the problem? Thank you very much Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria created ticket #104

    Fitting formula with values

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi. Where can I find a collection of linear models? (Example: linear, power, poly, etc)? Thank you to all Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi I have solved with Lookup Table, in effect i must only read the values, not write them. ========================== Table Valori as Byte 117 127 127 23 87 3 ....... End Table dim k as word for k=1 to 7721 ReadTable Valori, k, Letto portb=Letto wait 167 us next k ========================== Thank you to every body!!! Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok. Anobium - Thank you very much for your suggestion. I will try it. I am storing the 7000 samples of a phrase to let to speech the PIC. This project of mine was published on the italian magazine "Fare Elettronica". I already done this but now i want to reproduce a longer phrase. Ok, thank you very much!!!! Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi. Thank you. I create the array with this: dim MyArray(7000) as byte MyArray(1)=120 MyArray(2)=220 MyArray(3)=40 MyArray(4)=88 MyArray(5)=12 MyArray(6)=46 MyArray(7)=87 MyArray(8)=13 MyArray(9)=77 ...... ...... ....... Of course, the error is: Error: The array MYARRAY is too large Thank you GIovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi. I must create an array of bytes of 7000 elements. Also constant of array is ok. I use the PIC 18F452. How can i store so much data with Great Cow Basic? Thank you very much. Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi Santiago. Thank you very much. Now the SVG is good. Thank you for the combobox for saving image. Good!!!!!! Best regards. And thank you in name of collectivity

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi Santiago. Thank you!!! No, the problem still persists... I have tried to open the SVG file with "Inkscape" and with "LibreOffice Draw". Can you also add some thing to remember to specify the extension of file? (example add .SVG for vectorial, or add this to combobox in the save image dialog....... Ciao Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi, Santiago... True !!! :-)))) Thank you very much.... Only a little problem. When I export to SVG, the text goes out from its box. See attachment... Thank you very much. Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi I have seen that in SimulIDE there is the possibility to export the schematic to an image. How can I do to export the image of schematic at "very high resolution" (i.e. width of 4000 pixel) ? If you can, can you add this feature: during exporting to an image, the program asks the final width, in pixel. Thank you very much if you will do this. Regards. Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes. Good!!!

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok... Thank you. It works fine! I think that it should be useful to show a message: "the file xxxxx-bom.txt has been created in the folder of schematic...... " What do you think?

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    How can i use BOM? Thank you? Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Santiago. Thank you for your great job. I sent you a little donation... please tell me if you receive it. Thank you again Giovanni Di Maria

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. Why the voltage is not zero, when ALL the switches are open? This is the circuit. Thank you. Giovanni ========================================== <circuit type="simulide_0.1"> Node-37: <item itemtype="Node" rotation="0" labelrot="0" id="Node-37" valLabelx="0" valLabely="0" valLabRot="0" vflip="1" labelx="-16" labely="-24" hflip="1" objectName="Node-37" x="-132" Show_id="false" y="-260"/> Node-36: <item itemtype="Node" rotation="0" labelrot="0" id="Node-36" valLabelx="0" valLabely="0" valLabRot="0"...

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi. Is there a PWM generator, where i can specify: - low level: example 0V; - high level: example 5V; - duty cycle: example 87%. Thank you very much. Giovanni Di Maria

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Ok, right, i can use BCD 7 seg.,, I have never create a SUBCKT..... i will try soon.... Thank you!! Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Thank you Santiago. I suggest you these things not for me, but for the community ;-)) Ciao Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi. If I quit from the program, it exits without ask to me, if i want to save. If the program quits, user risks to lose hi work. Thank you Regards Giovanni Di Maria

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    The problem is random...... i cannot reproduce it.... Thank you.

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. The oscilloscope, sometime works fine, and sometime it does not work. Thank you. Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Thank you. GIovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. How can i use Audio out? I have tried to put a square pulse train of 1 Khz, but i hear only noise and not a tone. Regards. Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. The below circuit works fine. But if I move the potentiometer at his MAX and then i move it back, the circuito does not work more. Thank you. Giovanni <circuit type="simulide_0.1"> Node-21: <item itemtype="Node" valLabelx="0" hflip="1" rotation="0" valLabely="0" Show_id="false" labelrot="0" valLabRot="0" objectName="Node-21" id="Node-21" labelx="-16" x="-476" labely="-24" vflip="1" y="-276"/> Probe-19: <item itemtype="Probe" valLabelx="16" hflip="1" rotation="-45" valLabely="0" Show_id="false"...

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Hi. When i place a "text" and i set its border to 0, i cannot grab it to move, etc. Thank you Giovanni Di Maria

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi Santiago. Happy Easter. When you have time, can you add (if possible): - a Led matrix 5x7 (or variable leds...) - IC CD4510 and CD4511 ? Thank you very much. Ciao Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi Santiago. It's fantastic Thank you!!! I have made a donation of 20 euros... Please tell me if you receive it, Regards and thanks Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Fantastic Santiago!!!! Thank you. How can i hide the grid? Where can i find the description of last updates, on Sourceforge? Thank you again!!!! Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Bugs, Errors and Other Problems

    Perhaps this is not a bug. When i copy and paste a component, the whole schematic is moved in another position. Thank you very muc GIovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Thank you Santiago. Thank you very much for you great job!!! Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    I think that is simple (ideally). Suppose that you place a keyboard on the schematic. Then you go to his properties. Here you can set: number of rows: example 4 number of columns: example 3 String of labels: "123456789" Every char will be placed on each key. Bigger keyboards could have this string: "123456789#0*" Best regards Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi Santiago. I use Windows 10 32 bit and SimulIDE_0.1.6. This morning i had placed on my schematic a display HD44780. The program halted and stopped. Then i had restarted the program, i had placed on my schematic a display HD44780 again, and it worked fine. Perhaps it was a problem of my computer. Regards. Thank you. Giovanni PS. It should be interesting to add, as nre component, a matrix keyboard, with adjustable number of rows and columns. Regards Ciao

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi Santiago. First of all THANK YOU for your great job. I use your SimulIDE as my official application about electronic, and for this, i will help you, in future, if you want (translation in italian, creation of libraries, etc). About BOM, it should be interesting to produce a TXT file containing, for example: R1 , 220 ohm , resistor R2 , 10K , resistor P1 , 1K , potentiometer C1 , 220uF , capacitor These data can be taken easilly from the file.simu........ Thank you again Santiago. Best regards...

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on discussion Feature Requests

    Hi. Can you add these new features? Toggle grid On-Off improve export of shematic to image, at better resolution now, i cannot connect a component to an existent node export schematic to BOM (Bill of materials) allow oblique connection draw rectangle, lines and circler Thank you very much Giovanni

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria posted a comment on ticket #113

    I think that the score, in case of mate, should be the maximum score in the game........

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria created ticket #113

    Score graph incorrect at end

  • Giovanni Di Maria Giovanni Di Maria created ticket #15

    Time problem