User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #49 on kpcli

    Thank you, looking forward to this! (I actually forgot to look at the existing prereleases, will do so now.)

  • Created ticket #49 on kpcli

    attach: no export possible in read-only mode

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    Thanks so much! (No Travis experience yet, sorry.) Seems to work fine so far. Fedora builds in progess right here: Current SPEC and applied patches here:

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    Hi, where can I find the source code for 3.1.0? In the files section, there's no tar.gz or similar, and Github seems out of date (last updated in May, well before 3.0.6). Furthermore (only slightly related, but I want to build for Linux), the 3.1.0 readme.txt says: "December 5th, 2018 [...] The rpm and deb files should come soon." When is "soon"? ;-) Thanks, Moritz

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    Hi, where can I find the source code for 3.1.0? In the files section, there's no tar.gz or similar, and Github seems out of date (last updated in May, well before 3.0.6). Furthermore (only slightly related, but I want to build for Linux), the 3.1.0 readme.txt says: "December 5th, 2018 [...] The rpm and deb files should come soon." When is "soon"? ;-)

  • Created ticket #12 on OpenV2G

    iso1EXIDatatypes.h defines a global variable "characters"

  • Created ticket #3 on Srelay - the SOCKS proxy and Relay

    "cannot open server socket" should report reason

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    I am not about to let any non-root user write to /usr/share/... I have created a patch to separate the shared directory from a configuration directory. The latter is best placed in the user's home (which is the only writable place except for $TMPDIR), under ~/.config/programname/. You can find the patch here, as part of the Fedora RPM package I am building:

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Personal Data

2001-07-10 16:38:47


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