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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NeSSi2

    This is nor directly supported, but you could write your NeSSi2 extensions that do this. This will not be trivial since packets inside NeSSi2 are send in discrete steps and not as a continious flow like in actual networks. So you would need to come up with meaningful way to synchronize/handle this.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NeSSi2

    We are currently in the planning stages for a new project, but there is no development yet and I don't think anything will start this year.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NeSSi2

    We recently updated our repository server. Thanks for the hint that something is not working, we will investigate this. Just a warning, NeSSi2 is not actively maintaned at the moment, so a fix can take sometime and NeSSi2 and its dependencies are seriously outdated.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NeSSi2

    If I recall correctly, NeSSi2 includes an EchoClient and EchoServer application. So your applications may not show up, because those application names are already used.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NeSSi2

    Could you provide us the complete stack trace? The part of the exception above makes it difficult to locate were in our code the problem occured. One problem with communnication between and backend exists when both are run on the same computer and no active network interface (not even the loopback interface) can be found. Not sure if this is relevant for your case.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NeSSi2

    You can use the DDoSApplication. When you create a profile for the attacker, you have to add this application to it and configure it. At the very least you MUST add an IP address for the target. This address MUST exist in your network. On the target network node you MUST add an application that can receive packets send by the DDoSApplication. Since the DDoSApplication sends UDP packets, you can use the UDPServerApplication. Please make sure both applications have the same settings for the port number,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on NeSSi2

    This error typically means that you don't have database installed/running or that the database connection settings in preference page are incorrect. Details on how ton configure and set-up the database connection correctly are part of our manual.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #6 on NeSSi2

    Apache License V2.0 as stated on SourceForge page for NeSSi2.

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2008-10-01 11:29:40


This is a list of open source software projects that Karsten Bsufka is associated with:

  • Project Logo NeSSi2 Network security simulator Last Updated:

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