Activity for Bob Kline

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #2134

    Doesn't seem that I have permission to close my own tickets, so you'll have to do that yourself.

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #2134

    I see. If I understand the implications of what you're telling me, the software is performing more than one pass, displaying the files being processed once for each pass, but only calculating the percentage complete for the last pass (even though it's displaying percentage complete beginning with that first pass). I was taking the progress display at face value, based on which (and the amount of time which had elapsed when I killed the process) I figured it would be days before the job was finished...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline created ticket #2134

    Progress line stuck at 0%

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    I don't have permission to modify the status of my own bug report, it seems, but if I did I would close this ticket and withdraw the accompanying patches. For more information see and

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline modified a comment on ticket #27

    Here's a second patch which addresses the problem in a more general way, hopefully closer to something which could actually be applied to the repository (perhaps with some added comments). Basically, it applies the logic for trying to use ADO's existing parameter list for all calls to _buildADOparameterList(), not just for stored procedures. The original version had a comment "needed only if we are calling a stored procedure" but not explaining why that would be true. Given the incorrect behavior...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline modified a comment on ticket #27

    (Having a conversation with myself, it seems). :-) And I believe the patch also addresses [EDIT: no, the patch isn't that good :-) The datetime precision bug will still need some digging.]

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    (Having a conversation with myself, it seems). :-) And I believe the patch also addresses

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    This patch appears to fix another bug I hadn't gotten around to reporting. Without the patch: >>> cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE #foo (i INT, t NTEXT NULL)") >>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO #foo VALUES(?, ?)", (42, None)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\adodbapi\", line 885, in execute self._execute_command() File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\adodbapi\", line 697, in _execute_command self._raiseCursorError(klass,...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    Here's a second patch which addresses the problem in a more general way, hopefully closer to something which could actually be applied to the repository (perhaps with some added comments). Basically, it applies the logic for trying to use ADO's existing parameter list for all calls to _buildADOparameterList(), not just for stored procedures. The original version had a comment "needed only if we are calling a stored procedure" but not explaining why that would be true. Given the incorrect behavior...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #27

    Here is a patch which demonstrates that it is possible to get the right behavior from ADO/DB. Note that this is not a full-blown solution (the patch only addresses one non-sproc path and hasn't been through regression testing), but it might point the work on this ticket in the right direction. Feedback? >>> from cdrapi import db >>> cursor = db.connect().cursor() >>> cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE #foo (s ntext)") >>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO #foo VALUES(?)", ("",)) >>> cursor.execute("INSERT INTO...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline created ticket #27

    Empty string replaced with single space on insert

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #17

    The bug persists in, but only under Python 2.x. Using Python 3.x there appears to be a different bug, because sub-second precision is discarded when retrieving values from the database. Any plans for correcting these defects at some point in the (one hopes) not-too-distant future? Are patches accepted? If so, I'll look into whether it would be feasible to contribute to the fix(es).

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #747

    To make matters worse, a dialog box opens up telling you to pick a Python 3.6 installation,...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #1028

    I do use KeyPassDroid, but I've always used it as a read-only window on the database,...

  • Bob Kline Bob Kline posted a comment on ticket #1028

    I know this is closed, and I know it's a couple of years old, but I thought I'd go...