Hi Matthias, I went to the new version mecrisp-ice-2.4 and it is now building with an error changing the yosys command to get rid of 2 pass logic density improvement helps timing. echo "Synthesize design..." yosys -q -p "synth_ice40 -top top -json build/j1a.json -blif build/j1a.blif -abc2 -dsp" icestorm/j1a.v ERROR: Max frequency for clock 'clk_$glb_clk': 23.58 MHz (FAIL at 24.00 MHz) echo "Synthesize design..." yosys -q -p "synth_ice40 -top top -json build/j1a.json -blif build/j1a.blif -dsp" icestorm/j1a.v...
Thanks Matthias, I ended up downloading https://github.com/YosysHQ/oss-cad-suite-build/releases/download/2022-03-15/oss-cad-suite-linux-x64-20220315.tgz compiled, loaded and runs your Forth on the icebreaker
Hi, I am new to fpga, working with Debian packages gforth, free pascal, yosys, arachne and icestorm Using the original mecrisp-ice-2.2/icebreaker/j1a.bin $ ./iceprog -b j1a.bin it works as expected using $ ./terminal Compiling with $ ./compile gives a binary file which is equal length but different it programs but fails to run I can emulate successfully $ ./emulate How can I debug the compile, place route, bitstream process ?
I've sucessfully run version 0.5.1 for years. Version 0.6.1 seems to run nicely except it is empty of configuration. It has no tools, processes, bounds or tasks. I can create new configurations then generate and save a toolpath. When I exit pycam it looses the configurations I created. It doesn't make ~/.pycam/peferences.conf. I can save toolsets, but they won't reload. if I run pycam -c ~/.pycam/preferences.conf Traceback (most recent call last): File "./pycam", line 710, in <module> exit_code =...
Is the stl model too small ? In Meshlab I have to scale X 1000, files from 2 different programs filters... normals... transform: scale