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  • Modified a comment on discussion Free Support on QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks & Tools

    Good. I am on the right track then, and that was my main concern. I am enjoying the exploration of QP but I sometimes find myself uncertain about whether I am doing a particular thing the "right" way. Thank you for your response. 👍 But the alternative (used for implementing orthogonal regions in most other UML tools) is to dispatch every event to all orthogonal components. This is wasteful and in this light the dedicated dispatching seems more attractive. Yes, this makes sense and I agree.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Free Support on QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks & Tools

    Good. I am on the right track then, and that was my main concern. I am enjoying the exploration of QP but I sometimes find myself uncertain about whether I am doing a particular thing the "right" way. Thank you for your response. 👍

  • Posted a comment on discussion Free Support on QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks & Tools

    I have a QHsm as an orthogonal component. There is a scenario in this Hsm where I would like to use the reminder pattern - posting an event to self. Now, since the Hsm does not have an event queue of its own, my thinking is that I should actually post the reminder event back to the containing AO, and then the AO will dispatch back to the Hsm. Is this the right idea or am I creating an unnecessarily complex transaction here?

  • Modified a comment on discussion Free Support on QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks & Tools

    Thank you for your detailed response Miro, I appreciate the time spent. I did in fact fix my I2C problem by implementing it as an AO, and I did have in mind that this way I wouldn't have a shared resources problem. But I was worried that a more experienced programmer would scoff at this solution, and criticize its hardware dependency. And I worried that there might be a grander software architecture (that you identify as the utopia) that I was missing. I think the game example contributed to this...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Free Support on QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks & Tools

    Thank you for your detailed response Miro, I appreciate the time spent. I did in fact fix my I2C problem by implementing it as an AO, and I did have in mind that this way I wouldn't have a shared resources problem. But I was worried that a more experienced programmer would scoff at this solution, and criticize its hardware dependency. And I worried that there might be a grander solution (that you identify as the utopia) that I was missing. I think the game example contributed to this concern for...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Free Support on QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks & Tools

    I have been working with QP for a little while to assess how this framework might be used for product development. It's clear to me how QP can be used to model the product behaviour by building state-machines in QM to describe the different cases of the product. QP can call BSP functions when entering/exiting or responding to events in these states to create actions. And with this setup it would be possible to have multiple versions of the BSP so that you can have one BSP that runs on your actual...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Free Support on QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks & Tools

    I have been working with QP for a little while to asses how this framework might be used for product development. It's clear to me how QP can be used to model the product behaviour by building state-machines in QM to describe the different cases of the product. QP can call BSP functions when entering/exiting or responding to events in these states to create actions. And with this setup it would be possible to have multiple versions of the BSP so that you can have one BSP that runs on your actual...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Webmin

    I have a Blazor server application which I use to host my personal website and some tools that I created over the years. The Blazor app is secured using Microsoft Identity. The server that the Blazor app runs on is administrated in part by Webmin and I have the frontend for it locked to local only because I don't want it directly exposed to the internet. But I had this idea that I could host the Webmin local address inside an iframe container on my Blazor App. This way, in order to access it remotely...

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2018-08-16 17:33:45


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