User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #5285 on Webmin

    Can confirm. 1.930, set to Default, xy has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format in save_user.cgi : if ($variant eq "mysql" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "8") >= 0 || $variant eq "mariadb" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "10.2") >= 0) { &execute_sql_logged($master_db, "set password for '".$user."'\@'".$host."' = ". "'$esc'"); } the if evaluates to true and sets the password as plaintext. (mariadb 10.3.18)

  • Posted a comment on ticket #4729 on Webmin

    somehow a nested call to "open_lock_tempfile" is broken, either generally or local, I'm not a perl expert. fixed sniplet in sub parse_ssl_key_form { . . . . my ($kfh, $cfh); &open_lock_tempfile($kfh, ">$keyfile"); &print_tempfile($kfh, $keyout); if (!$certfile) { # Both go in the same file &print_tempfile($kfh, $certout); &close_tempfile($kfh); } else { # Separate files &close_tempfile($kfh); &open_lock_tempfile($cfh, ">$certfile"); &print_tempfile($cfh, $certout); &close_tempfile($cfh);...

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2018-09-22 12:49:48


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