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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Dear All, Actually I see the autogenerated class for starting tomcat server and deploying the project programmatically to be very handy. The only issue I have is when I need to run and deploy another openxava project, this will start another instance of tomcat server and use a different port which is not what I really want. Is there another class for shuting down the server programmatically? This might resolve the matter if available. Thanks Ahmed

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi Javier, I have one related question if you allow me. As openXava supports both hibernate and JPA, I am using mostly JPA APIs. There is an annotation @Cacheable, does it provide the same behaviour if used to annotate the entity like that : @Entity @Cacheable public class Rule { ... } Thank you and best regards, Ahmed

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Dear All, I am wondering if openxava has got a support for cahing queries. I have the following scenario: I would like to calculate a discount for each product and each product has a specific set of rules for calculating the discount. For every product I save some rules in table rules. As the bill may contain a large number of products, I don't want to query the rules table by product id for every product specially that the rules are pretty much fixed . Is there a way to cache these queries and minimize...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Dear All, I am trying to use the import data feature to upload records from an excel file then use Person's @PostPersist method to save a forign entity. Briefly, I want to upload records for a Person entity (id, name, address, job, etc) then in @PostPersist method I need to process the address line and persist a new Address entity with Person id as a foreign key. The problem is that the person's record doesn't seem to be persisted in the database when I try to save the Address entity and the application...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Dear Javier, Thanks a lot.. That's really helpful. I have a problem with selecting...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Dear All, Thank you for this great open source UI framework. I am not expert with...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi, Yes, that's possible override the entry "no_delete_row" with your custom message...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Dear Javier, Thank you for your reply. Happy new year, wish you all happy and successful...

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2015-12-21 20:00:27


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