I've tried keep-alive-timeout with 0 and it didn't help is debug 1024 enough? I'm enabling it now
I got the same error with http-proxy-to-socks so I think the problem is with Tor. I've updated with the version from their Ubuntu PPA and still got the issue. Is there a way privoxy can recover from these socket closed error from Tor? I'll collect more logs
replaced privoxy with https://github.com/oyyd/http-proxy-to-socks without any issues
`Net::ReadTimeout with #<Socket:(closed)>` when using a connection pool
Bom dia, Não vejo a opção de desligar o beep do alarme no apctest. Como fazer isso? att, bráulio ~/P/o/Review-collector ❯❯❯ sudo apctest 2019-09-11 08:05:59 apctest 0.8.21 (May 10 2019) archlinux Checking configuration ... sharenet.type = Network & ShareUPS Disabled cable.type = Custom Cable Simple mode.type = BRAZIL UPS Driver Setting up the port ... Doing prep_device() ... You are using a APC Brazil type, so I'm entering BRAZIL test mode Hello, this is the apcctrl Cable Test program. This part...