Activity for Ronny Preiss

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, is there a way to import an existing config files? I have a Nagios Core Instance and this is configured with NConf. I have a lot of hosts (268) and services ( 639) with parent child configuraion. Regards, Ronny

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, is there a way to import an existing config files? I have a Nagios Core Instance and this is configured with NConf. I have a lot of hosts (268) and services ( 639) with parent child configuraion. Regards, Cookie

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss created ticket #5624

    Shorewall Module needs improvement

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss modified a comment on discussion Webmin

    [SOLVED] Hi, SSL redirects from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname:10000 in this case ssl shows certifacte failure because the domain domain.tld is missing. I've set the "Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?" to YES How can I fix this to redirect from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname.domain.tld:10000 Best regards, Ronny

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss modified a comment on discussion Webmin

    [SOLVED] Hi, SSL redirects from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname:10000 in this case ssl shows certifacte failure because the domain domain.tld is missing. I've set the "Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?" to YES How can I fix this to redirect from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname.domain.tld:10000 Best regards, Ronny

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss modified a comment on discussion Webmin

    [SOLVED] Hi, SSL redirects from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname:10000 in this case ssl shows certifacte failure because the domain domain.tld is missing. I've set the "Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?" to YES How can I fix this to redirect from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname.domain.tld:10000 Best regards, Ronny

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss modified a comment on discussion Webmin

    Hi, I've got it. Thanks for this usefull hint. How can i mark this issue as resolved? Best regards Ronny

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss posted a comment on discussion Webmin

    Hi, I've got it. Thanks for this usefull hint. How can i mak this issue as resolved? Best regards Ronny

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss posted a comment on discussion Webmin

    Hi Ilia, there is no option lik Apache SSL website enabled. There is no apache webserver installed. I've only installed the following services (server). BIND DNS Server Read User Mail Squid Proxy Server SSH Server To install webmin I followed this guide: Greetings Ronny

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss modified a comment on discussion Webmin

    Hi, SSL redirects from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname:10000 in this case ssl shows certifacte failure because the domain domain.tld is missing. I've set the "Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?" to YES How can I fix this to redirect from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname.domain.tld:10000 Best regards, Ronny

  • Ronny Preiss Ronny Preiss posted a comment on discussion Webmin

    Hi, SSL redirects from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname:10000 in this case ssl shows certifacte failure because the domain domain.tld is missing. I've set the "Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?" to YES How can I fix this to redirect from http://hostname.domain.tld:10000 to https://hostname.domain.tld:10000 Best regards, C00kie