I know this is an old thread, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction... So I have the folder setup.. but I can't see anywhere at the user level to import documents - at teh admin level I can see it under misc... Any suggestions? we are doing what teh OP is doing as well..
exception thrown when deleting profile
this one results in nothing sent when requesting a password reset... surely that is a bug?
for example this error results in things not properly done in the cookie... it doesn't break things, just doesn't do what it is supposed to be doing
nope lets fix the erorrs instead of hiding them,,,
nope, lets clean up teh coding errors instead of hiding them :)
But trying to get my head around teh code... it looks like in edituserprofile you do - foreach (array('Read','Write','Edit','Admin') as $p) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="perm<span>[' . $pi . ']</span>" value="' . $func . '|' . $p . '">'; $permA[$func][$p] = $pi++; } before using $permA whilst in viewuserprofile you just try and use it without putting anything in $permA first?
umm.. no, we need to find the coding error and fix it... not hide it ! :) Anyway this is data from my logs...
Undefined variable permA
undefined property
underfined index "path"