Activity for Bob Wilkinson

  • Bob Wilkinson Bob Wilkinson posted a comment on ticket #96

    As further information, I was able to print from a windows laptop. The error seen above arose when I tried to print from a laptop running debian unstable.

  • Bob Wilkinson Bob Wilkinson posted a comment on ticket #96

    I am using debian unstable . root@portugal:/usr/lib/cups/filter# dpkg --list printer-driver-splix Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-====================-==============-============-========================================================= ii printer-driver-splix 2.0.0+svn315-7 amd64 Driver for Samsung and Xerox...

  • Bob Wilkinson Bob Wilkinson created ticket #96

    ML-1610 used as network printer fails for remote jobs