Activity for Ronny

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #916

    If you see a crdownload file, then your download was not fully downloaded

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #916

    Hi, where and when did you get a CRDOWNLOAD file? I can't reproduce this. If i click on "Download" I will get the latest version as a msi (Microsoft Installer file). Did you try to download GCSM with another browser?

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #894

    Sync Interval: cannot be set in minutes

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #894

    Hi, at the moment we have only a maximum 3 million requests per day for the calender api. The decrease of the sync interval to one hour reduced our request by 30%/day, so that we don't hit the limit to fast. If the limit is reached, no one can use gcsm for that day.

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #875

    Error updating to the latest version-4.1.15

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #874

    GCSM Reported dangerous by F-Secure

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #874

    It seems to be a false positiv by your software.

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #875

    Error updating to the latest version-4.1.15

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #875

    Hi, this is not a problem with our installer. It's a windows problem. Maybe you can try this:

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #1313

    After Upgrading to Windows 11, Go Contacts not working

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #1313

    Di you try the fixtures from the mentioned FAQ entry from the log message?

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #866

    Downloading GCSM invokes Windows Protection

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #866

    At the moment (and maybe never), we dont want to pay a yearly fee for a code signing certificate or an ev certificate to sign the executable.

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #873

    Can't connect to Google

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #873

    Go to our website and download the latest version ;-)

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #873

    This version is old, please upgrade to the latest version!

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #873

    which version of gcsm do you use?

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #840

    Sync stops with error

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #838

    The program closes by itself and does not synchronize

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #1294

    Error sync

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #834

    Please test the new version!

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #839

    closed, no reaction/log provided.

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #839

    Cannot connect to google

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Hi Susanne, please test the new release.

  • Ronny Ronny committed [r1517]

    Release 4.1.10

  • Ronny Ronny committed [r1516]

    - Release 4.1.10

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Hi, it is the contact appointment "Thoxxx J. Lxxx's Birthday". The error shows "Missing end time." Can you delete the old appointment at outlook and google and create a new one in outlook and try a sync? It shows as error, but it isn't a stopper. The program runs through...

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    Mhhhh, maybe you ask your admin. At the moment, there is nothing we can do for you, because it is a windows issue/feature...

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    Ok, thats weird, but it is a windows security setting if it gets deleted. I added a "release" build to this post, can you test this please?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Can you upload the log file for this run?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    Hi, i have rebuild gcsm and uploaded it again as Can you give it a try?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    Oh, then i must check for what architecture i compiled this version. Do you have a x86 or x64 bit pc?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Ok, there was an exception by a birthday appointment "Thoxxx J. Lxxx's Birthday" at google side with error "Missing end time.", but your sync direction was "OutlookToGoogleOnly". But the sync run through without any other problems, so all should be fine?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    Okay, and the message after you click on "Run anyway"

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    Please see our FAQ. Can you translate the french messages to english?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    For testing the appointments, please deselect contact sync and make a screenshot of gcsm with your settings. Can you please re-select your appointments folder and test it again?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    Hi, please paste error messages only in English. Is it totally blocked by windows or does it create any log file?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    press the left button and follow the instructions...

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    Can you please test this version and upload your log file (delete all your old logs before).

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Please give it a try...

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Dan, so i see no error messages at all. Are all contacts synced fine?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    I see no screenshot or log file

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #257

    Ticket moved from /p/googlesyncmod/support-requests/837/

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #828

    Synchronisation Error after Loading Google Groups

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #1292

    Contact sync fails for new Google accounts

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #1294

    Error sync

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #1294

    Please click on "Revoke authentication" and re-authenticate the app.

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Please test this version.

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #1295

    Version 4.0.9 crashes while syncing contacts

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #1295

    see #838

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #1293

    Sync error no photo found

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #1293

    continue, see #840

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Hi Dan, we have added some more debug output in this debug version. Can you please test it again? Delete your log file, do only a contacts sync and upload the log file please.

  • Ronny Ronny committed [r1515]

    - ignore case when comparing strings

  • Ronny Ronny committed [r1514]

    - added more debug output to RemoveGoogleDuplicatedContacts() to find "hanging/stops" problem

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Hi, it is your choice to submit your log file. You can email your log file to me to the address i mentioned in my last post.

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #1271

    Error | Outlook and "GO Contact Sync Mod" are started by different users

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Hi, these contacts (at goole) with exception "No contact photo was found." do they have a contact photo or is the photo deleted (at google side)? These contacts were "new" contacts created in outlook and synced the first time to google? What do you mean with "but towards the end the sync just stalled". I can't see such a behavior in the log file. 1st run: Starting, syncing (with exceptions), closing gcsm 2nd run: Starting, syncing, closing gcsm

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #840

    Sync stops with error

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Hi, in addition to my last post, can you please test this attached debug version? Stop GCSM Delete your old log files Start the attached version Temporary disable appointments snyc (less debug output) Do a sync Upload the new log file

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #840

    Hi Dan, Does your contact "Martin OreXXXX" has a NO photo in outlook and a photo at google?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Hi, Download the file again, I can download it without problems. The log file directory is shown in the log window at the beginning, or you can read our FAQ-Entry You can email me ( your log file, but it is also readable by "everyone"...

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Hi, please read my last post and do the same steps and upload your log file.

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Hi Susanne, there is something really weird, so I added more debug output to the code. Please do the same steps again with the new debug-version-2 ( and upload the new log file! Stop GCSM Extract the archive to your disc. Delete your old log file Start GCSM from the extracted archive Do a sync Upload the log file

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Hi Susanne, did you read/follow my last post? Run this version of gcsm and upload the log!

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #831

    News version update repetition

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #839

    Cannot connect to google

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #839

    Can you provide the full log? Are you using a proxy? Your internet connection was working?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Can you please test the attached debug version of gcsm? Please do the following steps: Stop GCSM Extract the archive to your disc. Delete your old log file Start GCSM from the extracted archive Do a sync Upload the log file

  • Ronny Ronny committed [r1508]

    - changed debug message move contact index to front of string

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Hi, it is stopping at Hasxxx Gazxx again. Did you really delete the contact in Outlook and Google?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    ok, then please gcsm, delete the logfile again and click "reset matches" and sync again and upload the log file.

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    It is hanging/closing again by contact "Hasxxx Gazxx" with no error message. Were did you delete the contact? In Outlook or Google or both?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Ok, can you do the following: Close GCSM Delete the log file Start GCSM and start a sync Upload the logfile.

  • Ronny Ronny modified a comment on ticket #838

    Hi, The program stops/hangs/exits at this contact: "Checking contact HasXXX GazXXX" Is there anything unusual in this contact? E.g. special chars, pics or anything different from other contact? I can't see any exception/error message in the log file. The program crashes/closes without any message? Cheers, Ronny

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #838

    The program closes by itself and does not synchronize

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #838

    Hi, The program stops/hangs/exits at this contact: "Checking contact Has* Gaz ..." Is there anything unusual in this contact? E.g. special chars, pics or anything different from other contact? I can't see any exception/error message in the log file. The program crashes/closes without any message? Cheers, Ronny

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #1291

    Error Loading Google Contacts. Cannot connect to Google.

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #836

    Please upload the whole log file. A screenshot doesn't help...

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #836

    Sorry, no spanish at all... Please read our FAQs. There is an entry "Where can I find the LOG file?"!

  • Ronny Ronny modified a comment on ticket #836

    Hi, see Bugs: #1285 or Support:#834. At the moment we investigate the problem. please send us your current log file.

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #836

    The program closes by itself and does not synchronize

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #836

    Hi, see see. At the moment we investigate the problem. please send us your current log file.

  • Ronny Ronny committed [r1504]

    - [SetupGCSM] changed $(SolutionDir) variable the use absolute path to compile from command line with msbuild

  • Ronny Ronny committed [r1503]

    - added version info into upload script template

  • Ronny Ronny modified ticket #835

    Sync Interval ONLY in Hours

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #835

    See for more details of this decision.

  • Ronny Ronny committed [r1502]

    - [SetupGCSM] only build en-us installer culture

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #834

    Hi Aryeh, maybe its related to

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #829

    maybe related to @floriwan Seems we need more debug/status info in RemoveGoogleDuplicatedContacts()?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #828

    You are right, it is a connection problem. Does it work if you manually edit the proxy settings inside gcsm?

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #831

    Please provide your log file with the error.

  • Ronny Ronny modified a comment on ticket #834

    Hi, i inspect your log file. Between 10:36:46 and 11:35:13 you started GCSM 10 times. 2021-06-20 10:36:46 INF Started application 2021-06-20 10:42:16 INF Removing Google duplicated contacts... 2. 2021-06-20 10:42:36 INF Started application 2021-06-20 10:44:20 DBG Check version from ShowForm, oldState: Minimized, currentState: Normal 3. 2021-06-20 10:45:01 INF Started application 2021-06-20 10:47:42 INF Removing Google duplicated contacts... 4. 2021-06-20 10:48:13 INF Started application 2021-06-20...

  • Ronny Ronny posted a comment on ticket #834

    Hi, i inspect your log file. Between 10:36:46 and 11:35:13 you started GCSM 10 times. 2021-06-20 10:36:46 INF Started application 2021-06-20 10:42:16 INF Removing Google duplicated contacts... 2. 2021-06-20 10:42:36 INF Started application 2021-06-20 10:44:20 DBG Check version from ShowForm, oldState: Minimized, currentState: Normal 3. 2021-06-20 10:45:01 INF Started application 2021-06-20 10:47:42 INF Removing Google duplicated contacts... 4. 2021-06-20 10:48:13 INF Started application 2021-06-20...

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