Activity for Armineus

  • Armineus Armineus modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Could you tell me please how you have compiled ffmpeg? Have you defined enable-gpl or enable-nonfree? Thanks for your answer

  • Armineus Armineus modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I have reused your version of the libraries ffmpeg in a project. Could you tell me please how you have compiled ffmpeg? Have you defined enable-gpl or enable-nonfree? Thanks for your answer

  • Armineus Armineus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I have reused your version of the libraries ffmpeg and live555 in a project. Now it turns out this project might go commercial. Could you tell me please how you have compiled ffmpeg? Have you defined enable-gpl or enable-nonfree? Thanks for your answer