Activity for Martin Lindén

  • Martin Lindén Martin Lindén modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Another interesting possibility is to try some imputation scheme (see ) . This is common in many machine learning applications, but I don't know if anyone has tried it for vbSPT.

  • Martin Lindén Martin Lindén modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Another interesting possibility is to try some imputation scheme (see []) . This is common in many machine learning applications, but I don't know if anyone has tried it for vbSPT.

  • Martin Lindén Martin Lindén modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Another interesting possibility is to try some imputation scheme (see ) . This is common in many machine learning applications, but I don't know if anyone has tried it for vbSPT.

  • Martin Lindén Martin Lindén posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Another interesting possibility is to try some imputation scheme (see This is common in many machine learning applications, but I don't know if anyone has tried it for vbSPT.

  • Martin Lindén Martin Lindén posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi! vbSPT cannot handle missing positions, unfortunately. It can however handle a large number of trajectories, so one way forward might be to split up your data and analyse the stretches between missing values as distinct, independent trajectories. In that case, it might also be a good idea enforce a lower limit on the trajectory length and discard anything with less than, say 5-10 points (experimetns with simulated data might help you choose). If you are able to supply a localisation uncertainty...

  • Martin Lindén Martin Lindén posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Asok, it is difficult to say just form that. Could you provid a little more detail, for example about what is the content of the hmm struct? Best, Martin

  • Martin Lindén Martin Lindén posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Alok, I think the problem might be that arrow.m is an old version that is not compatible with your matlab versions, see Please try to update Tools/displayHMMmodel/private/arrow.m in vbSPT with the latest version from and see if that helps. Best regards, Martin

  • Martin Lindén Martin Lindén posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Note to readers: this discussion moved offline to allow exchange of private data....