Activity for Many

  • Many Many posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In my case the f is a 2-by-2 matrix with first entry with length the numbers of variables of my problem and second entry the number of points for the continuation. That is all. Am I missing something into setting the Matcont Interface (windows) before running the computations for the continuation? Basically, I am applying something along the line of tutorial 2 in the documentation of MatCont. Thanks Many

  • Many Many posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Guys, I know how to get access to the compiled data of continuation of equilibrium points within MatCont. The directory is the following Systems/ToyModel/diagram/ Upon loading the interested data, the usual structure of the .matfile is as follow: x, v, f, s, h, .... Where x is the branch itself and f contains the associated eigenvalues at each point of the branch. How to get the associated eigenvectors of the whole branch? Cheers, Many

  • Many Many posted a comment on discussion Help

    I figured it out! I first taught I had to go to a hidden directory of the system where data are stored in a temporary files. In fact, I just have to go where MatCont was installed and look for cd MatCont7p4/Systems/ModelName/diagram where ModelName is the name you gave to your model. All the data you generated for that model are stored there. Thanks you, Cheers, Many

  • Many Many posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Guys, I am working on a bifurcation problem involving ODES of complex variables. Of course, I can expand the problem into a real and complex part, but I was wandering whether MatCont handles complex variables? Cheers, Many

  • Many Many posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Guys, How to get or export data from MatCont plots for reuse in any other data plotting software? In fact I have seen this question tackled many times in the forums, but failed to implement in from my Ubuntu distro (linux based OS). Useful link: Any help will be highly appreciated. Best, Many