Activity for Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on ticket #1

    Yes I completely agree with this request. Really appreciate if there is a user guide that explains what each column means.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Davis, Thanks. I just figured out the problem. It was because there was conflict of line execution order, because I had some redirected commands referring to .DSS files The linecode commands, in this case, came after the load command and this was what caused the error.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Unfortunately that didn't work out. I still get the same error.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you David. Yes, you are right. Btw after fixing that bug, now I'm trying to store all the power system data in a database format and automatically generate the script to generate the network topology using python COM interface. For example, I import the load data as a pandas dataframe and the iterate over each row. At each iteration, I use the following command (I remove some of the indexing from the code to make it more readable). self.DSSText.Command = 'New Loadshape.{0} npts={1} interval=1...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear OpenDSS community, I came across an error 485 max. iterations exceeded error when running a daily simulation (static mode) with storagecontroller2. Attached is the event log. Could you please help me to understand what is going wrong here? Best regards Buddi

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear Roger, I have a small clarification regarding vminpu and vmaxpu properties of loads (rather how vpu is calculated for 1ph and 3ph loads). For 1ph load; vpu = v_ln/base_v_ln For 3ph loads; vpu = v_ll/base_v_ll Is this correct? Thank you, Buddi

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to adjust only one element in the load mult vector without rewriting the entire vector? I mean something equivalent to loadmult(t=5) = 0.4, something like that.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Celso, Thank you for the quick response. One more clarification: So as you said I can set the single phase value when I use I-PeakShave mode. The KWTarget parameter in this case is the single phase current, am I right (or the single phase power and OpenDSS calculates the current w.r.t. voltage)? Secondly, in PeakShave mode I should set the KWTarget to single phase power, and OpenDSS multiplies it by the no. of phases, am I right? What happens if the no. of phases is 4 (incl. neutral for a system...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have a quick question about storagecontroller2, I-PeakShave mode. When I set the kWTarget parameter, I should set the total 3ph current, right? Or should it be the current for one phase? I'm a bit confused because MonPhase=MAX checks against 3 times the maximum current in any single phase, if I understand the technical document correctly. So I'm more biased to think that it should be the current in all 3ph, but I want to make sure. Best regards, Buddi

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya modified a comment on discussion Beginners

    Thank you Roger. A small related question... Could you please look at the following 3 lines of code? New Linecode.ug1 nphases=3 Units=km ~ Rmatrix=[0.28634 |0.126691 0.285722 |0.123036 0.12274 0.278587 ] ~ Xmatrix=[0.146967 |0.0620343 0.150033 |0.101062 0.104317 0.185651 ] ~ Cmatrix=[65.3398 |12.5766 65.3362 |-37.2613 -38.6718 65.3362 ] New Line.LINE2 phases=3 Bus1=R2. Bus2=R3. Linecode=UG1 Length=35.0 Units=m New Reactor.React2 phases=1 bus1=R2.0 R=40 X=0 Here we have 2 buses, one...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Thank you Roger. A small related question... Could you please look at the following 3 lines of code? New Linecode.UG1 nphases=3 Units=km ~ Rmatrix=[0.207904 |0.0485635 0.207903 |0.0485635 0.0485627 0.207903 |0.0485643 0.0485635 0.0485635 0.207904 ] ~ Xmatrix=[0.753217 |0.66675 0.753219 |0.687653 0.689424 0.753219 |0.689423 0.687653 0.66675 0.753217 ] ~ Cmatrix=[65.3398 |12.5766 65.3362 |-37.2613 -38.6718 65.3362 |-38.6681 -37.2613 12.5766 65.3398 ] New Line.LINE2 phases=3 Bus1=R2. Bus2=R3.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear Roger, Thank you for the fast reply. Just to clarify what you said, in OpenDSS "phases" is synonymous to the number of wires connected. This is what I wanted to understand. And thank you very much for your detailed explanation on the trafo model and the tip for PV system modeling. Best regards Buddi

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Hi, This could be a very basic question. When you want to model a 3 phases system with neutral, how do you define the phase (nphase for LineCode) parameter when creating following instances of objects? Is it 3 or 4 (1 or 2 for single phase elements)? Circuit LineCode Line Reactor (earth conductor) 3ph delta connected loads 3ph Y connected loads Loads between one phase and the neutral 3ph PV system 1ph PV system Thanks a lot.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, Maybe you could help me to understand some results that I got. My system has a PVsystem2 and a load connected at the same bus. Attached are some images from the monitors. I see that the PV system generates the power required by the load and at the same time there is power flow through the line (measured at the load side). By confusion is that the power balance does not seem to add up, for example check timestep 3995. I don't have any storages. Am I missing something? I'm also a bit confused...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear all, Has anyone of you tried to do model load control or load shedding in OpenDSS? What I would like to do is to design a control scheme where a controllable load is regulated within a set of upper and lower constraints based on a voltage security signal from the PCC. Since we don't have a load controller in OpenDSS, I think the only way to do this is using the COM interface. I would love to hear some ideas, insights, or examples (maybe you have already published some work on a related topic?)...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you very much David. Small follow up question. Can you please tell me whether there is a way to model a controllable load, e.g., a residential demand response strategy based on the voltage at PCC?

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear community, Do you know where I can find information about ESPVLControl and EXPControl? It will be very useful if you could direct me to some technical reference and hopefully a small test case where this control is implemented. Best regards, Buddi

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi I'm not sure if this reply is still useful, but I tried to generate the linecodes using the detailed cable modeling commands of OpenDSS (WireData and LineGeometry) for the cigre LV network and they do not match with what you have calculated. The data for the line models are from the cigre task force report. I attach the linecodes that I got from OpenDSS (with and without Kron reduction) for your reference. Let me know if this works for your problem. Another probable error in your model is that...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi I'm not sure if this reply is still useful, but I tried to generate the linecodes using the detailed cable modeling commands of OpenDSS (WireData and LineGeometry) for the cigre LV network and they do not match with what you have calculated. The data for the line models are from the cigre task force report. I attach the linecodes that I got from OpenDSS (with and without Kron reduction) for your reference. Let me know if this works for your problem.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi I'm not sure if this reply is still useful, but I tried to generate the linecodes using the detailed cable modeling commands of OpenDSS (WireData and LineGeometry) for the cigre LV network and they do not match with what you have calculated. The data for the line models are from the cigre task force report. I attach the linecodes that I got from OpenDSS for your reference. Let me know if this works for your problem.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Yes of course. Thanks a lot David.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear community, I encountered a very interesting problem (not sure whether it is a problem, but it is rather unusual). I modeled a monitor (only monitor in the model) and ran a simulation for 24 time-steps. set controlmode=static set mode=yearly stepsize=1.0h number=24 Attached are the monitor outputs when I execute the simulation from OpenDSS (the CSV file) and python COM interface (screenshot). What we see is that I get a time-series of 24 results on each channel when I execute the simulation directly...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear Davis, Thank you so much for the kind support. It was a very novice mistake. I managed to get it to work, but I had to remove the "for loop" in my python script that recorded the voltage magnitudes of each hour to accomodate that (because DI files must be open until end of simulation to record meter readings for each hour). But if I understand correct, I could use monitors to record the bus voltage magnitudes the same way I use meters without having to use loops, am I right? So as a general...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think so. I use closedi command in the master.dss Is there a way to check for certainity that the files are closed? Thank you very much.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Thank you very much for your help. Attached are the scripts that I wrote.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, I'm also getting this error. It is not a syntax error like Roger suggested. I can stop the error by removing Set demandinterval=true. So there is something going wrong with demand interval, but I can't decide what? Is there anyone who has more experienced on this?

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear Davis, Thank you. I tried to do as you suggested. In my python script I have; DSSObj = win32com.client.Dispatch("OpenDSSEngine.DSS") DSSText = DSSObj.Text DSSCircuit = DSSObj.ActiveCircuit DSSSolution = DSSCircuit.Solution DSSElem = DSSCircuit.ActiveCktElement DSSBus = DSSCircuit.ActiveBus DSSLoads=DSSCircuit.Loads DSSMeters = DSSCircuit.Meters DSSText.Command='Clear' DSSText.Command='Compile (Master.dss)' DSSText.Command='Batchedit load..* vminpu=0.88' powers = {} voltages = {} for i in range(24):...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Thank you very much Roger.

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear Roger, I'm trying two options. First is to increase the rating of the line and second is to add a parallel line, if there is available slots in the corridor (I didn't include the second option yet in my model, but it is something I want to do next).

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear community, I'm using python COM interface to model a line upgrade scenario. The network simulation is run with OpenDSS and at each iteration I extract the line currents, check if it is too high low and ask the model to increase the line capacity. I'm succesful up to the point where I can extract the line currents and see where the overloads occur. But I have a problem of getting the model to upgrade the line size that mitigate the overloading condition at the next iteration. Does anyone has...

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya modified a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear all, a small followup question to what has been discussed here already. How can I get the list of only the buses to which a load is connected? Is there a way to access the Bus1 attribute of each Load object in iteration? I'm using the python COM interface. Thank you!

  • Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya posted a comment on discussion Beginners

    Dear all, a small followup question to what has been discussed here already. How can I get the list of only the buses to which a load is connected? Is there a way to access the Bus1 attribute of each Load object in iteration?