User Activity

  • Committed [7f97b2]

    lcl: call inherited in TWinControl.FontChanged so CM_FONTCHANGED is fired. Directly set FParentFont to avoid firing a CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED message

  • Committed [55d2de]

    lcl: removed redundant assignments in CMParentColorChanged, CMParentShowHintChanged, CMParentBidiModeChanged

  • Committed [442c98]

    lcl: use message CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED to notify of parent font change. This is Delphi compatible, fixes the order of the font change events and is consistent with the other parent properties notifications: Color, ShowHint, BidiMode

  • Committed [ccccc6]

    lcl: remove redundant assignment of ParentBidiMode in TCustomForm.CMParentBiDiModeChanged

  • Committed [a6b359]

    lcl: remove check for FParent in since it assumes that FParent <> nil (TForm handles the case FParent = nil)

  • Committed [99791d]

    doc: added Description to TCustomEdit.MaxLength with a note about a Delphi incompatibility

  • Committed [775a15]

    lcl: use NotifyControls to send CM_PARENTFONTCHANGED message to children

  • Committed [cd9e4a]

    lcl: In TWinControl.Loaded send CM_PARENTCOLORCHANGED message after setting color and not after setting font

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Personal Data

2005-01-11 21:24:44


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