
Tree [23c464] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 build-utils 2011-12-19 bp-sawyers bp-sawyers [54e6c0] Modify build scripts to have a non-verbose mode...
 java-xCAT 2009-02-02 trevharmon trevharmon [4a9653] added xCAT client Java API (both src and binary...
 perl-xCAT 2014-01-09 lissav lissav [23c464] update description
 src 2013-12-10 daniceexi daniceexi [663a0b] Mutiple winpes support. nodeset ( wi...
 xCAT 2014-01-07 daniceexi daniceexi [698338] make confignics postscript to accept the site.s...
 xCAT-IBMhpc 2013-01-25 wanghuaz wanghuaz [94790e] Fixing bug 3257: Updated PE exlist for PE1200/1...
 xCAT-OpenStack 2013-12-26 jjhua jjhua [921d25] if there are two roles for one chef-client, the...
 xCAT-UI 2012-12-11 phamt phamt [db9d04] Fixed clone error because of missing plugin.
 xCAT-buildkit 2013-12-27 wanghuaz wanghuaz [85d980] fixng bug 3945: give an example of how to write...
 xCAT-client 2014-01-08 lissav lissav [835ab6] simplify messages for odbcsetup call
 xCAT-genesis-builder unknown
 xCAT-genesis-scripts 2013-12-19 linggao linggao [2f17a1] added capacity table to store cpu, memory and d...
 xCAT-nbroot 2011-12-19 bp-sawyers bp-sawyers [54e6c0] Modify build scripts to have a non-verbose mode...
 xCAT-nbroot2 2013-04-23 daniceexi daniceexi [fbb518] defect 3516: fixed the typo to handle the getne...
 xCAT-rmc 2012-07-19 immarvin immarvin [c454f5] download rmcmon resource and scripts with http ...
 xCAT-server 2014-01-08 Jarrod Johnson Jarrod Johnson [3b1d44] Fix detection of debian for some ubuntu install...
 xCAT-test 2014-01-02 baiyuan baiyuan [0723ce] update cases0 for buildkit
 xCATsn 2013-11-26 Bruce Potter Bruce Potter [e4b2e4] xCATsn rpm incorrectly required nbroot rpms - b...
 README 2011-02-24 nott nott [b0ce55] update README
 Version 2013-05-17 lissav lissav [e98678] update version number
 build-ubunturepo 2013-12-19 yinle yinle [412f3b] Modify the bug that causes error 2013-11-26 Bruce Potter Bruce Potter [e4b2e4] xCATsn rpm incorrectly required nbroot rpms - b... 2013-11-27 Bruce Potter Bruce Potter [f02239] change instoss in to upgrade all ne...
 comps.xml 2013-11-27 Bruce Potter Bruce Potter [5570ab] removed the nbroot rpms from the yum group file
 makegenesisbuilderrpm 2011-09-09 jbjohnso jbjohnso [3345d3] Package xCAT-genesis
 makerpm 2013-12-17 daniceexi daniceexi [085198] Make xCAT rpm to install all files in /install/...

Read Me

xCAT - eXtreme Cloud Administration Toolkit

xCAT is a toolkit for the deployment and administration of clusters.

xCAT documentation is available at:

xCAT is made available as open source software under the EPL license: