Activity for Keith

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Most definitely, been over the PCB like a very nasty rash. I'm beginning to conclude that it is something to do with a 74HCT14 a hex inverter with Schmitt-trigger inputs used to interface a couple of analogue inputs. Jury is still out on this.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Im using a 16F18346 20 pin in an SOIC package in a new project. everything works fine on the breadboards but now that I have the PCB and built it up for no apparent reason the chip begins to consume about 350 - 400mA and then burns up. If I didn't know better I would swear they were low power versions (16L18346) it's the only sensible conclusion I can think of. I have disconnected all I/O ports to the device.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Mmm.... Yes. I wonder how many folks have sat back and said, "I'm glad he has asked that question" Sometimes it is wiser to keep your mouth shut and look stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Something that has had me puzzled for donkeys but never got round to asking about it. Where is the Oscal value derived from? Occasionally I'll screw up the value and how I get round it is by reading the value from another device of the same ilk and reprogram the same onto the device which I have screwed up... It works but it isn't the right way to do it.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Another problem. In the demo code it refers to the following: #define GLCD_Enable PORTA.1 'example port setting #define GLCD_RS PORTa.0 'example port setting #define GLCD_RW PORTA.2 'example port setting #define GLCD_RESET PORTA.3 'example port setting #define GLCD_DATA_PORT PORTD 'example port setting The issue is with the final definition, " #define GLCD_DATA_PORT PORTD" I'm not too sure about this port D issue, as soon as I allocate GLCD_DATA_PORT to a physical port, i,e, C.5 the

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Great ! That compiles okay - Thank you. Forever in your debt Sir.....

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    My next project is a small Surface Grinder which has three axis motorised tables, X, Y, and Z. I am using a and 16F18875,32 40 pin device to control the three stepper motors, 3 position DRO's, the limit switches and the grinder motor. I was not expecting problems as early on in the project as this, but frankly the compilation errors have me baffled. The demo code is directly from the Great Cow BASIC documentation, GLCD Overview under 'ST7920 Controllers' The Errors are as follows >>> WARNINGs / ERRORs...

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Oh, I forgot about that. It is another Lad's work I found on here. I'll post it tonight along a credit to him. A PCB will be available (at cost) in a couple of weeks if anyone is interested. Addendum The author of the encoder.h is called Thomas Henry --- 6/7/2014 of whom I offer my grateful thanks for an excellent piece of work. His post is called : 'Incremental Rotary Encoder Include File' and the .h file is attached below.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Next project starts next week. This one is huge and extremely ambitious 12 inputs 14 outputs on a PIC18F57Q43 TQFP-48 and a font for a larger GLCD Display. Beware and forewarned I will be needing tons of help, a lot of areas I have not explored in the GCB arena .

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Oh, I forgot about that. It is another Lad's work I found on here. I'll post it tonight along a credit to him. A PCB will be available (at cost) in a couple of weeks if anyone is interested.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Oh, I forgot about that. It is another Lad's work I found on here. I'll post it tonight along a credit to him.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well all sorted. That Pulsein issue is now resolved. Still don't understand what it was that was causing the loop to stall and lock up. The entire program is attached so if anyone feels mad enough to copy it , modify it or use it then please feel free to do so. (it's nearly all Evan's Work anyway !)

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On the closing throws of my project I need to measure and display the coolant flow rate using a Hall Effect flow Meter. This clever little piece of kit has a set of vanes floating in the path of the liquid to be measured. A square waveform is generated and presented on a single wire output. What I need to do is very similar to a Tachometer instead of displaying RPM I want to see the flow rate in Litres/Second -very roughly. I have looked in the demos and searched for a simple tacho in the help files...

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    It doesn't do what I thought it would do change the output polarity, but instead all it does is to interfere with the port 1 output. I'm beginning to get the feeling that this device is not going to do what I'm expecting it to do. I have stripped the program down to the bare minimum to where I thought I had established what was causing the On/ Off cycling. The stripped program is below: Initially all four ports are turned on which extinguishes the four LED's and if you omit the 100ms wait statement...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    It doesn't do what I thought it would do change the output polarity, but instead all it does is to interfere with the port 1 output. I beginning to get the feeling that this device is not going to do what I'm expecting it to do. I have stripped the program down to the bare minimum to where I thought I had established what was causing the On/ Off cycling. The stripped program is below: Initially all four ports are turned on which extinguishes the four LED's and if you omit the 100ms wait statement...

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    This is a video of what is presented with the current code. It should be on solid but instead it oscillates

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is a video of what is presented with the current code. It should be on solid but instead it oscillates

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Do HSerPrint "Send to PCF8574 0x" HserPrint hex(ledstatus) HSerSend 9 //! send a variable to the I2C device that sets the device ports // PCF8574_sendbyte(PCF8574_DEVICE_1, ledstatus ) PCF8574_sendbyte(PCF8574_DEVICE_1, low ) ; wait 1000 ms //! read the status of the port into the variable portstatus PCF8574_readbyte(PCF8574_DEVICE_1, portstatus ) HSerPrint "Recieved from PCF8574 0x" HSerPrintStringCRLF hex((portstatus & 0XF0 ) / 16 ) ; Set C Off ; Rotate ledstatus left ; if ledstatus = 16 then ledstatus...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have another annoying problem that I cannot resolve. A single instruction PCF8574Port Off, LED0 (the logic is inverted) Turns on the port 0 but then it begins to oscillate at almost 1 second. I have double checked that there is nothing else in the routine to make it turn on or off.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you so much. That WORKS !! Really long winded but hey, so what it works. Never in a month of Easter Sundays would I have come up with that. One more thing. On the datasheet it looks like the device can be configured in different modes, you mention that above in "So, we have to tell the PCF8574 the configuration that you require - for that you use PCF8574_sendbyte( in PCF8574_device, in PCF8574_data ) where PCF8574_device is the device and PCF8574_data is the state you will be setting the output...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't seem to be able to get the simplified version to compile albeit edited to what I feel it should look like declaring both statements with Dim PCF8574Port as Byte Set PCF8574Port On (LED1) Set PCF8574Port Off(LED1) WARNINGs / ERRORs reported by Great Cow BASIC (if Syntax Error, doubleclick on the errormessage below) <<< My Spindle Motor Temp Controller.gcb (158): Error: Invalid status in Set command: LED1 My Spindle Motor Temp Controller.gcb (160): Error: Array/Function 0 has not been declared...

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have tried every conceivable combination of logic to try and make use of the ledstatus variable from simply repeat 5 ledstatus = 1 wait 1 S ledstatus = 0 wait 1 S end repeat which under normal usage should give me a straightforward 1 second flash, 5 times - it doesn't Having four LED's cycle through a sequence is pretty, and the code to do it is pretty clever but it is neither use to man or beast on a fine day ! You Write, " A simple way to would be use a Constant and send that to the PCF8574....

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have tried every conceivable combination of logic to try and make use of the ledstatus variable from simply repeat 5 ledstatus = 1 wait 1 S ledstatus = 0 wait 1 S end repeat which under normal usage should give me a straightforward 1 second flash, 5 times - it doesn't Having four LED's cycle through a sequence is pretty, and the code to do it is pretty clever but it is neither use to man or beast on a fine day ! You Write, " A simple way to would be use a Constant and send that to the PCF8574....

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have tried every conceivable combination of logic to try and make use of the ledstatus variable from simply repeat 5 ledstatus = 1 wait 1 S ledstatus = 0 wait 1 S end repeat which under normal usage should give me a straightforward 1 second flash, 5 times - it doesn't Having four LED's cycle through a sequence is pretty, and the code to do it is pretty clever but it is neither use to man or beast on a fine day ! You Write, " A simple way to would be use a Constant and send that to the PCF8574....

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    Progress ! Using the example as below I have managed to get some life from Ports 0 - 3 #DEFINE PCF8574_DEVICE_1 0X7A HSerPrint "Send to PCF8574 0x" HserPrint hex(ledstatus) HSerSend 9 //! send a variable to the I2C device that sets the device ports PCF8574_sendbyte(PCF8574_DEVICE_1, ledstatus ) wait 1000 ms //! read the status of the port into the variable portstatus PCF8574_readbyte(PCF8574_DEVICE_1, portstatus ) HSerPrint "Recieved from PCF8574 0x" HSerPrintStringCRLF hex((portstatus & 0XF0 ) /...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    My issues are trying to work out how this works Set C Off Rotate ledstatus left if ledstatus = 16 then ledstatus = 1 Where does 'C' come from? I follow Rotate ledstatus left and the following if statement but why does it work with no End If This I find complex and confusing. Is there a simplified way to turn the LED's On and Off? How do I read the 4 input ports and what will I be looking for?

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Progress ! Using the example as below I have managed to get some life from Ports 0 - 3 #DEFINE PCF8574_DEVICE_1 0X7A HSerPrint "Send to PCF8574 0x" HserPrint hex(ledstatus) HSerSend 9 //! send a variable to the I2C device that sets the device ports PCF8574_sendbyte(PCF8574_DEVICE_1, ledstatus ) wait 1000 ms //! read the status of the port into the variable portstatus PCF8574_readbyte(PCF8574_DEVICE_1, portstatus ) HSerPrint "Recieved from PCF8574 0x" HSerPrintStringCRLF hex((portstatus & 0XF0 ) /...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm still really struggling with these Demo's five of which relate to Atmega devices to which I feel, bear very little relevance to the PCF8574 device I am trying to get my head around. I am making an assumption that the Demo folder you say is the Demo folder in 'My'GCB/Demos on my PC as there are a few files you mention to check out are not there. I have bashed this about all day and the only thing I managed to do is confuse myself even more. below is some code you sent me a while back, I cannot...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm back again where I left off, been down with Flu which really knocked the stuffing out of me. I really must get this PCF8574 device to work, it is crucial to my project. Is there any demo code available that is simple enough for me to follow ?

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I found out what upset the PCF8574 addressing. The address given to me for the PCF8574 0x7E but it spat its dummie out as 0x7E is the address for the I2C LCD Adaptor I have moved the address of the PCF8574 to 0x7A and 0x7B with hardware jumpers on A0, A1 and A2 no conflicts but I still cannot get any activity on the LED's. Is the activity Hi or Lo ?

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you William, had a sneaky feeling it was something to do with those three pins, but being afraid of a stupid mistake with a six quid chip and making the smoke escape.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you William, had a sneaky feeling it was something to do with those three pins, but being afraid of a stupid mistake with a six quid chip and making the smoke escape.

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have flogged on nearly all day trying to get this PCF8574 to show some signs of life nd eventually discovered that it is sitting on the wrong address it is occupying 70 and 71 (0x46 & 0x47) How has it manged to do that?? but more to the point how do I change it back?

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have flogged on nearly all day trying to get this PCF8574 to show some signs of life nd eventually discovered that it is sitting on the wrong address

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you so much William, That has settled my threshold temperature issue, I'm not sure where it is being stored in either the 16F18326 EEPROM or the 256k EEPROM on the i2c Bus. I have seen a small i2c program which gives me a dump of the EEPROM contents but I don't seem to be able to find it.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have tried using William's initial example but I cannot get it compile If ENCODER_SW = 0 Then Wait until ENCODER_SW = 1 CLS ; EPWriteWord(eepAddr_0, value as WORD) EPWRITE eepAddr_0,value EPWRITE (eepAddr_0+1), value_H Goto Main End if it tells me :- Errors have been found: My Spindle Motor Temp Controller.gcb (270): Error: Array/Function EPWRITEWORD has not been declared My Spindle Motor Temp Controller.gcb (270): Error: Syntax Error putting the EPWRITEWORD in the DIM statements as a Word does...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have it in the back of mind that I can only store a numeric value to a maximum of 255 onto an EEPROM Y/N I want to be able to store a numeric value from between 4000 of up to 6525. The Dark Arts folks (Arduino) can do but I can't follow how it works. is it possible? if so how do I do it?

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    No problem Evan, all sorted now. Thanks.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    It is saying "Your search returned no results." for either MOD 10 or mod() ??

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Still on the same tack so to speak but with a different approach. Is it possible in GCB to take the last digit of a numeric value of say 648 to display the last digit '8' using something like 'Print Right(value, 1) or do I have to convert the numeric value into a string? Running 'Print Right(value, 1)' spews out a boatload of symbols and characters from what looks like the LCD Character Set 8>(

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'll put this on the back burner for the time being Evan.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    My Spindle Motor Coolant Controller Project is moving on at reasonable pace and on of the next part of the project involves including a Rotary Encoder to increment and decrement a temperature range and a Fan Speed PWM service. The Rotary Encoder I have is working which increments and decrements a numeric value from 0 to 1000 and is quite stable but what I want it to do is increment/decrement in decimal value like 30.5 , 30.6 etc. It's basic maths again, but heck I haven't used this stuff in absolute...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    No, I used the I2C Discovery program to check that I had conectivity and that is was sitting at the right address. The file I'm using is attached and the two lines of code are sitting on line 85. As I said, I need to find out what I have to do to turn on and off the LED's on my Breadboard connected to P0 and P1 of the PCF8574 As it is I can begin to develop the code for the project. It's a pain having to load the i2c Discovery program before I can see the display with my controller code but I can...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm a little confused, well a big confused. I have the PCF8574 on the breadboard, I have ran i2c Discovery and I can see the device sitting on 0X4E I have added the line PCF8574_sendbyte(PCF8574_DEVICE_1, LEDStatus ) into my code. together with the other two lines of code as above. the burning question is how do I get it to switch on and off the LED's I have hooked up tp P0 and P1 ???

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm trying to use the PCF8574 serial I/O device in this project but the Demo file is written up for a mega328p (Don't want to go there again) Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do to get this to compile with a 16F18326 so as I can get a handle on how this little beastie works. the demo file is ic2_pcf8574_serial_expander_mega328p

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is really, really getting to me now. I have replaced the PCF8574T Serial adapter, Display and even put another 16F18326 onto a breadboard wired it up including the 4k7 Pull-ups on the i2c Clock and data lines and still with your Keithi2c.hex file, Now't, Nada Nix, in other words Nothing. To add insult to my battered confidence, I hooked the little SSD1306 GLCD display up and loaded my Clock and Temperature code onto both the breadboard 16F18326 and my little 16F18326 SBC and it sprang into life...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have done as you said Evan and compiled the i2c Discovery the Git hub repository with some changes which right or wrong I thought were needed.. ' ----- Configuration 'Chip Settings. #CHIP 16f18326,32 #OPTION Explicit #INCLUDE <lowlevel\hwi2c2.h> 'Set the PPS of the PWM and the RS232 ports. 'Set the PPS for this solution. #STARTUP InitPPS, 85 #DEFINE SWITCH_DOWN 1 #DEFINE SWITCH_UP 0 **'' I had to add these two lines ** #define LCD_IO 10 #define LCD_I2C_Address_1 0x7E '' '' -------------------LATC-----------------...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    @William, Hi again William and thank you for your help. This is really becoming another nemesis to me, The little OLed GLCG works a treat on these board of mine but for the life of me I cannot get a wink let alone a twinkle out of an 4x20 LCD. Some of the things I found wrong in the code was the i2c baud rate and the i2c port addresses. ' 16F18326 ' ------- ' VDD-|1 14|-Vss ' RA5-|2 13|-RA0 - DAT ' AN4 IN RA4-|3 12|-RA1 - CLK ' MCLR RA3-|4 11|-RA2 ' RC5-|5 10|-RC0 - I2C CLK ' modeBut RC4-|6 9|-RC1...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    @William, Hi again William and thank you for your help. This is really becoming another nemesis to me, The little OLed GLCG works a treat on these board of mine but for the life of me I cannot get a wink let alone a twinkle out of an 4x20 LCD. Some of the things I found wrong in the code was the i2c baud rate and the i2c port addresses. ' 16F18326 ' ------- ' VDD-|1 14|-Vss ' RA5-|2 13|-RA0 - DAT ' AN4 IN RA4-|3 12|-RA1 - CLK ' MCLR RA3-|4 11|-RA2 ' RC5-|5 10|-RC0 - I2C CLK ' modeBut RC4-|6 9|-RC1...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Could someone please point out the errors of my ways. After fumbling around on the Dark Side with my Spindle Cooling Controller project and Arduino for a couple of weeks, I gave up and decided at great cost to invest in a PCF8574N i2c to 8 bit decoder and use one of my little 16F18326 SBC (Single Board Computer) which has most of the features I need for the project. So here I am at the first Hurdle, Failed..... or more to the point fallen. I am trying to get my i2c bus to talk with a 4x20 LCD Display,...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Just the Job .... Two Wire Clock and Data wit 8 ports I/O. Is the MCP23008 supported in GCB? I have had a quick peek at the I2C PCF8574 Serial expander demo and the code is again way above my pay grade I think I'm going to need some help with the coding for this - in fact I KNOW I'm going to need some help.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    does anyone know of a device which can sit on the I2C Bus and can be addressed to give me a couple ( or more ) of Output ports? i am building a water temperature, pump and Fan controller for my CNC Spindle motor and i have run ou of control ports to control it with my 18F SBC any ideas anyone?

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I have seen a schematic somewhere which shows the Diode (D10) and where to to cut the print. - I can't find it ! I was going to modify these two over the weekend.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    If I press and hold the down key the display cycles through all the options but it advances randomly on a single one shot of the down key. It's as if the down button needs a de-bounce routine. Secondly any instruction within the case options are ignored such as in "If ButtonSelect > 0 Then Case 0 CLS PRINT "Option 1 " Locate 1,5 If ButtonSelect > 0 Then Goto Test End if

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Video is too big to upload. I need to convert it on my other PC to show you what it is doing. Unless you can try it out on one of your UNO's as I have a feeling the CPU on this thing may be damaged. Some of the problems I'm having is beyond comprehension. GRRR !

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Code as in above

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Code as in above

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    @ Anobium. Crying out loud, this is really getting to me but I'm not giving up just yet. Take a look at the video below, you won't believe what it is doing. The full code is also attached.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    @ Anobium. Crying out loud, this is really getting to me but I'm not giving up just yet. Take a look at the video below, you won't believe what it is doing. The full code is also attached.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    @ Anobium. Crying out loud, this is really getting to me but I'm not giving up just yet. Take a look at the video below, you won't believe what it is doing. The full code is also attached.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Yes Stan but it is a real Pain in the Butt to get to work properly !

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    I have found an arduino sketch which checks out if your keypad shield is defective. It is attached as a compressed file. I guess it is not very often you are wrong but you're right again - both of mine are reporting as defective or as it say's "BAD" * Please be very careful with this "Sketch" I have it on good authority That it actually Puts a short circuit across the MCU ***

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Here is what I have so far. I changed the names of a couple of variables as the original ones clashed with what I had.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    If the sketch to test if the Keypad Shield is causing a short across the MCU I think I had better take it down - What do you think ??

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Thank you so much once again Evann. This is crazy I know but I still cannot get it work as it should, for some apparent reason it needs an End If somewhere in response to the if ButtonDown = True Then condition. I have tried it in every conceivable position as I feel it is that which is preventing it from stepping through the case statements. I don't what it is but I don't seem to come across as many basic low level problems with Microchip devices ? This Arduino business is taking my programming...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I want to use Case Select to step through 5 options but I'm failing miserably. What I have so far after 3 hours is:- BTTNPUSH = READAD10(AN0) ButtonRight = BTTNPUSH < 50 ButtonUp = BTTNPUSH >60 and BTTNPUSH < 200 ButtonDown = BTTNPUSH >200 and BTTNPUSH < 400 ButtonLeft = BTTNPUSH >400 and BTTNPUSH < 600 ButtonSelect = BTTNPUSH >600 and BTTNPUSH < 800 Select Case ButtonDown = 1 Case 0 CLS PRINT "Option 1 " ; Print ButtonRight Case 1 CLS PRINT "Option 2" Case 2 CLS PRINT "Option 3" Case 3 CLS PRINT...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Thanks Mike. I'm using Mach 3 (Paid Version) for most of my CNC Needs but I want to use this on on a mini-Surface Grinder I have built. I must confess this Arduino thing is a bit of a beast, it is a bit like my little Jack Russel Terrier - Only does what you want him to do when he thinks fit. If he had two fingers I know what he would do sometimes. I'll take a look at this GRBL stuff shortly. Thanks again.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I think I have found what is wrong. DIM XSPMM as Integer seems to have fixed it

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Using BIT instead of BYTE only allows me to store logical values 1 or 0. I need to find what is missing in my code which stops it from displaying ASCII characters and symbols when increment or decrement a numeric value. as thus: PRINT "X Motor" Locate 1, 2 Print XSPMM Locate 1, 6 Print "Steps/mm" If ButtonUp > 0 then XSPMM = XSPMM + 1 EPWrite 0, XSPMM WAIT 500 mS End if If ButtonDown > 0 then XSPMM = XSPMM - 1 EPWrite 0, XSPMM WAIT 500 mS End if I have attached the full project here

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Using BIT instead of BYTE only allows me to store logical values 1 or 0. I need to find what is missing in my code to prevent it from displaying ASCII characters and symbols when increment or decrement a numeric value. as thus: PRINT "X Motor" Locate 1, 2 Print XSPMM Locate 1, 6 Print "Steps/mm" If ButtonUp > 0 then XSPMM = XSPMM + 1 EPWrite 0, XSPMM WAIT 500 mS End if If ButtonDown > 0 then XSPMM = XSPMM - 1 EPWrite 0, XSPMM WAIT 500 mS End if I have attached the full project here

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I have found an arduino sketch which checks out if your keypad shield is defective. It is attached as a compressed file. I guess it is not very often you are wrong but you're right again - both of mine are reporting as defective or as it say's "BAD"

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Hello again Stan, I'm using an Atmega328p Uno with the LCD Keypad Shield. I know I've always said I would never venture onto the Dark Side but hey-ho money talks. these things are as cheap as chips on FleaBay and Ali.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I've just spent about 20 minutes on Ali and Fleabay looking for WAVGAT LGT328p Uno's ?? Nothing !!. Boatloads of Uno's with the Atmega Devices but Now't with an LGT328p

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    What have I done wrong? My Data Value is incrementing in ASCII characters and symbols ?? Is there something I haven't told it or perhaps something I have. GRR ! This doesn't happen with Microchip MCU's

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I'm only using these UNO's as they are so cheap. A really good saving on creating a PCB, having our little yellow friends (tongue in cheek ) make 10 PCB's Populate it and test. I detest the Arduino Language with a passion but now that I can use GCB means I can rattle a project up at a tenth of the cost. Just a pity I couldn't use those LGT328p boards as a substitute for the UNO, Too much cobbling around to make it work the same way with the KeyPad shield.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I posted that above before reading your reply above... Why are you so bloodywell Clever !! Progress at last. Thank you.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I have two of these LCD Keypad Shield Modules (Stupid Name) both form the same supplier and less than a fiver a piece. They are slightly different along the top edge where the modifications go. I have been using one of these on a CNC Gear Cutting (Hobbing) Mill for a good while with no problems.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I may have the answer here. What I found is that reading the AD output into a variable results in a logical 0 being delivered and a value of 255 delivered when the button is pressed. here is what I have so far in my sandpit. The program is quite big now so I'm only publishing what I have on this part. chip mega328P, 16 option explicit include <uno_mega328p.h></uno_mega328p.h> ;setup Lcd Parameters define LCD_IO 4 define LCD_NO_RW define LCD_SPEED FAST define LCD_DB4 DIGITAL_4 define LCD_DB5 DIGITAL_5...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Thank you Evann, I read through this a while back and checked the Display Shields I have, I'm nearly sure I'm okay. @ Stan. I am already using all my ports, as I/O Lines but I thought the Keypad buttons were all attached in series to AD10(AN0) and taken in as a voltage ?? I want to use the five keypad buttons.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    First Hurdle. After spending nearly ten hours trying to get these five buttons to work, on the Keypad Shield I'm shouting for help. Using some code I found here by Mike Motte DIM BTTNPUSH AS Word ; MAIN PROGRAM WAIT 2 S set LCDBacklight on PRINT " PRESS A BUTTON" WAIT 2 S Do Forever cls BTTNPUSH = READAD10(AN0) Print BTTNPUSH Select Case BTTNPUSH Case < 50 CLS PRINT "RIGHT" Case > 60 & BTTNPUSH < 200 CLS PRINT "UP" Case > 200 & BTTNPUSH < 400 CLS PRINT "DOWN" Case > 400 & BTTNPUSH < 600 CLS PRINT...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    I'll take a pass on this one Evann. I think the UNO is going to do what I'm looking for as I only need about a kHz pulse train, an EN (Enable) and a DIR control for the Stepper Driver Modules. Has anyone written a port allocation table for this beast? (UNO) I have a Muppet sheet with the location of the pin-outs. Do I take it that PB0 to to PB5 are B0 to B5 etc Do I treat them the same Microchip Ports? Hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew AGAIN !

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Thank you Evan.

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Contributors

    Hello again William, I have eventually bit the bullet and I am trying to code up an Arduino Uno with a Atmega328 processor to drive my mini Surface Grinder. Basically it is a CNC Mill with a high speed X axis table. I want to use the Uno as it fits the bill in price with both the CPU board, keypad and display for less than a tenner. It has more input and output ports than you shake a stick at. it is fast enough to drive the 3 stepper motor drivers on the machine. So I started to prowl around for...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Contributors

    Hello again William, I have eventually bit the bullet and I am trying to code up an Arduino Uno with a Atmega328 processor to drive my mini Surface Grinder. Basically it is a CNC Mill with a high speed X axis table. I want to the Uno as it fits the bill in price with both the CPU board, keypad and display for less than a tenner. It has more input and output ports than you shake a stick at. it is fast enough to drive the 3 stepper motor drivers. So I started to prowl around for some code to get me...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you Mike, sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I'm having some PC issues which I'm sure a good kick in the USB's wouldn't go amiss. To be honest it is probably so full of my cr@p it is damn near full. That's an interesting routine and one I'm keen to try out. One thing that I have found in the WiFi App is that it is possible to program it to give a momentary one shot. To confuse the issue they have called it "Inching" and the inching duration can be adjusted down as low 500 mS which with...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you Mike, sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I'm having some PC issues which I'm sure a good kick in the USB's wouldn't go amiss. To be honest it is probably so full of my cr@p it is damn near full. That's an interesting routine and one I'm keen to try out. One thing that I have found in the WiFi App is that it is possible to program it to give a momentary one shot. To confuse the issue they have called it "Inching" and the inching duration can be adjusted down as low 500 mS which with...

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    Once again my coding skills are letting me down and I’m having a hell of a rare old time with the code for a garage door opener. It works fine with the Remote Fob, the receiver output is a momentary High signal over two outputs defined as RemoteUp and Remote Down. This all works fine, but what I want to do is to introduce a WiFi Device which has a SPCO relay output which Latches to either state. This Latching condition is what is causing me major headaches as what it is doing preventing the Fob Inputs...

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    Once again my coding skills are letting me down and I’m having a hell of a rare old time with the code for a garage door opener. It works fine with the Remote Fob, the receiver output is a momentary High signal over two outputs defined as RemoteUp and Remote Down. This all works fine, but what I want to do is to introduce a WiFi Device which has a SPCO relay output which Latches to either state. This Latching condition is what is causing me major headaches as what it is doing preventing the Fob Inputs...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Full code

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    Once again my coding skills are letting me down and I’m having a hell of a rare old time with the code for a garage door opener. It works fine with the Remote Fob, the receiver output is a momentary High signal over two outputs defined as RemoteUp and Remote Down. This all works fine, but what I want to do is to introduce a WiFi Device which has a SPCO relay output which Latches to either state. This Latching condition is what is causing me major headaches as what it is doing preventing the Fob Inputs...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    Once again my coding skills are letting me down and I’m having a hell of a rare old time with the code for a garage door opener. It works fine with the Remote Fob, the receiver output is a momentary High signal over two outputs defined as RemoteUp and Remote Down. This all works fine, but what I want to do is to introduce a WiFi Device which has a SPCO relay output which Latches to either state. This Latching condition is what is causing me major headaches as what it is doing preventing the Fob Inputs...

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    When I change the chip type to what is in the project (16F18326) it doesn't compile and tells me HEF is not supported on this device. Changing the chip type back to 16F1705 allows me to compile, needless to say it refuses to do anything. The only thing in the terminal is a solitary accented carat symbol. I don't have a 16F1705 to test with.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    @Anobium -- This is as far as my "dung for brains" could handle !

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    That's put a hole in my bucket. Pity really as a while back William wrote a bootloader for it - back to the slate and my stick of chalk.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    PPS Tool issue. This is driving around the bend ! I have checked and double checked the XML chip definitions and the XML file for 16F1937 is there. It is also present in the manifest but the PPS Tool refuses to list it in the dropdown. Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong??? Keith

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    @Anobium. I received your email about the TBL for 16F18346. I have replied to this about an hour ago. I'm waiting patiently for this as I want to breadboard and prove the circuitry. By the look of your message you already have a 16F27Q43 bootloader??

  • Keith Keith modified a comment on discussion Help

    @William. As recommended I have order a couple of 18F27Q43 devices. Hells Bells they are like Hen's Teeth. Found some On Mouser in the US, I have dealt with them quite a lot and the beauty of it is they have a UK Office so I don't get clattered with import duty and additional taxes. I have ordered an SPDIP version too so I can breadboard it and test it out before committing time with the PCB artwork. Back to old problem though, I need to beg borrow steal or skank the bootloader firmware for it.

  • Keith Keith posted a comment on discussion Help

    @William. As recommended I have order a couple of 18F27Q43 devices. Hells Bells they are like Hen's Teeth. Found some On Mouser in the US, I have dealt with them quite a lot and the beauty of it is they have a UK Office so I don't get clattered with import duty and additional taxes. I have order a PDIP version too so I can breadboard it and test it out before committing time with the PCB artwork. Back to old problem though, I need to beg borrow steal or skank the bootloader firmware for it.

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