Activity for Bryan Chow

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    R=R+0.5*C... Should it be 0.5 or 0.7071 (ie. 0.5*sqrt(2)) ? Since audio volume is logarithmic would it take 0.5*sqrt(2) in each front channel for the center channel to be at the right volume level?

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You can also apply the Hafler circuit commands to your front channels to hear what the rears would sound like. You'll know it's working correctly if mono music becomes silent, while stereo music generally have vocals reduced (or even disappears) and you hear more audio that sounds like ambient cues.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I do use Peace sometimes but it overwrites my complicated config.txt so I have to back it up, run Peace, find the commands then incorporate them into my config.txt which is a bit of a hassle. What I find really useful is the Editor, especially for visualizing my filters from REW together with my Equalizer APO filters and preamp commands. You can consider using the term "ambiphonics", which the Hafler circuit is a type of. It will be cool to see it in Peace :)

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've tried quite a few types of music and recordings they all work quite well. On some recordings (musicals etc with centralized vocals), the vocals pretty much disappear from the rear. On others like pop music the effect is less pronounced, but I also hear different instruments emphasized in the rear channels depending on how they are mixed in the left and right. It feels much more natural than copying front to rears. I tried to post a recording to YouTube for you to hear but the video was muted...

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes! Any sound common in both speakers is removed, you're left with ambient cues. So compared with what I did before (copy front to rear), I no longer get vocals behind me which makes sense. Technical rationale, from wiki: "The rear ambient sounds, applause, and coughs from the audience are sometimes received out of phase by the stereo microphones, while sounds from the musicians mostly are in synchronous phase. Thus, if rear speakers are fed with the difference between the stereo channels, audience...

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes I do have the pre-mix command. Thanks Peter! The Hafler circuit ambient surround sound is quite interesting. Seems to be more pleasant than just copying fronts to rears (with reduced volume).

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok I figured it out: Copy: LSHIFT=-1.0*L Copy: RSHIFT=-1.0*R Copy: SL=L+RSHIFT Copy: SR=R+LSHIFT It seems to work, when L and R channels are the same (stereo mono) the surrounds are silent.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I was watching this video and am intrigued by it. It's called a Hafler circuit Hafler decoding matrix Left Front Right Front Left Back Right Back Left Total 1.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 Right Total 0.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 Right now I'm simply copying the front channels to the rears for a fuller sound: # Upmix stereo to 4-channel If: inputChannelCount == 2 Copy: SL=L Copy: SR=R Channel: SL Preamp: -3 dB Channel:...

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I guess it's just a rendering issue. Seems to sometimes appear sometimes not depending on the window size or something.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I see something very strange with the analysis graph. This looks as expected: Channel: L R Filter: ON HPQ Fc 28 Hz Q 0.7071 This looks crazy with a up to 100dB gain below 3Hz: Channel: L R Filter: ON HPQ Fc 28 Hz Q 0.7071 Filter: ON HPQ Fc 28 Hz Q 0.7071

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Wow, didn't know about this analysis graph in the Editor (I mostly edit my config.txt manually). That is VERY cool.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    By analysis panel you mean the button with the image of a graph and says "Show or hide graph window" right? I added treble as you suggested and can see the command but the graph still shows a flat line.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Awesome, thanks Peter!

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is there a filter command that will boost all frequencies above or below a frequency? If not maybe I'll try to use virtual channel and combine the two frequencies ranges with low pass and high pass filters.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have an electrostatic panel speaker that has problem: the panel is 16dB softer than it should be. The speaker has a woofer and a panel, with a single crossover at 450Hz. How do I boost everything above 450Hz by 16dB? I know it may lead to clipping but I'd just like to use this as a temporary fix (it's one of my surrounds so not too important). Thanks.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Edit: ah, I need to download the beta version Strange I don't see an Equalizer APO option. Using what I assume is the latest version since I just downloaded it from the site, v0.9.4 And thanks Ormy for requesting this!

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Edit: ah, I need to download the beta version Strange I don't see an Equalizer APO option. Using what I assume is the latest version since I just downloaded it from the site, v0.9.4

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Strange I don't see an Equalizer APO option. Using what I assume is the latest version since I just downloaded it from the site, v0.9.4

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm wondering if there's a way to automatically convert BEQ's XML format to something Equalizer APO can use, so I can automate the process of utilizing these movie BEQ files.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is a project to recover filtered bass Is there a way for Equalizer APO to use the EQ files for this project? They are here I've attached an example, for the movie Interstellar.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I just installed the Windows 2004 update. In my case after running Configurator which asked to add some registry entries for Equalizer APO (specifically to re-enable the sound enhancement options), the device IDs also changed and I had to use the Editor to update all the device IDs in my config.txt file. I also had to change my Windows sound control panel settings from 2 channels back to 7.1, etc. Basically reconfigure everything sound related. Everything is working as before now.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Got it. Was hesitant to use more than 0.5 from each side and run into clipping. Will experiment.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Handy info, thank you. I'll play with 40Hz and see how it goes.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    BTW I just type "1/(2sin((pi/4)(0+1/2)))=" in Google and it's smart enough to figure it out :)

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm pretty sure the 45Hz bump comes from the room. The curves were measured independently for each physical speaker without EQ or filtering.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    No because there is an existing LFE channel, so I need to redirect the bass from my fronts and add it to the LFE.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok. So I should use the same frequency for the LP and HP filters?

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Woah that looks really advanced. I'll copy your code and play with them thanks! Edit: with the HP filter at 70Hz and the LP filter at 45Hz, doesn't it cause a hole in my frequency range? Should they be reversed?

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What about my COPY commands, do they make sense? Copy: VSUB1=0.5*L+0.5*R Channel: VSUB1 <apply LP filters> Channel: L R <apply HP filters> Copy: LFE=LFE+VSUB1

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What about my COPY commands, do they make sense? Copy: VSUB1=0.5*L+0.5*R Channel: VSUB1 <apply filters> Channel: L R <apply filters> Copy: LFE=LFE+VSUB1

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What about my COPY commands, do they make sense? **Copy: VSUB1=0.5*L+0.5*R **Channel: VSUB1 <apply filters> Channel: L R <apply filters> **Copy: LFE=LFE+VSUB1 **

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What about my COPY commands, do they make sense? **Copy: VSUB1=0.5*L+0.5*R** Channel: VSUB1 <apply filters> Channel: L R <apply filters> **Copy: LFE=LFE+VSUB1**

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Woah that looks really advanced. I'll copy your code and play with them thanks!

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Multichannel. I actually have 4.1 speakers (no center). Windows is configured as 7.1 and I'm using Equalizer APO to create virtual center and rears (works very well, just that the sweet spot is small).

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Juna, The built-in filters (40Hz or 70Hz) are only active when using left/right inputs. They are not active when using the LFE input which is what I am using. Here are my REW graphs with 1/3 smoothing. Red=LFE, green=R channel. Perhaps I should just use the left/right inputs for my subwoofer (with no dedicated LFE channel), with the sub's 40Hz filter active since the speakers and subwoofer are designed to work together. On the other hand that would send the full-range signal to my mains with bass...

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Juna, The built-in filters (40Hz or 70Hz) are only active when using left/right inputs. They are not active when using the LFE input which is what I am using. Here are my REW graphs with 1/3 smoothing. Red=LFE, green=R channel.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Peter, that's very helpful info. I've also experimented with setting the HP filter for the mains at about half the frequency. Still playing around with it. Regarding the note for the Channel command, my PC is connected straight to amplifiers so there shouldn't be anything else doing bass management.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here are the info for my speakers: Mains (Martin Logan Prodigy) Frequency Response 28–22,000 Hz ±3dB Subwoofer (Martin Logan Descent) Frequency Response 18–150 Hz ±3dB Here's what I've done based on experimenting: Copy: VSUB1=0.5*L+0.5*R Channel: VSUB1 Filter: ON LPQ Fc 60 Hz Q 0.8071 Filter: ON LP Fc 60 Hz Channel: L R Filter: ON HP Fc 60 Hz Copy: LFE=LFE+VSUB1 I chose 60Hz (roughly double the -3dB point for my mains) and the filters by looking at the filter curves in REW. Not scientific, just roughly...

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here are the info for my speakers: Mains (Martin Logan Prodigy) Frequency Response 28–22,000 Hz ±3dB Subwoofer (Martin Logan Descent) Frequency Response 18–150 Hz ±3dB Here's what I've done based on experimenting: Copy: VSUB1=0.5*L+0.5*R Channel: VSUB1 Filter: ON LPQ Fc 60 Hz Q 0.8071 Filter: ON LP Fc 60 Hz Channel: L R Filter: ON HP Fc 60 Hz Copy: LFE=LFE+VSUB1 I chose 60Hz (roughly double the -3dB point for my mains) and the filters by looking at the filter curves in REW. Not scientific, just roughly...

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I knew I needed someone else with a clearer head to take a look. Yes that was the error, how embarrassing.

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That will place half of center into L, half into R, and same for the sub. (FYI the * is not showing correctly but turning the text between them into italics.) You should probably add a "Preamp: -6dB" at the beginning to provide more headroom since you are adding to channels, to prevent clipping. It's helpful to have the Equalizer APO log file open (it's at C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Temp\EqualizerAPO.log on Windows 10) when writing custom config.txt files so you can catch...

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The code below does not work as expected (changing the value of REW should mute L/R respectively). Can someone tell me why? Or does it work correctly for you? EVAL: REW=1 If: REW==0 Copy: L=0 EndIf: If: REW==1 Copy: R=0 EndIf:

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I found this handy while trying out different equalizations so thought I'd share: Eval: REW=2 # 0 = no EQ # 1 = flat room response, up to 6db boost # 2 = house curve # 3 = old version If: REW==1 Channel: L Preamp: -1 dB Include: PEQ 14 June 4.1 Left flat 20 max 6db boost.txt Channel: R Preamp: +0 dB Include: PEQ 14 June 4.1 Right flat 20 max 6db boost.txt EndIf: If: REW==2 ... EndIf: I keep different versions of my EQs in the config.txt so I can just change the value of REW to try different versions...

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Peter. How strange, I have this to expand stereo to surround and it works like a charm (for YouTube, Spotify, stereo movies etc) even though I'm using 5.1/7.1. Stage: pre-mix If: inputChannelCount == 2 Copy: SL=L Copy: SR=R Channel: SL Preamp: -6 dB Channel: SR Preamp: -6 dB EndIf:

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What I'm trying to do is, if I'm playing 5.1 channels I want the surround to go to the side channels instead of the rear channels (because my rears are virtual, so surround sounds better when assigned to the side channels).

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You're right, when I change my Windows sound channels to 5.1 then it matches 6. But why when I play 2-channel video or audio, inputChannelCount matches 2?

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When I play a 5.1 video or audio, it matches inputChannelCount == 8 instead of 6. Can someone verify? Edit: FYI my Windows sound setting is set to 7.1

  • Bryan Chow Bryan Chow posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    When I play a 5.1 video or audio, it matches inputChannelCount == 8 instead of 6. Can someone verify?