User Activity

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    Hi, is there a way to import an existing config files? I have a Nagios Core Instance and this is configured with NConf. I have a lot of hosts (268) and services ( 639) with parent child configuraion. Regards, Ronny

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on NagiosQL - Nagios configuration tool

    Hi, is there a way to import an existing config files? I have a Nagios Core Instance and this is configured with NConf. I have a lot of hosts (268) and services ( 639) with parent child configuraion. Regards, Cookie

  • Created ticket #5624 on Webmin

    Shorewall Module needs improvement

  • Modified a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    [SOLVED] Hi, SSL redirects from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname:10000 in this case ssl shows certifacte failure because the domain domain.tld is missing. I've set the "Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?" to YES How can I fix this to redirect from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname.domain.tld:10000 Best regards, Ronny

  • Modified a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    [SOLVED] Hi, SSL redirects from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname:10000 in this case ssl shows certifacte failure because the domain domain.tld is missing. I've set the "Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?" to YES How can I fix this to redirect from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname.domain.tld:10000 Best regards, Ronny

  • Modified a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    [SOLVED] Hi, SSL redirects from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname:10000 in this case ssl shows certifacte failure because the domain domain.tld is missing. I've set the "Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?" to YES How can I fix this to redirect from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname.domain.tld:10000 Best regards, Ronny

  • Modified a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    Hi, I've got it. Thanks for this usefull hint. How can i mark this issue as resolved? Best regards Ronny

  • Posted a comment on discussion Webmin on Webmin

    Hi, I've got it. Thanks for this usefull hint. How can i mak this issue as resolved? Best regards Ronny

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Personal Data

2020-10-27 07:49:13
Leonberg / Germany / CEST


  • No projects to display.


This is a list of skills that Ronny Preiss possesses:

  • PHP
  • Android
  • Linux

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