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  • Posted a comment on ticket #1 on GREEND

    Yes I completely agree with this request. Really appreciate if there is a user guide that explains what each column means.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenDSS

    Hi Davis, Thanks. I just figured out the problem. It was because there was conflict of line execution order, because I had some redirected commands referring to .DSS files The linecode commands, in this case, came after the load command and this was what caused the error.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenDSS

    Unfortunately that didn't work out. I still get the same error.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenDSS

    Thank you David. Yes, you are right. Btw after fixing that bug, now I'm trying to store all the power system data in a database format and automatically generate the script to generate the network topology using python COM interface. For example, I import the load data as a pandas dataframe and the iterate over each row. At each iteration, I use the following command (I remove some of the indexing from the code to make it more readable). self.DSSText.Command = 'New Loadshape.{0} npts={1} interval=1...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenDSS

    Dear OpenDSS community, I came across an error 485 max. iterations exceeded error when running a daily simulation (static mode) with storagecontroller2. Attached is the event log. Could you please help me to understand what is going wrong here? Best regards Buddi

  • Posted a comment on discussion Beginners on OpenDSS

    Dear Roger, I have a small clarification regarding vminpu and vmaxpu properties of loads (rather how vpu is calculated for 1ph and 3ph loads). For 1ph load; vpu = v_ln/base_v_ln For 3ph loads; vpu = v_ll/base_v_ll Is this correct? Thank you, Buddi

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenDSS

    Is it possible to adjust only one element in the load mult vector without rewriting the entire vector? I mean something equivalent to loadmult(t=5) = 0.4, something like that.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenDSS

    Hi Celso, Thank you for the quick response. One more clarification: So as you said I can set the single phase value when I use I-PeakShave mode. The KWTarget parameter in this case is the single phase current, am I right (or the single phase power and OpenDSS calculates the current w.r.t. voltage)? Secondly, in PeakShave mode I should set the KWTarget to single phase power, and OpenDSS multiplies it by the no. of phases, am I right? What happens if the no. of phases is 4 (incl. neutral for a system...

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2020-04-25 08:03:16


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