Activity for Andrew Wall

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok had a look at the code a little closer, it seems the EL panel PWM is adjusted via pin 3, the same as the Alnitak code. So my assumption would be that the Darklight Controller along with a MOS driver, the controller should be able to operate it. I will be testing this thory this week. If so this will make this project so much easier for me to use. :)

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    HI Nathan and all, I recently got my Dust cover Flap device working again and wondered if it was possible to control LED lights via PWM instead of an EL panel? I use an external flat panel currently using modified arduino code for Alnitak LED driver. It uses an Arduino nano, a MOS circuit. A IRF520 MOSFET Driver Module (HCMODU0083) and a light panel, controlled via pin 3. I would like to control via the Darklight driver as it has the option for both opening a shutter and controlling the light. Currently...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks Robert, much appreciated.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi all, Is it possible to use an existing Mysqm+ board as a Daughter board if I am only connecting a BME280 to the board? I couldn't find any reference to it in the PDF. Andrew/

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi all, I noticed on my scope that the autofocus routine kept on failing. Being a remotely operated telescope I had to drive out to diagnose the fault. On inspection of the focuser motor it seemed the stepper motor was stalling (we all know that grinding sound) The output of the gearbox wasn't moving. I took the stepper motor home with me since I didn't have the right tools at the observatory. On inspection of the gearbox (removed from the stepper motor) I found that it was inconsistently jamming,...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the reply Nathan, appreciate it. It looks to me I was sent the wrong servo since it will only move 180deg. I am looking into reprogramming the digital servo to see if it is possible to make it do what I want. Not liking my chances but worth a shot. I am actually putting 2 servos side by side so I have two holding the dustcap, but only 1 of them will move the other has a gear removed to act as a dummy servo. Need the extra support for the 8" scope and possibly larger in the future. I will...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I managed to get everything working but the servo will only move a maximum of 180deg. I need it to move 270 deg. When I purchased the DS3218MG servo, I had ordered the 270deg version as I need the flap to rotate to rest against the side of the telescope. When inputting different numerical values from 0 to 270 the motor still only moves to a maximum of 180deg. //adjustable variables unsigned int openPos = 0; //speed servo opens at unsigned int closePos = 270; //speed servo closes at Default...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Just an update, I was able to get the RC ESC to work with the Arduino Nano and the Darklight software. I had installed the sketch earlier but things got in the way and was unable to test. I managed to get it hooked up using the power from the ESC that usually goes to the throttle control on the aircraft, I chopped off the motor wires and ran the power to the nano and servo via a Y lead. The single Signal wire from pin 9 sent to the servo directly. I was able to move the servo 90deg open and closing,...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi all, Since I have a spare BEC/ESC that I used on my radio control aircraft that supplies power to the receiver and servos, do you think it would be possible to use this instead of the 780X and associated circuitry and just supply the Servo with the voltage through the BEC but supply the Signal via the Arduino and a 10K resistor? What is the Zener diode used for between VIN and GND on the Arduino? Looks a good project, I am going to build the one without the EL panel as I already have a panel I...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I note that I was using ASCOM driver 270, I have installed v276 to give that a try. Still using the original Firmware that came with the controller.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, and all. Has this issue been resolved? I noticed that it is over a year old now but no mention of the MyFocuserPro2 working in Voyager. The reason I ask is because I am now using Voyager to control my Observatory and Image acquisition but cannot use my MyfocuserPro2-M (The one you built for me Robert). The focuser works fine through the windows application, which is Version, but I cannot use it with the Ascom driver through Voyager. I will also be sending info to the Voyager Team,...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Will do, thanks Robert.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert and all, I am just in the planning stages of getting this build together. I purchased the PCB'd from JLCPCB which look fantastic, a real credit to Robert and JLCPCB for making a nice looking board, very professional. I am yet to read through all the PDF documentation, too many other life things going on at the moment so getting time to sit and read is a luxury. Slowly getting through it though. I still have to buy all the other stuff yet. I added a pic of the PCB's to show you how well...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks mate, I will attempt it this weekend,

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, I have had my telescope in mothballs for a few months now since I am building a new observatory under darker skies and I also lost all my files on my laptop, due to a HDD crash. I am wondering what software and firmware I would need to get my focuser up and running again. I believe there have been a few updates. Andrew.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I will let you know, if I can schedule the time.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It's a shame it isn't cost effective for you. The myfocuserpro2M works straight out of the box and works really well. I am very happy with mine, although I am yet to try it out under the stars. Great work.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, I have sent you an email.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Bob, Another great little project. I am thinking of ordering the myFP2M ready built controller, and wondered if it would run the NEMA17-PG27? I already have one with the coupler for my Moonlite focuser, so I wouldn't need one, but just wanted to know if it would work, going by the documentation I understand it would? Also what would the shipping costs to Australia be? Post code 5000. Thanks again for your continual updates.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Is there a text file or document, describing what changes were made in the User Manual? I printed off the v297 version of MFP2 and a few days ago, I got a message saying that the file had been updated to v298. Since the manual is 111pages long, so I don't have to reprint he whole document again, I was hoping that there is a change log of sorts, so I can just reprint the part of the manual that was changed. Is anything like this available? Andrew.

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, The issues I meant were, current draw using the NEMA17 motor, I think you clarified that pretty well in your response though. I did have the EasyDriver circuit working before with a Arduino Uno clone. That was being used as a focus driver too, but using SGL Focuser code. It was a little clunky and I never really got good results from it, maybe since I wasn't using a geared stepper motor either, it was direct drive and I didn't tune the current either, if memory serves me right. this time,...

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am collecting the bits together to build the My Focuser Pro 2 basic build first, I was wondering if there has been any issues running the two together, in regards to current draw etc.. I have the Easy Driver board already and have just purchased the Arduino Nano to go with it. I have the Stepper Motor on the way, but if there are issues that may have popped up and I haven't seen in any documetation, then I will most likely go with the DRV8825 board. In the future I plan to gather the parts...