Activity for billhughes

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    This is a triple-boot PC. Drive 1: EFI, Fedora, Windows 10 Drive 2: Fedora-Rawhide (No EFI on this disk. I deleted it.) I have a custom banner. No custom stanzas. All operating systems auto-detect just fine. It's a small but annoying problem. The banner loads three times before the icons appear. Thoughts?

  • billhughes billhughes modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    On my 2011 MacBook Pro, I've suddenly lost ability to EFI boot two separate Linux partitions. I can still boot via grub. The two Linux distros on the same drive: Ubuntu and Deepin, both of which have booted just fine via EFI for many months. Suddenly, they have BOTH stopped. I rarely boot into Deepin so there have been no recent updates. Ubuntu gets updated every couple days. So I asked myself what to they share? Refind, the Mac's pram. I reinstalled refind and used the default config. I zapped the...

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    On my 2011 MacBook Pro, I've suddenly lost ability to EFI boot two separate Linux partitions. I can still boot via grub. The two Linux distros on the same drive: Ubuntu and Deepin, both of which have booted just fine via EFI for many months. Suddenly, they have BOTH stopped. I rarely boot into Deepin so there have been no recent updates. Ubuntu gets updated every couple days. So I asked myself what to they share? Refind, the Mac's pram. I reinstalled refind and used the default config. I zapped the...

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    UPDATE: I used a fresh copy of refind.conf and the problem is still there, which I guess is somewhat reassuring that the problem is NOT in the menuentry stanza. refind locates both /EFI/ubuntu and /EFI/kubuntu and even applies the correct icons, but selecting kubuntu boots ubuntu. At this point, I'm wondering is some info gets written to grubx64.efi since the one in kubuntu is a copy of the one from ubuntu.

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    So why don't these menuentries work? It seems pretty straight ahead to me. On EFI, I have an ubuntu folder and a kubuntu folder. Each folder has a grub.cfg and a grubx64.efi Ubuntu on partition 4 Kubuntu on partition 5 Yet when I select kubuntu, I get ubuntu. Any thoughts? # refind.conf #### Gnome Entry ##### menuentry "Gnome-Intel" { volume Gnome loader /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi icon /EFI/refind/custom_icons/Gnome.png } #### KDE Entry ##### menuentry "KDE-Intel" { volume /dev/sda5 loader /EFI/kubuntu/grubx64.efi...

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've had a solidly working system for about a year. This week I deleted some partitions on my drive changing the Ubuntu root from /dev/sdb6 to /dev/sdb4. After booting from a live CD and fixed grub. So far so good, but I also like to boot via EFI right to the kernel because it's faster and has better supports my AMD graphics. Because the UUID didn't change, refind_linux.conf didn't need any revisions. On the EFI partition, I editied /EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg from hd1,gpt6 to hd1,gpt4 And everyhting worked......

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ahhhh.... I missed that requirement of hidden_tags in showtools. Now it works as advertised. :) My triple-boot MacBook Pro is now humming along like an Indy race car. Thanks again for the help.

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi (again) mfvianna. Unfortunately, I have a Mac so the minus-sign/delete key thing doesn't work. Under dont_scan_volumes, I've tried many different syntaxes - the volume name, the UUID, the device path, all without success. Any tips? For example, given the following, what's the correct dont_scan_volumes entry: Vol name = Windows10 Device = dont_scan_volumes UUID = A836510E3650DF3E The documentation states that getting rid of legacy volumes is a tricky thing, and may not always work. If that's the...

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello! I updated to the newest refind version a few days ago, and now my Bootcamp partition is generating a "Boot Lagacy OS from FAT Volume" icon (in addition to the normal Windows boot icon), and I can't seem to get rid of it. Removing hdbios from scanfor removes both options to boot Windows. Because it says the legacy OS is on a FAT volume, I assume it's getting the info from the refind EFI partition, but the only two drivers installed are refind_x64.efi and ext4_x64.efi (for linux). It's a cosmatic...

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ohhhhh yeahhhhh..... I totally touched those files... AND THEY LOVED IT!!! Thanks mfvianna for the help. It might have taken me weeks to notice the different kernels loading. Or more likely, the kernel would have been updated and the problem went away and I never would have known what happened.

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    @mfvianna !!! You were correct! Grub boots kernel 4.15.0-20 and EFI stub boots 4.15.0-13. I can override that selection by hitting TAB and selecting 4.15.0-20 from the menu, but what's going on? Why won't EFI stub load the most recent kernel? Thanks

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello! On my MacBookPro 8,2, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 from 17.10 and my builtin wifi card is no longer recognized. My preferred method to boot is via the EFI Stub Loader bypassing grub2. As a backup, grub2 is correctly configured. Here is my refind_linux.conf: "Boot with defaults" "root=UUID=8a0c91a2-1477-4c32-9e51-efc345f83fc7 ro quiet splash i915.modeset=0 radeon.modeset=1" "Boot into single-user mode" "root=UUID=8a0c91a2-1477-4c32-9e51-efc345f83fc7 ro quiet splash single" "Boot without...

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Jesus! Sorry about my spelling on the post title! I would edit it if I could! :)

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello! Currently, I'm booting two variants of Ubuntu: Gnome (/dev/sda5) and Kubuntu (/dev/sda6). I'd like to differentiate the two with custom icons I made. It seems on ext4 patitions, creating a .VolumeIcon.png doesn't work, so I tried custom menuentries: menuentry Gnome { icon EFI/refind/custom_icons/Gnome.png volume d531f394-5941-46d7-b9ff-0f044f949d43 } ----or----- menuentry Gnome { icon EFI/refind/custom_icons/Gnome.png volume /dev/sda5 } Neither seem to work. Can this be done? I can't use EFI...

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I gave up. Instead of having linux on a second internal drive, I moved it to the...

  • billhughes billhughes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    For a long time I had a beautifully working quad-boot computer - then I had to mess...