Activity for Awais

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Recently, I found this video on YouTube showing GCBasic code simulation on SimulIDE. SimulIDE homepage link is SimulIDE YouTube channel link is Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Recently, I found this video on YouTube showing GCBasic code simulation on SimulIDE. SimulIDE homepage link is Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Glad to know that you found a way to solve the problem. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Just tested now with PIC16F1825 and results are ok. I am attaching the photos and screenshot. I used USB-to-TTL converter from Aliexpress with Silicon Labs CP2102 IC and there is no inversion. Just used voltage divider on PIC TX pin 6, 1k-1.5k to interface with 3.3V level of USB converter. The chip on RHS is PIC16F1825 and on LHS is PIC16F1827. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. It's lot easier in GCBasic and it reminds me when I started programming in BASIC in 1988 with CASIO FX-802P with very limited program memory. Right now I am missing floating point calculation in GCBasic. Regards,

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yeah, it's much better. I am also using SynWrite. See my last post. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The test results clearly shows that I2C method is consuming more resources as compare to 4-Wire method. Using 4-Wire method: 16:23:46 G+Stool started with parameter 'hex' -> processing D:\GCstudio\G+Stools\makeHEX.bat Source-File = D:\Awais_PIC\4Wire_Display\lcdcursor_4wire_test_16f1827.gcb Target-File = D:\Awais_PIC\4Wire_Display\lcdcursor_4wire_test_16f1827.hex Compiler Version: 1.01.00 2023-11-15 (Windows 32 bit) : Build 1300 ** Program Memory: 784/4096 words (19.14%) RAM: **28/384 bytes (3.91%)...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I followed your instructions and here is the result. 16:13:40 G+Stool started with parameter 'hex' -> processing D:\GCstudio\G+Stools\makeHEX.bat Source-File = D:\Awais_PIC\4Wire_Display\lcdcursor_4wire_test_16f1827.gcb WARNINGs / ERRORs reported by Great Cow BASIC (if Syntax Error, doubleclick on the errormessage below) <<< Error: LCD Parameters not setup correctly - please correct the LCD setup. Missing #define LCD_BACKLIGHT port.x constant, or, remove call(s) to LCDBacklight(). Duration: 38.1...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Got it. Thanks. In my opinion it will be good to improve the error message. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Evan, When I put remarks as follows, the code compiled without any error. Wait 2 SEC 'LCDCURSOR LCDOFF 'LCDBacklight OFF WAIT 5 s 'LCDBacklight ON 15:37:23 G+Stool started with parameter 'hex' -> processing D:\GCB09901\G+Stools\makeHEX.bat Source-File = D:\Awais_PIC\4Wire_Display\lcdcursor_4wire_test_16f1827.gcb Target-File = D:\Awais_PIC\4Wire_Display\lcdcursor_4wire_test_16f1827.hex Compiler Version: 0.99.01 2022-01-27 (Windows 32 bit) : Build 1073 Program Memory: 781/4096 words (19.07%) RAM:...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I tried to compile (lcdcursor_4wire_test_16f1827) to compare memory usage with using I2C method (lcdcursor_ic2_adapter_test_hardwarei2c_16f1827)but getting following error with 4wire method. 13:34:32 G+Stool started with parameter 'hex' -> processing D:\GCstudio\G+Stools\makeHEX.bat Source-File = D:\Awais_PIC\4Wire_Display\lcdcursor_4wire_test_16f1827.gcb WARNINGs / ERRORs reported by Great Cow BASIC (if Syntax Error, doubleclick on the errormessage below) <<< Error: LCD Parameters not setup...

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, Evan. I will test and reply. Just to mention that "MSEG" is the part of replied string from SIM800L and there are three CR and LF in the string. "MSEG" part is between second and third CR and LF. I am planning to use your ring buffer code to receive serial data from the module and save it in a string array, count received number of bytes which will be 57 then process the string array. I did not understand this part "as string * 16". Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, Evan. I will test and reply. Just to mention that "MSEG" is the part of replied string from SIM800L and there are three CR and LF in the string. "MSEG" part is between second and third CR and LF. I am planning to use your ring buffer code to receive serial data from the module and save it in a string array, count received number of bytes which will be 57 then process the string array. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am integrating SIM800L module with PIC16F1827 using serial port. I want to extract sender phone number and message from the received SMS using non blocking code but getting no idea how to do it. After receiving SMS of appropriate command, PIC will send back the data to the sender, e.g. a count value. The serial data format received from SIM800L module is as follows. +CMT: "+123456789012","","23/10/15,14:51:31+20" MSEG (HEX format with printable characters) 0D 0A +2B C43 M4D T54 :3A 20 "22 +2B...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Rich, Any success? Second, I would like to share a really good Android Oscilloscope. If you can DIY (HS-40X) or buy a ready made (HS502/512). Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Rick, have you checked the following? Loop back testing (put jumper wire b/w pin 2 and 3) of your USB-to-Serial converter. Usually I use "Realterm" or Arduino can also be used for simplicity. "Hercules SETUP utility" is also a good software. Check USB-to-Serial converter voltages on pin 2 and 3 with reference to pin 5 (0V). If you can use Oscilloscope then it will be much better. Usually cheap converters do not provide proper voltage levels...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Rick, have you checked the following? Loop back testing (put jumper wire b/w pin 2 and 3) of your USB-to-Serial converter. Usually I use "Realterm" or Arduino can also be used for simplicity. "Hercules SETUP utility" is also a good software. Check USB-to-Serial converter voltages on pin 2 and 3 with reference to pin 5 (0V). If you can use Oscilloscope then it will be much better. Usually cheap converters do not provide proper voltage levels...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I agree with Jerry. Many years back I made this RS-232 converter using DIP package and this IC needs external 5V or 3.3V supply voltage. Pay attention for common "0 Volt". I think there is power indicator led D1 also on the module. Is it ON? Rich, in your posted photo "VCC" pin is not connected. Check Figure-1 in the following link. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you Evan, rest of the GCBasic team and G. C. for your efforts to solve the issue. I will test the code with new timer.h file on PIC16F1827 and will update. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I found the following links and the attached file after a quick search. Hope it will help. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks, GC. I missed that underscore mistake. Regards,

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I will update after testing the code on hardware. Thanks.

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Got it.

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I loaded two programs in PIC16 Simulator IDE to see the value of T1CON. File names are self explanatory.

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi G. C., I will check your code. I tested LED_blink.gcb on hardware PIC and results were good. As per my observation, there is some issue in configuring Timer Control Register. 11:47:30.361 -> T1CON Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 11:47:30.401 -> 11:47:30.401 -> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Bits 4 and 5 should be 1 for prescale value of 1:8. See my below post. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please find attached the test results with PIC16F1827 along with code file. Regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks G. C. for your reply. Now there are two issues. First, if I write as follows #chip 16f1827, 16 #option explicit then the code does not compile and gives the following error. Error: Variable FOSC was not explicitly declared Second, without option explicit, it compiles successfully and I am getting frequency of around 40Hz at LED pins. But my target is to get 100msec interrupt at 16MHz internal oscillator. I configured Timer1 control register at bit level using the following link and got the...

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks G. C. for your reply. Now there are two issues. 1. If I write as follows #chip 16f1827, 16 #option explicit then the code does not compile and gives the following error. Error: Variable FOSC was not explicitly declared Without option explicit, it compiles successfully and I am getting frequency of around 40Hz at LED pins. But my target is to get 100msec interrupt at 16MHz internal oscillator. I configured Timer1 control register at bit level using the following link and got the results with...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks G. C. for your reply. Now there are two issues. 1. If I write as follows #chip 16f1827, 16 #option explicit then the code does not compile and gives the following error. Error: Variable FOSC was not explicitly declared Without option explicit, it compiles successfully and I am getting frequency of around 40Hz at LED pins. But my target is to get 100msec interrupt at 16MHz internal oscillator. I configured Timer1 control register at bit level using the following link and got the results with...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I checked the registers values. Thanks to William Roth for his code to Display Registers on a Terminal. Below is the serial output. 11:47:28.321 -> ------------------------------------------------------------ 11:47:28.361 -> OSCCON Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 11:47:28.441 -> 11:47:28.441 -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 11:47:28.521 -> ------------------------------------------------------------ 11:47:28.601 -> 11:47:28.601 -> 11:47:28.601...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Evan, Can you add library to interface Pressure Sensor Module using HX710B? Some references are below. Thanks and regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Evan, I am programming PIC16F1827 in which Timer1 is used to generate a delay of 100 msec. Code file is attached. First problem is that as per timer reload value of 15536 for 100msec, interrupt is generated at 25msec which I verified also from an oscilloscope at pin A2 whereas the following timer code in mplab generates 100msec interrupt which I verified. void TMR1_Initialize(void) { //Set the Timer to the options selected in the GUI //T1GSS T1G_pin; TMR1GE disabled; T1GTM disabled; T1GPOL low;...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Good luck!

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Anobium, Sorry for replying late. I was busy with the job and thanks for the guidance. I don't think that I am so good in programming to accept this challenge. I found the following page from Nick on the same topic. Hope it will also help to someone who is ready for this challenge. With kind regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Recently, I found the following module to make job easy for GLCD. Is there any example available with GCB to use it with GLCD? With kind regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That is not way I would do it. As I am not guess. GLCD_OLED_FONT = 1 this reads the tables called OLEDFont1Index and OLEDFont1Data. Replacing this is one way. | | I am still trying to grab this method. Hope to get success. Regards,

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am still trying to grab this method. Hope to get success. Regards,

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I did the following changes. dim xposition_degreesymbol as Byte | | | case 0: rh = rh / 10 cels = cels / 10 fahr = fahr / 10 myString = "" if cels < 10 then ;left pad with zero myString = "0" end if myString = myString + str(cels) + " C " 'xposition = (length_of_mystring - 3) * 5 + 8 + 3 xposition_degreesymbol = Len(myString) xposition_degreesymbol = xposition_degreesymbol - 3 xposition_degreesymbol = xposition_degreesymbol * 5 xposition_degreesymbol = xposition_degreesymbol + 11 'myString = str(cels)...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I didn't search the entire forum. Just found this utility "8x8 Pixel ROM Font Editor".

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You are welcome. Now, I want to put degree "°" sign with C or F as per preference, e.g. 25°C 75%. Will anyone come with the solution? Check also Sometimes cheaper than ebay and "Buyer Protection"

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks. I will check.

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Once again, thank you for your prompt consideration. One question, how can I edit the fonts or you can say alter the alphabets?

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for your comments. Here is the code. Please add this to demo codes in next release of GCB. '''A demonstration program for Great Cow Basic. '''-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''This program shows Time, Date, Temperature and Humidity on MAX7219 Dot Matrix Display using Arduino Nano, DS3231 and DHT22. '''Credit goes to Great Cow Basic Team '''@author Owais Najam '''@licence GPL '''@version 1.0 '''@date...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Demo video using GCB, Arduino Nano, Dot Matrix Display with MAX7219, DS3231 and DHT22

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, the message should scroll from right to left but I am surprised that why it is from left to right in my hardware (right one is the first module which is connected to Arduino). I tested Parola library for Arduino and its ok but there are issues of consistency. But with GCB its good. The system is running fine. Now, the orientation and scrolling direction have to be controlled. I will try to understand the routines to tune it for the requirements. Please update here if you come up with the solution....

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You are right. That is one solution but there are other concerns due to which I cannot rotate it.

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you. Now, text is scrolling correctly. But in my hardware design the text should be upside down. So, the command should be something similar to define Pset max7219_LEDMatrix_PSet_270 and the first module connected to Nano is the first from right hand side. So, text scrolling should be from right to left. YouTube video link is here

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you. Now, text is scrolling correctly. But in my hardware design it should be upside down and the first module connected to Nano is the first from right hand side. YouTube video link is here

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you. Now, text is scrolling correctly. But in my hardware design it should be upside down and the first module connected to Nano is the first from right hand side. I will provide the video link after uploading.

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am trying to use Generic MAX7219 8x8 Dot Matrix module with GCB and Arduino Nano 328P. After using the example file, the following are the observations. Display is 90 degree rotated with reference to IC. The message starts on the farthest module from Arduino Nano. YouTube video link is here Any solution to this issue or any guidance how to change the library files to adopt this module? Thanks and regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am trying to use Generic MAX7219 8x8 Dot Matrix module with GCB and Arduino Nano 328P. After using the example file, the following are the observations. Display is 90 degree rotated with reference to IC. The message starts on the farthest module from Arduino Nano. YouTube video link is here Any solution to this issue or any guidance how to change the library files to adopt this module? Thanks and regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am trying to use Generic MAX7219 8x8 Dot Matrix module with GCB and Arduino Nano 328P. After using the example file, the following are the observations. I will try to post the video on youtube. 1. Display is 90 degree rotated with reference to IC. 2. The message starts on the farthest module from Arduino Nano. Any solution to this issue or any guidance how to change the library files to adopt this module? Thanks and regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am trying to use Generic MAX7219 8x8 Dot Matrix module with GCB and Arduino Nano 328P. After using the example file, the following are the observations. I will try to post the video on youtube. 1. Display is 90 degree rotated with reference to IC. 2. The message starts on the farthest module from Arduino Nano. Anyone solution to this issue or any guidance how to change the library files to adopt this module? Thanks and regards, Awais

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    PORTB.0 = PORTB.0 xor PORTB.0 is giving error. Can you please have a look?

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Anobium for pointing out the .RB replacement. I tried but got same result with error. Original code is different but I want to toggle the output bit, so I used XOR. When the code is PORTB.0 = NOT PORTB.0 hex file generated successfully. 10.1 Sec. Compiler Version: 0.98.01 2017-10-27 Program Memory: 254/4096 words (6.2%) RAM: 16/384 bytes (4.17%) Chip: 16F1827 I found the same issue in this post.

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, This is Awais. First of all congratulation to all the contributing members who shared their efforts in terms of GCBasic. I found mtouch example using mikroc, CCS and Proton Basic on the following link. I tried to ported the code to GCBasic but getting the following error. Anyone like to help. makeHEX.bat Great Cow Basic Pre-processing (v0.98.01) Great Cow BASIC (0.98.01 2017-10-27) Compiling ... Done Assembling...

  • Awais Awais modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, This is Awais. First of all congratulation to all the contributing members who shared their efforts in terms of GCBasic. I found mtouch example using mikroc, CCS and Proton Basic on the following link. I tried to ported the code to GCBasic but getting the following error. Anyone like to help. makeHEX.bat Great Cow Basic Pre-processing (v0.98.01) Great Cow BASIC (0.98.01 2017-10-27) Compiling ... Done Assembling...

  • Awais Awais posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, This is Awais. First of all congratulation to all the contributing members who shared their efforts in terms of GCBasic. I found mtouch example using mikroc, CCS and Proton Basic on the following link. I tried to ported the code to GCBasic but getting the following error. Anyone like to help. makeHEX.bat Great Cow Basic Pre-processing (v0.98.01) Great Cow BASIC (0.98.01 2017-10-27) Compiling ... Done Assembling...