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  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Try a ldapsearch from your server And if possible, try basic LDAP (not "s"). You might have a certificate trust issue

  • Modified a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Just in case, try "my setup" without ldap groups to validate your ldaps configuration. Just declare a user matching a username in the ldap server (of course "reachable" from the Base DN) as a ldap user, and try to log in with it. That will help to see if your issue is LDAP + LDAP groups or simply LDAP issue. I'll try to add a group on my config EDIT : I made a test with a big group (around 400 users I think). The login took forever, maybe because of the group size but it works without issue for a...

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Just in case, try "my setup" without ldap groups to validate your ldaps configuration. Just declare a user matching a username in the ldap server (of course "reachable" from the Base DN) as a ldap user, and try to log in with it. That will help to see if your issue is LDAP + LDAP groups or simply LDAP issue. I'll try to add a group on my config

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Hi, My known issue list for LDAP - bind DN must not contain a "space" - to use more than 1 LDAP server (possible with apache) : use a virtual server to load balance traffic there Might not be related to your issue, but I don't personally use groups and I manually declare users

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Hi again, It seems the job to backup the DB doesn't send emails, when the option is selected Last Job log (with debug and verbose) 2022-01-09 23:00:02, Job ID: 4 Backup successfully created (/usr/share/gestioip/var/data/20220109_gestioip_bck.sql.gz) Checking the script, I noticed a perl script with the same name ( which might solve the issue above (the script seems to pick the DB name for instance). Does the job use the .SH script by mistake (and should...

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Hi again, It seems the order function (when you click on category, site, description... well column titles...) doesn't work. It works on host view Link exemples with "order by category" : With 20 networks displayed, 2 behaviours, I guess one is order by column ASC, the other is order by column DESC First click on the column : does nothing https://gestioip/gestioip/index_nohead.cgi?ip_version_ele=v4&loc_ele=&tipo_ele=&show_rootnet=create&show_endnet=create&hide_not_rooted=&client_id=1&entries_per_page=20&known_hosts=all&show_rootnet=1&show_endnet=1&order_by=cat_auf...

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Hi Marc, Client name : "My Name" When I run a job "host DNS" I should be able to access the log file from the GUI (manage > jobs). The link for the file, for instance : https://gestioip/gestioip/log/20220106210001_MyName_ip_update_gestioip_dns.log The space between "My" and "Name" is removed in the link. The document is unreachable "No se puede encontrar el documento" The file exists, but with a space in the name 20220105132101_My Name_ip_update_gestioip_dns.log

  • Posted a comment on discussion GestióIP Help on GestioIP IPAM - IP address management

    Hi, I noticed a small issue today. Network : is full Inside the network : free: 0 (0%) | used: 6 (100%) |all:6 From the network list "75% allocated, total 8, used 6, free 2" Even if it's true as network IP ( and broadcast ( could still be used for a NAT dedicated range (not routed) I think GestioIP should make a choice of either displaying them free, either used

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2011-11-30 13:09:10


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