Activity for Ben Bartling

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling created ticket #80

    simple bacnet server with 1 AV

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on ticket #76

    Is it the 00:50:db:00:d6:c2 inside the Ethernet II, Src: Contemporary_00:d6:c2 (00:50:db:00:d6:c2), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) that represents the source address or src?

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on ticket #76

    Hi Steve, Could I ever get a tip for how to pass in a --mac address arg to the readprop app? In wireshark my 201201 device is this on an Iam response can a person get the MAC address from this? Frame 1: 66 bytes on wire (528 bits), 66 bytes captured (528 bits) Ethernet II, Src: Contemporary_00:d6:c2 (00:50:db:00:d6:c2), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 47808, Dst Port: 47808 BACnet Virtual Link...

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on ticket #76

    Hi @skarg, Thanks for all the info and tips so far... when I use the bacnet-stack/apps/whois $ ./bacwi 201201 for a device on my test bench it returns: ;Device MAC (hex) SNET SADR (hex) APDU ;-------- -------------------- ----- -------------------- ---- 201201 C0:A8:00:BE:BA:C0 12345 02 286 ; ; Total Devices: 1 Would this MAC in hex be what would be required when using the apps/readprop when using the arg -dnet to perform a read request using a the MAC address of the device? Any chance could you...

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on ticket #76

    Hi Steve, On a My_Read_Property_Ack_Handler is it possible to return the processed/formatted data Vs just print it? static void My_Read_Property_Ack_Handler(uint8_t *service_request, uint16_t service_len, BACNET_ADDRESS *src, BACNET_CONFIRMED_SERVICE_ACK_DATA *service_data) { int len = 0; BACNET_READ_PROPERTY_DATA data; if (address_match(&Target_Address, src) && (service_data->invoke_id == Request_Invoke_ID)) { len = rp_ack_decode_service_request(service_request, service_len, &data); if (len < 0)...

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling modified a comment on ticket #76

    Hi Steve, When you send out a who_is can you print/debug the response? IE., Send_WhoIs( Target_Device_Object_Instance, Target_Device_Object_Instance); } I am working with a function like this below for learning purposes... where in Wireshark I can see the request was successful which confirms its working, and I was just curious to see if there is an easy way to print the MAC address or processed contents of the i_am request from the device? Or would I need create my own handler for this and loop...

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on ticket #76

    Hi Steve, When you send out a who_is can you print/debug the response? IE., ```Send_WhoIs( Target_Device_Object_Instance, Target_Device_Object_Instance); } I am working with a function like this below for learning purposes... where in Wireshark I can see the request was successful which confirms its working, and I was just curious to see if there is an easy way to print the MAC address or processed contents of the `i_am` request from the device? Or would I need create my own handler for this and...

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling created ticket #76

    make simple read request app

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on ticket #75

    Hi Steve, Has anyone ever ran across a compile error undefined symbol: bip_cleanup Would there be a bip_cleanup.c file or something similar in the project directory I should be refencing? Thanks!

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on ticket #75

    Ah okay thanks Steve I think I am figuring it out now! Taking a course in C on coursera helps a bit too : ) I ended up making a duplicate of the app/readprop and named it bensreadprop. Where then in the project root directory Makefile I added: .PHONY: bensreadprop bensreadprop: $(MAKE) -C apps bensreadprop And in the apps directory Makefile I added .PHONY: bensreadprop bensreadprop: $(BACNET_LIB_TARGET) $(MAKE) -B -C bensreadprop When then in the root directoy when I run a make clean and a make bensreadprop...

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling created ticket #75

    run Makefile in a modified example app

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on ticket #73

    Thanks Steve, would you have a tutorial on how to make a simple present-value client read request to a device analog input?

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling created ticket #73

    create simple BACnet server

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can one just modify the point names in here to try it out? In this file can I experiment with creating what points I would like in the BACnet server? Am curious to experiment trimming it down to a few writeable/commable analogValues (AVs) and one BV object. Thanks!

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on discussion Help

    thank you...would you have any simple BACnet server examples look at?

  • Ben Bartling Ben Bartling posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, Newbie here as well as C/C++ but I do dabble with Python and bacpypes quite a bit. Am curious to ask for a microcontroller project can I use the C bacnet-stack running a simple BACnet server and then use C++ for some basic calculations/algorithms on the same microcontroller for the data coming to the bacnet server points?? For example take data in on a few writeable/command-able AV bacnet server points ---> make some calculations in C++ ---> change the value of a non-writable BV on the bacnet...