User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on TurboPower Abbrevia

    I have updates to make an easy enhancement. You can do it with a couple simple edits to AbArcTyp.pas Find and update the line; TAbExtractOption = (eoCreateDirs, eoRestorePath); to TAbExtractOption = (eoCreateDirs, eoRestorePath,eoAlwaysOverwrite,eoOverwriteExceptNewer); Find procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmProcessItem and replace it with update. { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmProcessItem(Item : TAbArchiveItem; const ProcessType...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on TurboPower Abbrevia

    You can do it with a couple simple edits to AbArcTyp.pas Find and update the line; TAbExtractOption = (eoCreateDirs, eoRestorePath); to TAbExtractOption = (eoCreateDirs, eoRestorePath,eoAlwaysOverwrite,eoOverwriteExceptNewer); Find procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmProcessItem and replace it with update. { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmProcessItem(Item : TAbArchiveItem; const ProcessType : TAbProcessType; var Confirm : Boolean);...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on TurboPower Abbrevia

    You can do it with a couple simple edits to AbArcTyp.pas Find and update the line; TAbExtractOption = (eoCreateDirs, eoRestorePath); to TAbExtractOption = (eoCreateDirs, eoRestorePath,eoAlwaysOverwrite,eoOverwriteExceptNewer); Find procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmProcessItem and replace it with update. *{ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TAbArchive.DoConfirmProcessItem(Item : TAbArchiveItem; const ProcessType : TAbProcessType; var Confirm : Boolean);...

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Personal Data

2003-01-23 05:03:54


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