Activity for Barsha Upadhyaya

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, I am grateful to have you here to solve many of the issues I am facing. It has been a great help. At the moment, I am trying to look deeper into the billing modes and pricing. I want to understand how the simulation works for HOURLY billing modes and how are power_market defined to generate prices. I have been following the wiki but it only gives a brief description. Is there any other documentation that explains how meter, billing and pricing system is integrated in Gridlab-D? I am also...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, Its a pleasure to have you here to solve many of the issues I am facing. It has been a great help. At the moment, I am trying to look deeper into the billing modes and pricing. I want to understand how the simulation works for HOURLY billing modes and how are power_market defined to generate prices. I have been following the wiki but it only gives a brief description. Is there any other documentation that explains how meter, billing and pricing system is integrated in Gridlab-D? I am...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, Its a pleasure to have you here to solve many of the issues I am facing. It has been a great help. At the moment, I am trying to look deeper into the billing modes and pricing. I want to understand how the simulation works for HOURLY billing modes and how are power_market defined to generate prices. I have been following the wiki but it only gives a brief description. Is there any other documentation that explains how meter, billing and pricing system is integrated in Gridlab-D? I am...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, Its a pleasure to have you here to solve many of the issues I am facing. It has been a great help. At the moment, I am trying to look deeper into the billing modes and pricing. I want to understand how the simulation works for HOURLY billing modes and how are power_market defined to generate prices. I have been following the wiki but it only gives a brief description. Is there any other documentation that explains how meter, billing and pricing system is integrated in Gridlab-D? Your...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Yes, I have HELICS installed in the machine, I am assuming it was the helics.dll file that needed to be in the PATH environment. Thank you for the answer and the detailed instruction.

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Frank, Thank you for clarifying the question. I appreciate you taking your time to help me understand. At this time, I am providing the glm model with positive_sequence_voltage at the substation and constant_power_A, constant_power_B and constant_power_C in the load object as inputs. My doubt previously was, are these inputs enough for the downstream devices to influence current, power and voltage at a certain timestep in a simulation? - from your answer I can understand that providing current...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Dear GridLAB-D Discussion Group, I am currently facing an issue with running GridLAB-D on my Windows machine. I downloaded the .exe file from the official GitHub release (v5.0) and successfully installed the software from this link However, when attempting to run a .glm file containing a module connection and object helics_msg, I encountered the following error: "the file connection.dll cannot be found. class 'helics_msg' is not known." I have referred...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Thank you for the answers. I am quite clear now that I can use the constant power values and update it at every timestep. For the second question, I want to clarify my objective. In the model I am using, there is the substation at the very beginning and does not have direct loads. I have been feeding the positive_sequence_voltage in the substation and letting the solver calculate every other parameters. Previously I assumed, giving the power consumption values in the load can dictate how much current...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Thank you for the answers. I am quite clear now that I can use the constant power values and update it at every timestep. For the second question, I want to clarify my objective. In the model I am using, there is the substation at the very beginning and does not have direct loads. I have been feeding the positive_sequence_voltage in the substation and letting the solver calculate every other parameters. Previously I assumed, giving the power consumption values in the load can dictate how much current...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, I am having a bit difficulty in introducing power consumption data into a gridlabd model. I am using HELICS to introduce the data into the model during a simulation. These are the data that I have in my dataset that is read from a meter of a building. This data gives values below for series of timestamps. array(['Current3PhaseAverage', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseA', 'ApparentPowerPhaseC', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseB', 'ApparentPowerPhaseB', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseC', 'ApparentPowerPhaseA', 'VoltagePhaseAtoB',...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, I am having a bit difficulty in introducing power consumption data into a gridlabd model. I am using HELICS to introduce the data into the model during a simulation. These are the data that I have in my dataset that is read from a meter of a building. This data gives values below for series of timestamps. array(['Current3PhaseAverage', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseA', 'ApparentPowerPhaseC', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseB', 'ApparentPowerPhaseB', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseC', 'ApparentPowerPhaseA', 'VoltagePhaseAtoB',...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, I am having a bit difficulty in introducing power consumption data into a gridlabd model. I am using HELICS to introduce the data into the model during a simulation. These are the data that I have in my dataset that is read from a meter of a building. This data gives values below for series of timestamps. array(['Current3PhaseAverage', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseA', 'ApparentPowerPhaseC', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseB', 'ApparentPowerPhaseB', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseC', 'ApparentPowerPhaseA', 'VoltagePhaseAtoB',...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, I am having a bit difficulty in introducing power consumption data into a gridlabd model. I am using HELICS to introduce the data into the model during a simulation. These are the data that I have in my dataset that is read from a meter of a building. This data gives values below for series of timestamps. array(['Current3PhaseAverage', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseA', 'ApparentPowerPhaseC', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseB', 'ApparentPowerPhaseB', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseC', 'ApparentPowerPhaseA', 'VoltagePhaseAtoB',...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya modified a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, I am having a bit difficulty in introducing power consumption data into a gridlabd model. These are the data that I have in my dataset that is read from a meter of a building. This data gives values below for series of timestamps. array(['Current3PhaseAverage', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseA', 'ApparentPowerPhaseC', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseB', 'ApparentPowerPhaseB', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseC', 'ApparentPowerPhaseA', 'VoltagePhaseAtoB', 'ReactivePower3PhaseTotal', 'VoltagePhaseBtoC', 'ReactivePowerPhaseC',...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello Team, I am having a bit difficulty in introducing power consumption data into a gridlabd model. These are the data that I have in my dataset that is read from a meter of a building. This data gives values below for series of timestamps. array(['Current3PhaseAverage', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseA', 'ApparentPowerPhaseC', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseB', 'ApparentPowerPhaseB', 'CurrentUnbalancePhaseC', 'ApparentPowerPhaseA', 'VoltagePhaseAtoB', 'ReactivePower3PhaseTotal', 'VoltagePhaseBtoC', 'ReactivePowerPhaseC',...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi, I am integrating gridlabd with helics and NS3 to try and make network controls over the gridlabd model. For that, I am looking for some gridlabd objects that can be remotely controlled or some kind of controllable object that can decide the physical response of the electrical system. So far I have not found any object in gridlabd that can make any changes in physical electrical flow and which can be remotely configured. If there are any such objects - maybe not yet documented and are available...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi, I have a quick question on this. The Json file gives many syntax errors. To be specific: "Unexpected end of string". How does the federate run with these errors in Json syntax.

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hello, I am trying to integrate gridlab-d to helics. I checked previsous discussion that mentioned helics 2.x is needed for latest gridlab-d and for the latest helics, the gridlabd branch feature/1279 should be used. I decided on going for helics 3 and gridlabd feature/1279 However I could not find the specific branch in gridlab-d github repository so I was thinking if there has been some updates to it or has it been merged? Best Regards, Barsha

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion Help/Technical support

    Hi, I am currently in a research project that uses Gridlab-d for simulation. I am trying to explore the Gridlabd and right now I am having difficulty in adding capacitor bank to a model. I am trying to use this class: from the documentation but I get the error saying: class 'capbank' is not known EF.glm(340): load failed at or near 'object capba...' I am using the capbank as a link object as below: object capbank { name n21n23; from n21; to n23; KVARrated...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Davis, thanks for response on this question. I was however facing issues while converting opendss-g master.dss to gridlab-d. There were many errors related to the DSS file. I could not figure out what exactly the errors "attached in the example" meant. However I suppose the ditto expects the dss file to have certain configurations on opendss-g model. If you are aware of the conversion through ditto and have any assumption where I might have missed in modeling the OpenDss-G project it would be...

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I have an OpenDSS-G model for a research project. I have a bunch of dss files with the dsp file in the project folder. My requirement is to convert this opendss-g project to gridlab-d. I found a few tools that changes dss file to glm files but nothing for the dsp file. My question is: Is there any way to replicate opendss-g project to glm to use in gridlab-d. Or, is there a solution to use opendss-g project for simulation in gridlab-d?

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you Davis. That worked well!

  • Barsha Upadhyaya Barsha Upadhyaya posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I have just been learning OpenDSS-G. I am creating buses and lines so far, but at times I have to delete a specific line. I am not being able to find how the lines can be deleted. I have been deleting the buses to get rid of the lines, but now, the structure is getting complex and deleting a bus would delete a lot of lines. I was not able to locate the solution for this in the manual. Question 2 : when we create a line connecting two buses and have to add recloser/circuitbreaker, does adding...