Activity for Brannon reed

  • Brannon reed Brannon reed posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Robert, Wouldn't I need to be connected to the app to be able to set this? The error Im getting is upon connecting.

  • Brannon reed Brannon reed posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Robert, What page talks about the post config for setting stepsize?

  • Brannon reed Brannon reed posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Robert! I sent you an email about test code for another issue and talked about this in it, but figured this might be better place to bring it up and with some more info. I ordered some Nano's and they are the newer USB C version. I created a stripboard with the Nano and a DRV8825. It was working fine and then all the sudden when trying to connect I get an error on the GUI of " Error invalid data", the log is showing it to be a associated with Case 25 Get StepSize. I thought that maybe my controller...

  • Brannon reed Brannon reed posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I ended up figuring it out! One issue was my Nano wasn't taking new code even though IDE was showing successful for some reason. The second issue is on myrotator_config.h line 24-25 I believe Since Im using a DRV8825 driver and stripboard I had uncommented line 25, but unable to connect with that to the GUI. I tried to use line 22 "DRV8825 driver with a NEMA stepper motor" and no more errors. I was reading it as line 22 is for when you are using a PCB and line 25 is for when you are using a stri...

  • Brannon reed Brannon reed posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Was having issues selecting #define DRVBRD_DRV8825_STRIPBRD 2 from the myrotator_config.h. Kept getting the error: #error "No driver board defined. You must define EITHER DRV8825 or ULN2003 or L298N in myrotator_config.h" ^~~~~ exit status 1 Compilation error: #error "No driver board defined. You must define EITHER DRV8825 or ULN2003 or L298N in myrotator_config.h" Noticed that the firmware file only had DRVBRD_DRV8825 defined and not DRVBRD_DRV8825_STRIPBRD. I made the change to the firmware file...