Activity for Andrej Butok

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Should be ok, if the destination adress is our address or a broadcast one.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    By default, the server socket is configured to send data as soon as possible, without delay (TCP_NODELAY ). You can try to play with its TCP socket options:

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    TCP segmentation it is a feature of TCP ;)

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Think about the MCUBoot secondary bootloader. It has security, recovery and differeant FW update modes.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Yes you can.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Thank you for reporting, will look at it when have a time.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi, Agree, this is the bug. But do not add fnet_htons(). The right code should be (fnet_stack\service\dns\fnet_dns.c, line 421): && ((header->flags & FNET_HTONS(FNET_DNS_HEADER_FLAGS_QR)) == FNET_HTONS(FNET_DNS_HEADER_FLAGS_QR)) /* Is response.*/ Please confirm, that it works for you. Thank you, Andrej Butok

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    To have a MCUx example, it must be part of a MCUx SDK package. It is needed to convince NXP to add FNET support to the SDK.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    You may search for FNET_TCP_SGT_FIN flag use, places where FIN is sent. For example, it sent with the last sent data ACK.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Also, if there is data in your receive queue, RST should be sent.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Most probably, you still have unsent data. Please look inside FNET services source code, how they handle session states.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Most probably, you still have unsent data. Please look inside FNET services source code, how they handles session states.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It sent FIN and waiting for FIN from other side.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    This is TCP. To change behavior, read:

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It can be related to:

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    In this case call it by line. Just curious, what are doing in this 8K script? Example?

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Just increase the command line buffer size.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It contains changes only in c file. Guess, missed .h changes.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Yes, stack supports multiple Ethernet and WiFi interfaces. Tested with two ENET Ethernet + one WiFi module. Search for FNET_CPU_NETIF_NUMBER, FNET_CFG_CPU_ETH1 and etc. to figure out.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    6LoWPAN is not supported. Contribution is welcome.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It was not designed for the RAW Ethernet frame sending from a user application. You may look inside _fnet_ip4_output()=> fnetip4netifoutput(), but it is not trivial.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Look at the FNET DHCP server source code (fnet_dhcp_srv.c=>fnet_dhcp_srv_init()). It does what you need. BTW: FNET socket functions are not blocking. So fnet_socket_recvfrom() should be polled.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Or duplicate the code, and rely on a compiler to optimize it.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Good notice, will add a fix.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    All porting code is placed in \fnet\fnet_stack\port You have to implement API in port\cpu\fnet_cpu.h And wrap your Ethernet/WiFi driver by fnet_eth_if_t interface structure. Use any supported platform as a reference.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    You have to upgrade to the latest one.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi, yes, all reported vulnerabilities were fixed.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok merged merge request #3

    Fix type of variables to avoid warnings.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok merged merge request #2

    Fix some additional typos.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok merged merge request #1

    Fix typos in sources.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Yes, you may use FNET_DEBUG_PRINTF() where it is used for debugging.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    For example I would like to send it to our the jtag (swo_debug) You can implement your JTAG stream (use existing ones as a reference) and set it as the default serial stream. OR modify the original code , add #ifndef FNET_DEBUG_PRINTF .... and set your own FNET_DEBUG_PRINTF definition for your project.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It is not so trivial, fnet_printf() outputs to a default serial stream. It can be a serial port, but in case of Telnet shell it sends data over Telnet protocol. It is not used by stack but an application, except debug needs. As this is an application specific, you may use any printf you need.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Point 3 contains more info:

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok created a blog post

    FNET TCP/IP stack: Version 4.7.1 released

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok committed [8d527c]

    FNET 4.7.1

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It can be ported to any 32-bit MCU/MPU. It's written in the C language.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok. If you think, it is can be useful for others, you may share your changed sources.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Based on the log the packet is lost, what is causing retransmission. If everything is correct it should not happen. The goal is to figure out a source of the issue. 1) Try to switch to bare-metal (not RTOS) 2) To avoid stuck in ETH FIFOs, Ethernet FIFO buffers must be in non-cashable area. 3) Try to send 1, 2, 3 etc. packets till the packet lost happens. 4) Increase stack HEAP, just in case. I would find it soon or later, based on my past experience in porting, but for you it will take some time...

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    MCUx IDE is not supported by FNET examples. It may be caused: - your MCUx Bootloader footprint size more than it was reserved for it. So it erases himself. - the Flash ram code is not placed in RAM. - other MCUx reasons. You have to debug it.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    MCUx IDE is not supported by FNET example. It may be caused: - your MCUx Bootloader footprint size more than it was reserved for it. So it erases himself. - the Flash ram code is not placed in RAM. - other MCUx reasons. You have to debug it.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It’s difficult to say exactly what happened, remotely. But the common issue with ethernet driver porting to be sure that all frames are sent/received without dropping; also solved corner cases and workaround bugs in HW. Try to send/receive just one packet. And see on behavior. After that increase it to 2, 3 and etc. Try to solve one issue at one time, otherwise it may become even worse.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It’s difficult to say exactly what happened, remotely. But the common issue with ethernet driver porting to be sure that all frames are sent/received without dropping; also solved corner cases and workaround bugs in HW. Try to send/receive just one packet. And see on behavior. After that increase it to 2, 3 and etc. Try to solve one issue at one time, otherwise it may become in worse.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    You are right. I have just found: "As the client does not have a valid network address, the client must broadcast the DHCPDECLINE message."

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi Timo, this is great. Try to stress your port to be sure that it is relible enough and the low level driver is not loosing TX and RX frames, for example by fnet_bench application.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Request is also brodcasted.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Discover is broadcast. Behaviour of your server, is your problem ;)

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Most probably, you do not see it in your PC log because it is sent as a unicast datagram to the server.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    fent_dhcp_cln.c line 1025, in case of an address conflict is detected, the client should send a DECLINE message directly to the server. Just put a breakpoint there, and look if it reached and where it goes after.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    fent_dhcp_cln.c line 1025, in case of conflict is detected, the client should send DECLINE. Just put a breakpoint there, and look if it reached and where it goes after.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    You have to modify the Source Code, to disable the print function calls.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Both cases are wrong, you must start on your application Reset Vector. Use debugger or map file to get it. Or even better, contact NXP customer support for asistence, as this is not the FNET TCP-IP stack related question.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Should be in a startup_'platfomname'.s file.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    If you need to detect the start address automatically in run time, you may use the application Vector Table which contains the Reset Vector address: __Vectors: .long Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK_MSP$$ZI$$Limit / Top of Stack / .long Reset_Handler / Reset Handler /

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Tip: look into the fnet_fec.h and you will see common registers. So existing FEC driver will work on you platform , Just needed a bit tuning in configuration. Also you already have working BSP => 100% of success. I am not that proficient with programming. So you just need to hire a clever developer ;)

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hello Timo, Do not sure that you will find somebody with real MCF5475 experience. “but there are no Circular Buffers but FIFOs.” I should be the same, but named different way. If not, it should be relatively easy to adopt to it.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok created a blog post

    FNET TCP/IP stack: Version 4.7.0 released

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok committed [622b02]

    FNET 4.7.0

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi Boleokin, K70 is not supported out of the box by FNET. Flash may be tricky on Kinetis. For example, look inside of fnet_ftfl_command( ), you will notice the workaround, covered by #if FNET_CFG_CPU_MK60N512 || FNET_CFG_CPU_MK60DN512 / This problem exists in first-released-version product (mask set: 0M33Z). / So different revisions of chip may require different settings. K70 should work, but something minor may be missing. Please ask NXP support for help. Andrej Butok

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi Boleokin, K70 is not supported out of the box by FNET. Flash may be tricky on Kinetis. For example, look inside of fnet_ftfl_command( ), you will notice the workaround, covered by #if FNET_CFG_CPU_MK60N512 || FNET_CFG_CPU_MK60DN512 / This problem exists in first-released-version product (mask set: 0M33Z). / So different revision of chip may require different settings. K70 should work, but something minor may be is missing. Please ask NXP support for help. Andrej Butok

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Is 4096 a correct value for FAPP_CFG_HEAP_SIZE ? If your application works - yes. It's used to store/buffer network packets inside the stack.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    For interrupt table, look at the Note section: BTW: As the start point use existing projects.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi, I will look at this issue in several weeks when I will back from a trip.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    No experience with EVN.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    The best version is the latest one.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi, To save resources for testing and support, number of active projects was limited. It means that FNET is able to run on MK70FN1M, but the project files are not generated/icluded in the current version.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi BR, your proposal you may send directly to

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    For the current period of time, I have decided to do the main development, only if it is donated/sponsored ;)

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi, VLAN is not supported.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    1) TCP is not able change the UDP behavior. 2) Disabling UDP checksum is the feature of the protocol. But is not recommended to disable it. Old versions are not supported at all. So please do not expect any help!

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    1) TCP is not able change the UDP behavior. 2) Disabling UDP checksum is the feature of the protocol. But is not recommended to disable it. Old versions are not supported at all. So please do expect any help!

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Good ;)

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    To check if your system is OK, use fbench UDP application with your port number. Also, very often the traffic is blocked by a PC antivirus firewall, so disable it. For example, my antivirus blocks UDP TFTP traffic.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    To check if your system is OK, use fbench UDP application with your port number. Also, very aften the traffic is blocked by a PC antivirus firewall, so disable it. For example, my antivirus blocks UDP TFTP traffic.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    No guess, it's needed a deeper investigation. BTW. The latest version is v4.6.2. Do not use old buggy versions.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    No guess, it's need deeper investigation. BTW. The latest version is v4.6.2. Do not use old buggy versions.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    When I will have time or will be donated ;)

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok modified a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi. These descriptors are accessed by DMA. So to avoid "dancing" with cache, it is better to have them in SRAM. Or you may invalidate them every time, that gives unwanted slowdown.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi. These descriptors are accessed by DMA. So to avoid "dancing" with cache, it is better to have them in SRAM. Or you may invalidate them every time, that gives unwanted slowdown. On Mon, 29 Jul 2019 at 18:26, unknowcoder wrote: I am looking into enabling caching on K65 (same for K66), to provide better throughput with the SDRAM. I noticed the stack has macros for invalidating cache when it comes to accessingfnet_fec_if_t structures. I have a few questions about...

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    It the peripheral clock, not PHY clock. On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 at 15:32, unknowcoder wrote: What peripheral clock does fnet_mk_periph_clk_khz() method refer to? Is the clock used for internal MAC? We are feeding 50MHz signal from our PHY to ENET_1588_CLKIN. So this method just need to return 50000Khz? Porting FNET over to MK65 from MKF64 Sent from because you indicated interest in <> To unsubscribe from...

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi, There is no a step-by-step guide. But it should be relativly easy, as all platform-specifuc code is placed in the fnet_stack/port folder. As your platform is Kinetis, go to fnet_stack/port/mk. Choose a platform which is more close to your one, guess for you it is MK66. Add FNET_CFG_CPU_<new_platform> and all related staff to the port/cpu/fent_cpu_config.h Find all code which is cowered by FNET_CFG_CPU_MK66FN2 and add FNET_CFG_CPU_<new_platform> specific code the same way. A start-up code is part...

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Hi, There is no a step-by-step guide. But it should be relativly easy, as all platform-specifuc code is placed in the fnet_stack/port folder. As your platform is Kinetis, go to fnet_stack/port/mk. Choose a platform which is more close to your one, guess for you it is MK66. Add FNET_CFG_CPU_<new_platform> and all related staff to the port/cpu/fent_cpu_config.h Find all code which is cowered by FNET_CFG_CPU_MK66FN2 and add FNET_CFG_CPU_<new_platform> specific code the same way. A start-up code is part...

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    Yes. This is the application-specific code, so the include of external file may have not expected content. Moving of this include to the top is good decision.

  • Andrej Butok Andrej Butok posted a comment on discussion FNET User Forum

    FNET has nothing with the CMSIS issue. BTW: MCUx is the worst IDE I have touched.

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