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  • Posted a comment on ticket #1905 on VICE

    Come on guys. I posted this report 35 minutes ago, and it's already fixed!! LOL Thanks so much.. Close this report... :)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1905 on VICE

    That was fast.. Thanks Marco!!

  • Created ticket #1905 on VICE

    Debian 12 and SCPU

  • Posted a comment on ticket #98 on SyncTERM

    I am having this issue also in Linux..

  • Posted a comment on ticket #70 on VICE

    Hi GPZ, I have been testing with latest commits every time there is a change to the RS232 routines, still getting the same results (I haven't tested the latest nightly though) Files will send from one computer to the next but when the 2nd one tries to send back on same session a couple of good blocks then all bad blocks as it loses sync. I have tested this with my BBS program (Image BBS v3.0) and with Novaterm and CCGMS.. Currently I use a very old r40835 nightly with the DCD fix Durandahl did and...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1548 on VICE

    I can confirm this a little differently. I have installed both GTK and SDL versions on 2 different Ubuntu 21.10 installs on a Raspberry p4b 4gig model. I have 2 different issues, 1 the same as above, the CMD HD can not be used after it is attached. It just sits there when trying to access the drive. In addition to that, the cpu usage drops from 100% down to 70-75% usage thus slowing down the emulation. This happens in all modes x64sc xscpu64 etc, I did not try 128 mode though. If you need me to test...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #262 on VICE

    finally got around to testing it out.. I did things 2 different ways. I tested first with my BBS setup, and sending files from 1 BBS to the other worked fine, but receiving during the same call failed. Then I took my basic c64 setup with striketerm in 2 instances and uploaded from 1st instance to 2nd instance upload worked I immediately tried to upload from 2nd instance back to first instance a different file and it failed with all bad blocks. I then cut the connection re-connected and uploaded with...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #262 on VICE

    Felt like taking things one extra step.. I took the RS232 directory and the aciacore.c and acia.c files from r48035 and assembled them into the latest nightly assembled a Windows version with them but left the Linux version alone as 41117 . Tried a transfer between Linux machine and Windows machine exact same setup as before, 86 blocks to linux had 5 bad blocks, same 86 blocks back to Windows had 3 bad blocks, but it worked.. I hope all this helps... I am out.. If you need more testing let me know.....

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2018-10-20 18:29:43


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